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Everything posted by Negrosex

  1. Wierd, i never had any problems with this before
  2. i haven't been able to post on this forum for a while since i haven't had acces to internet. But im back now, and >here< is a track that i made. I hope you like it .
  3. Yes it is good enough.
  4. That happens on my ESQ1 if i use the same note twice in a row if the first note doesn't end before the second note starts. It's physsically impossible to play that way (pressing the key down twice without releasing it in between) so i guess thats why it doesn't like when i program it that way in my sequencer. But those newer synthmodels that you mention are probably not as quirky as the ESQ1.
  5. It's nice to see that so many people agree with me on this issue. I think that all this hype around compressors and equalizers can be destructive for the beginning producers. If someone is just starting to make music and reads on forums like this that it's all about compression and eq they will probably get a pretty distorted view of how music production works. I can just imagine a young producer sitting in front of his computer scratching his head. "How do i eq this to make it sound good?" "This bassline sounds like crap, it probably needs more compression"... If something sounds bad or doesn't fit in the mix then just discard it, or save it and use it for another song. Don't sit for hours with a compressor or eq and try to make a crappy sound seem less crappy. The great thing about electronic music is that you can make a new sound in a few minutes. And don't take these music pruduction forums too seriously, you don't have to compress every single channel just becauce some guy says so on an internet forum. Even if your favourite artist does it. There are no rules, just trust your ears and make great music.
  6. I have noticed that a lot of people talk about compression and equalizing and how important it is to compress and equalize everything all the time to get a deasent sound. Well i don't agree. So i decided to make a track completely without compressors and equalizers (not for mixing, not for soundshaping, none of these sounds have gone through a compressor or eq). I also decided not to use any premade samples (since you can't be sure if they have been processed by eqs or compressor), including samples from romplers and drum machines. So what we have here is a track with no eq, no compressor, no samples and since we shouldn't mix on headphones i did that too. Most of the sounds are made on a nordrack1, i also use a Yamaha TG77 and a Ensoniq ESQ1. (i only used the fm-part of the TG77 and i only used basic waveformes on the ESQ1) and the kick is made in soundforge. It's not mastered, 100% free from compression and eq. > Download here < So what do you think? Im not trying to say that we shouldn't use compressors and equalizers, but i don't think every sound has to be compressed and equalized to hell and back like most people producing pstyrance seem to think.
  7. Maby i should give a bit more detailed description on how those sounds where made. For >this< sound i used a Nordlead. Both saws are identical but the output of the source sound is turned all the way down to 0. In the beginning of the file im not touching the pitch at all. When i start playing arround with the pitch knob i get that osc sync sound we all love. >This< sound uses osc sync too, but this time i use distortion. It's a synced sine wave. At first you hear it without distortion. When distortion is added it becomes a whole different sound. If your aming for this type of sound i would advise you to have the distortion turned on while making the sound. >This< sound is a whole other kind of syntesis. I used a Yamaha TG77 (wich is a FM synth). I use a pretty simple algorithm for this sound. It uses 3 operators: one carrier and two modulators. The modulators are stacked on top of eachother like this: Carrier-Modulator1-Modulator2. Modulator2 is fed back into the carrier. The carrier is fixed at 1000Hz, both modulators use ratio 1.00. First i use only the carrier, as you can hear since it's fixed at 1000Hz it doesn't respond to the different pitches but when i turn on the modulators it gets more exighting. And by changing the level of the modulators the sound changes it's character. Hope this helps.
  8. Or maby its just a distorted 303? They are used alot in goa. ->Here<- is one i made with rebirth.
  9. Does it sound like any of ->these<- sounds? The first is a distorted saw wave, the sweep is a osc sync not a filtersweep. The second is 3 operators of FM synthesis and the sweep is made by changing the velocity of the second modulator wich is fed back into the operator. The third is just two osc synced saw waves, sweeping the pitch of the synced saw. Sorry that the sounds aren't that good, i made them in a hurry.
