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Everything posted by Negrosex

  1. Or feed the outputs to the inputs to create feedback?
  2. The Juno2 doesn´t sound "very different." Maby not as warm as the 106 but it´s not a huge difference. Juno2 has buttons instead of knobs and that makes it a little harder to program. If you already have a keyboard you may want to check out the mks-50 wich is a rack version of the Juno.
  3. Negrosex


    KLF - Chill Out
  4. Negrosex

    not funny

    "are you black? if not, you are not South African." Damn racist!
  5. Oh! i get it now, i thought you meant that one could put his offboard gear in a mixer (like the one you make milkshakes with) and "twist them". That would be a great way to get some crazy sounds!
  6. I own only 3 vinyls but i cant listen to them since i don´t have a turntable. I don´t know much about them but i´ll list them here, i guess they are probably pretty rare but im not sure if they are collectors items since im not a collector =). Deviancy: In too deep/Lunatic concept, Aquatec Records 1995 Rainbow spirit feat. Sangeet: Sirius shuttle/Aquarium spirit, ?? Acid Rockers: Interform/there can be only two, AAA Recordings 1996
  7. I agree with "monno", you should use as high resolution as possible when recording outboard gear and editing recordings. But my advice is that you should try to use 88.2 rather than 96. In that way you will not need to convert it from 96 to 44.1. Most professional gear seems to be using 48 and 96 rather than 88.2 and 44.1 though.
  8. Yes 44.1/88.2 is probably the way to go. 48/96 can be pitch shifted a little more without it being audible but i dont think its worth it. Make sure that when your editing sounds that you are using a high bitrate (Higher Than 16)! This is important for the soundquality. When sampling from CDs: Some CDs from the early 80:s are using the 44.056 (NTSC-video) sample rate. this will give you a 0.1% difference in pitch, i don´t know if this information is of any use but it´s worth mentioning.
  9. Yes, it is possible. First you have to go to the efx/out menu, hold shift and push the slider all the way up untill you se the letter R. Than you have to edit the drums by holding edit and pushing "rhy tone".
  10. I own a Sony v55m effect box but i don´t know what bank select messages to send to it when i want to access programs 128 and up. Does anyone know wich bank sel to send or maby where i can find the MIDI Implementation manual? ...please
  11. Negrosex

    Hypnogogic images

    sounds cool, im gonna try that. Im not sure about what this has to do with the contest though
  12. Negrosex

    STOP IT !!!

    Me too! We are actually not an electronic band at all. We play big band jazz, wear red suits and hats. I play the trombone.
  13. It´s not impossible to get new sounds out of the 505 and i wouldn´t say that its total crap. the internal sequencer is fun to work with but its just not powerful enough, it lags. soundquality aint great either. but it has some extra outs, so if you have equalizers and compressors and stuff and know what your doing i guess you can make it sound pretty good. Personally i don´t think its worth the money.
  14. You should concider using sampled drums too
  15. Maby your friend got it wrong. Using a 70Hz HPF doesn´t mean that you remove all frequencies below 70Hz it just means that the filtering starts (-6dB) at 70Hz. Maby he heard that The Delta uses a 70Hz HPF and asumed that meant cutting of frequencies below 70Hz?
  16. This is what you need: 1. Good mixer 2. Juno 106 (for the bass) 3. Sampler (for drums or whatever you want to sample)(Emu makes good samplers)) 4. Nord Lead 5. Some FM synth or something (Yamaha SY/TG synths are good for fm) 6. Efx (a good reverb is important)
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