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Everything posted by Negrosex

  1. Well i like the part's that are still working but for some reason most of my stuff seems to be falling apart.
  2. I like the melody that starts at 01.24 and i think if you are going to remix the song you should let it evolve around that. Maby put in som more layers and stuff. I dont like the sound of the melody that kicks in at 02:20 but that's probably Eskils doing anyway, am i right? Im looking forward to hearing the new version, good luck with the remix!
  3. I started out about ten years ago playing arround with noisetracker on my atari 520. Nothing serious though since i was just a kid back then. But i've been making music since then and i love to play arround with synths and stuff. This is what i currently have in my studio: Recording: Old Pentium2 (233mhz) with a crappy soundcard. Mixer: Souncraft Spirit Folio F1 with busted aux that leaks onto everything. Sequencer/sampler: Akai MPC2000. Synths: Roland MC505, with busted display i use it mainly for drums. Ensoniq ESQ1, great synth! It has started to go wierd though sending crazy midi messages all the time (not good since it's my only keyboard ). Nordrack1, Nice sound! Yamaha TG77, Very powerfull FM synth. I like it alot! FX: Sony DPS-V55M, My main fxbox. Zoom Studio 1204, use it for reverbs sometimes. Behringer Modulizer Pro and Ultrafex Pro, I never use that crap.
  4. I use an Akai MPC2000. It has a very simple sequencer wich i like and it triggers internal samples without any delay so it's 100% tight for drums and wathever i use samples for.
  5. I think you should by some different kinds of synths, not only VAs. You will have more sounds to chose from and i think you will have a more powerful studio that way. Many of the old analogue synths have a great sound, there are many different old synths out there so if you don´t know what to get i suggest you look for used synths and search for reviews. The problem with the old ones is that they have no warranty and they could break soon after you bougt them so some soldering skills would be a good thing to have. If you dont want to go for old used synths i wold suggest you take look at the Dave Smith Evolver or maby the Monomachine by Elektron (im going to buy an evolver when i get the cash). Out of the synths you listed i would have chosen either the virus or the nord, i dont like the sound of the ms2000 but thats a matter of taste i guess. Out of those mics i would have bought the Rode NT1. And for fx, Lexicon are known for their great reverbs so i guess you wouldn´t go wrong with that one but you can get some ok reverbs out of software too so if you are going to use your computer for mixing you might want to concider that.
  6. I guess an open design would be better than a closed design. If you have a pair of closed headphones, try pressing them harder onto your ears and you will notice that the low frequencies becomes much louder, that is not good if you are going to use them for mixing. I use a pair of sennheiser hd590 when im mixing at night and don´t want to bother my neighbours. They sound great but i try to use my monitors as much as possible, i think it´s more difficult to mix with headphones. Always be careful when using headphones, if you play them too loud you´ll damage your ears.
  7. I don´t think so, my guess would be somwhere arround 160 bpm.
  8. I didn´t know that.
  9. Lower bitrate = more frequencies removed It just removes more frequencies. After a while it becomes audible.
  10. "cause all of the sounds are always played and affect the sum wave, and thus are heard." It´s not that easy. Ok, sounds mix with eachother and make overtones and stuff but sometimes you only hear the overtones and most of the time you dont hear all of the overtones. If you for example hear a loud sound at 1khz it will take some time for your ears to adjust and be able to hear a not so loud sound at the same frequency, thats one kind of masking. When you hear a loud sound in one frequency some other frequencies playing at the same time become inaudible, thats another kind of masking. The mp3 format removes all these inaudible sounds. I also think that mp3 removes some stereo information in the lower frequencies. Its not hard to restore an mp3 if you use the original soundfile. If you invert one of the files and mix them you will be left with a soft noise, that´s the removed frequencies. If you mix these back into the file they where removed from you will have a copy of the original sound. =)
  11. Doesn´t mp3 remove "masked?" frequencies (sounds that are overpowered by other sounds) It would be impossible to know wich sounds where removed. Mp3 encoding is irreversible!
  12. True, becauce good producers have their own sound.
  13. Well im not gonna discuss if he programmed arpeggios note by note in pro24 or used the arpeggiator on one of his synths. My point is that arpeggios and arpeggio-like patterns aren´t very hard to compose. So in that departmen he aint no Mozart. And i would like to believe that i know something about "electronic music composing" since i´ve been doing it for almost ten years. I know for a fact that you don´t have to be genious to use a hard-disk recorder or connect a synth to a fx box, people have been using far more primitive equipment to make music. He used wicked connections to make sounds? You mean he connected a drum machine to the trigger input of a noise gate? Wicked! Producers had been doing that for years.
  14. "If you are too immature to make this kind of music..." You don´t know anything about what kind of music i make. But i sure didn´t write any symphonies when i was 8 years old. And im pretty sure Simon didn´t either. Hallucinogen uses alot of arpeggios and Shpongle uses alot of samples. Even i realize that even though im so immature. Not that using samples would make a person less genious, but i just don´t think he was genious in the first place.
  15. Mozart did more than just hold down some keys and let an arpeggiator do the work. Mozart was genious, he made great music, Simon probably uses more samples than The KLF. But i listen to Hallucinogen much more than i listen to any classical composer. I love psy and i wish there was someone as genious as Mozart making psytrance.
  16. You need to run audio cables from your a-station to your soundcard.
  17. It probably depends on how the artist is working. If an artist has 1000 unfinished tracks it might be becauce they have taken the best parts from these tracks and combined tham into one track wich they have released. Or maby they thought the unreleased tracks didn´t fit their style. I have been making music for more than 8 years and i have something like 200 unfinished tracks and 0 finished. Most of my old music has great stuff in it that i use in my new tracks.
  18. Negrosex


    "About the peyote and mushrooms , you cant compare them with lsd because they are natural (gift from god)." you mean like opium and tobacco?
  19. ...or use a real hihat
  20. noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Great recomendations! Also try: paul van dyk, dj quicksilver, vengaboys and stereo mc. Very dark, deep and scary psytrance. PS: Britney Spears is gabber, not gangster rap!
  22. Let´s call it a "doof"
  23. It´s not wrong to use headphones when composing but it can be bad for your ears to use headphones to much.
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