  10. Im not really sure wich sound youre after but with a distorted filtersweep (as with any distorted sound) most of the sound's character depend's on the type of distortion used. Try experimenting with a simple saw wave through different types of distortion. Try guitar distortion pedals or multifx or download some distortion plugins. When you find a good distortion you can start messing around with your synths through it until you get a nice sound.
  11. Nope, i feel no hate towards fat people.
  12. Rarely. Most psytrance songs have the same mood if you know what i mean? Well i haven't been in that mood for a while.
  13. I don't get it. That guy has made a top ten list of his favourite songs this year and people answer by praising him and saying stuff like keep up the good work and so on. And every post looks like it has been run through that 12 year old aoler translator. Those people seem a little bit too entusiastic about that top 10 list. Did he make all those songs himself or what? It's like: Look! These are my favourite songs this year... OMG OMG!!! WTF!! GREAT LIST!!!! YOU RULE! THIS IS THE BEST TOP10 EVVVAR!!!!! I cant wait till you release your next top ten! Your toplists always have the greatest songs on them! And naming it "tsunami top 10" is pretty tasteless. What is he trying to acomplish by that? Psynews gets my vote.
  14. Yep, if your mixing with your headphones you need the monitors.
  15. Depends on what speakers you have already. If your speakers are crappy and you feel that you have trouble mixing i think you should go for the monitors. But if you know your speakers well and they aren't total crap i think you should get the synth, it's more fun. But you don't need the synth to make professional productions. Software is good enough these days so a set of great montors would probably be a good choise if sounquality is your main goal. Still i think i would chose the synth if it was my choise, i love to play arround with hardware and i get alot of inspiration just by playing arround with my synths making different sounds and stuff. I don't get that from software. But there's probably people out there that feel exactly the oposite though so i guess it's just a matter of opinion. So in conclusion: Get what you want most and don't forget to try to find a good price too.
  16. I'll try it out! It was many years since i used a tracker program, could be fun.
  17. Ok, maby i should be more specific. Im wondering about the voice part, should i edit it to cut away the breaths betwen the ah's or should i leave it there to make it sound more natural? And does the track sound too empty at times? I have room for a pad or something but im not sure if i want to put one in, maby more of a reverberated noise like in the beginning? What do you think? I want your opinions. And you don't need to comment just on these things, any ideas and feelings about the track will be apreciated.
  18. Hi! I didn't like "worms" i dont think de bass is playing tha base note of those melodies. it doesnt feel right. And i dont like the sound of the kick. I liked the other two songs much more, some very nice melodies. Didn't like the kick of reverse dream sequence. It kicks me to much in the chest, i like to be kicked more in the groin and stomach! Otherwise it's areally good song. Nice!
  19. I like the track, but i think you have to many stereo effects on your sounds for my taste, there are some parts where i don't think you have anything panned in the center (except for the kick) and that gets annoying to me. But i like your melodies and i think if you work on the mixing it will be a good track.
  20. So, here's a track that im working on. Im looking for some opinions so please have a listen and tell me what you think. Tripmotor - Mantis Mentis
  21. KLF I cant find them on your list though.
  22. I understand. I guess i went wrong from the beginning. The bass is too dominating, and most of the other sounds are kind of backround sounds that doesn't work up front so i have to make some new patches to make it more interresting. I will put this track away for a while and concentrate more on some of my better tracks. Maby i´ll finish it later when i have some fresh ideas.
  23. Hmm, maby it is too long. But there is stuff going on in the background. Probably to much in the background. I think i will try to bring more sounds up front. Actually it started out as a 8 min track and then i added the wierd ending. I will make some adjustments and post it again. Thanks for the replys!
  24. This is a track that im working on, i posted it on sonic blend but i didn't get any replies. Hopefully i will have more luck here. It's almost finished, just needs some minor adjustments. Tripmotor - Phencyclist v02 What do you think ? Is it good?
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