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Everything posted by Negrosex

  1. Or duplicate each track on your own synths.
  2. This is a song im working on: http://negrosex.psychedelicdisorder.info/T...clist%20v02.mp3 I think it's pretty hard.
  3. I have never had this problem so im not sure but maby you have set the local switch to internal. It won't send midi if you have. Set local Tx to both on all channels. Or maby it has something to do with cubase, in that case i have no idea since i haven't used a computer for midi since the Atari 520. I think djnemo might know more about this. If i remember correctly he has both a mc505 and some experience with cubase. Good luck, and sorry for not being of more help.
  4. What kind of problem do you have?
  5. Nice sound, very relaxing. Finish the track! I have just recently started finishing up my tracks. I have hundreds of old unfinished tracks, and it's good to have a finished product. Definetly recommended.
  6. Yeah, tell me about it. I have one that i used as my main keyboard untill it started sending crazy midi messages whenever i pushed i key. Now i have no working midi keyboard. But i still use it for alot of sounds and stuff, it sounds great and is definetly worth the 150$ i payed for it.
  7. Some old used analog. Many of them are cheaper and sounds better than all of the above. Since their old and used there might be problems with durability though.
  8. Or stop being cheap and buy a 303
  9. I haven't heard much of the artists you are reffering to but here goes anyway. The kick is usuaky just a sinewave with a pitch envelope. Use any program that can modulate the pitch of a sound, for example soundforge. In sounforge you can make a sinewave by using the synthesis function. Then you use the pitch shift effect to bend the sinewave from very high pitch to very low, Experiment with this and you will eventually come up with a nice bassdrum. To make a bass sound you will need some kind of a synth, most softsynths will work. The trick here is to use the filters to modulate the sound (not the amplifier). Start with a simple saw wave. Then turn the low pass filter all the way down until you cant hear the sound anymore. Now start experimenting with the filter envelope settings. Try using a fast attack and a low sustain value, then experiment with tne decay speed until you get a nice and punchy bass. Then you can add more oscillators, try pitching one of the oscillators one octave lower than the other. Good luck!
  10. If an artist has a very stong feeling or have been through some kind of experience, then it will inspire and affect the ideas they come up with. At least that's how it works for me. But it will not translate into a whole song in my head, maby just some sounds and ideas. Then as i go along more and more ideas will come, they will be affected by the music itself but also offcource by the feelings, memories and all that's in your head. And if someone would come up with a whole song in their head. How do you figure they would do it? Would the song just suddenly be there complete from start to finish? Or would it sort of play in their head, like a record you have never heard before? I think if someone would come up with an entire song in their head they would build it piece by pice, start with a few sounds and than build more and more arround it. It just seems like the most natural way to work.
  11. Well, nothing has changed really. This is how people have always made music. Im pretty sure most classical composers dont have everything in their head before they write it down. Being able to write a song without listening to it and having an entire song in your head are two completly different things. I think this is how a classical composer will write a piece if all they had was a pen and a piece of paper: 1. Write the main melody (that they might or might not have in their head beforehand) using the scales and progressions they have learned on their music theory classes. Creating and releasing tension as they go along (this is what a melody is about). 2. Making some harmonies for another instrument, using strict rules on wich notes can play at the same time. This is like a pussle, you are suposed to make another melody that fits with the first one and preferably creats and releases tension in the same places as the first one. 3. Repeat step 2 until you have made an unforgettable piece of music. A masterpiece ! 4. Ad some percussion, huge drums on the spots where tension is released. 5. Youre done.
  12. I don't have this problem, and i don't think most musicians do. After making music for many years you will know how your melody looks in the sequencer or how to play it on a piano without fiddling arround much. And if it's a certain sound your after it wouldn't be that hard to create it on your synths, sometimes it takes time to get it to sound exactly like you want but if you know your stuff you will get it it right eventually.
  13. Interresting, let me tell you how i (and probably many other producers) work. I've been working on a song for some days now. I started with the bass, i had made a nice bass sound the day before that i wanted to try out. I didn't jam arround with it much since it uses layers from two dfferent synths which i cant play at the same time without programming it all in to my sequencer (becauce thats how my midi setup is). I made a bass pattern that i thought would fit the sound. I used the notes E and G and a small amount of swing for the groove. Then i listened to it and realised that it would sound better if i threw in a F# betwen E and G and while i was at it i also managed to clam an A in there before the whole thing loops. It sounded good so i added some drums. Then i fiddled arround with the quantisation of the hihat and percussion. I could have just used the exact same swing as on the bass but i wanted to try some other quantisations and i found a slightly different swing that sounded better to me. Since everything sounded nice and warm so far i decided to add some colder metallic sound from another synth, i thougt that it would make a nice contrast. I knew pretty much how i wanted it to sound and after some jamming it sounded pretty good. Now i felt it was time to make some kind of melody, after listening to what i had made so far i had a simple melody in my mind. How did it get there? Well most people that like minimal music i think will have experienced the phenomena that while listening to a track, even though it doesn't have any melodies you can sort of hear a melody in your head. Or maby it's just me correct me if im wrong here. I programmed the melody and it sounded good so now i had the key elements of the track finnished. So i started arranging it and moving things aroud to make a rough layout of how the track would progress. The idea was that it would begin with the bass and drums and add stuff as it goes along to make you adjust to the grove and stuff and at the same time build up for the melody. And thats pretty much how far i have gotten with this track, i have added some more sounds, mostly rythm stuff and such things. And now im working on a sound that im not really shure how it's gonna sound, i know the purpouse of it but i don't really know how to acomplish it. It's supposed to come when the melody part has kicked in and it's going to be on the first beat of every four beats, it's going to kind of draw you deeper and deeper into the music if you know what i mean. The sound that is in my had is a female woice saying something like: come closer... closer... Im not sure if it will be that or some totally different sound but i will find one thet works for me. Then im going mix it and all that, i will put it up on sonicblend when it's finnished so you can hear the result. Thats how i work, sometimes i have different starting points like a melody or something and sometimes i have lots of stuff in there but i can't remember that i ever had an entire song in my head. While im making a song i get more and more ideas and after a while i have kind of a story in my head, you know? Like the progression of the song and where it's going to take you but not exactly how it's going to sound. It's not like im just fiddling arround, i come up with the stuff while working on it, i listen to different parts of my work and ideas pop into my head. That's how creativity works for me, i get inspired by stuff but i don't know exactly how it's going to turn out before it's finnished.
  14. Im not sure if this is what youre after but reverberation gives a kind of depth to the mix. In a real world you will hear more reverberation on sounds that are far away, so try and put more reverb on sounds that are not so loud. And dont put much reverb on louder sound becauce they will be percieved as being closer to the listener, if you put to much reverb on them it will sound unatural. Hope this helps.
  15. Yes, the virus ti seems to be a very good idea. About trying vs reading it all depends on how much you know about synths. If i would have just gone down to the music shop and tried random stuff when i was starting to build a studio god knows what i would have brought home. It would probably not have been the nordlead since it doesn't have any internal effects. Its pretty hard for a synth without effects to compete with even a crappy rompler if it's all drenched in fancy reverbs and delays. Im not saying that Tunel knows nothing about synths. He can be some kind of synth expert for all i know. I wouldn't be giving this kind of advice if i wouldn't trust it myself. And as i said i've heard good things about the ion from people that know what they are talking about that have owned and tried it on good monitors. It's a good thing to try it out and listen too it but i think everyone that is going to buy a new synth should ask arround on synth forums and ask the experts that have owned practically every synth in history.
  16. Im listening to it now. I like this "trance with some house influences" music.
  17. From what i've heard the ION is a great VA and many people think it sounds better than both the virus and the nord so im pretty sure you will like it if you decide to buy it. Some of the older ones had some bugs and had to be sent back to Alesis though so think about that if you buy a used one. It almost seems like the main reason everyone is using Virus and Nordlead is that everyone else does. There are lots of great sounding synths out there and probably alot more value for money in other less popular synths.
  18. Also check out Sennheiser and Grado. I've always been using Sennheisers and im very happy with their sound. And Grado have gotten some great reviews, i've heard good things about them.
  19. Here are some of my favourites: KLF - Last Train to Trancentral LSG - Blueprint LSG - hearts Union Jack - 2 Full Moons And A Trout Humate - Love Stimulation Ramin - Brainticket Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar Transform - Transformation Drum Club - Drums Are Dangerous Drum Club - Sound System Brainchild - Symmetry Cygnus X - The Orange Theme Albums Cosmic Baby - Stellar Supreme Cabaret Voltaire - International Language Orbital - ?(Brown Album) The list could be very much longer, but i have to eat now.
  20. i agree about the KLF. imo much better than shpongle.
  21. I just found an old minidisc containing some old industrial songs that i made before i started making psytrance. I thought i had lost them forever when i lost the cd they where on but apparently i had made a backup to md so im very happy that i found them! They are backing tracks that i was suposed to use when playing live so the don't have any lyrics. I have recorded them into my computer and now i want to record some lyrics and finish them up. The problem is that the soundquality and mixin is not very good. The songs are muddy and the stereo image is not that great (most of the stuff mixed in the middle and there are lots of overlaping frequencies). The levels are ok, the rest of the mixing sucks. What can i do to make the songs sound better? Does anyone on this forum have experience with this kind of stuff? Maby i should add some fresh sounds and make holes in the mix wheri i put those sounds, or should i split the songs up into different frequencies (eqing out high mid and low frequencies), make separate channels for each frequencie and apply different effects to different frequencies? I just dont know where to begin! Does anyone have tips on how to freshen up old songs? Maby some remix artist have done this kind of stuff before? Any help would be greatly apriciated!
  22. It's up to you, both of them can make great sounds for psy trance.
  23. I haven't used the d two but i remember it got good reviews when it was new. Seems like a nice unit.
  24. I listen to the track Disturbing Behaviour and i think it's a good track. I like the style and the sounds fit great together. If i should critisise anything i dont like how the bass and the bassdrum are mixed, i think there are to little bass in them. Maby a sub-oscillator for the bass and some EQing could take care of that? It was good enough for me to want to hear some of more so i listened to the song Restless Calm. I Really like this track and i think the mixing is better too, it doesn't have the same bass problem as Disturbing Behaviour. It has a great atmosphere and some oldschool trance elements that i really like. Great track! I can't find anything to critisise about it. Make more tracks like this one!
  25. I want to change my vote, i don't think chi-ad where on the list when i voted so could everyone please imagine that there are one less vote on AP and one more on chi-ad. Thanks.
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