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  1. Thanks dude! It's good to have a "hard copy" on the drive
  2. I have checked out PureData and it is not difficult at all if you understand how synths are built (vco-vcf-vca etc...)...the key here is that if you already have a perfectly good soft synth that does everything you want then why should you bother building one from scratch? Now, if you have enough experience and knowledge then you can make something that no other DAW or synth has: I have seen some pretty cool algorithmic composition patches for PD and also self-built sequencers and sample manipulation tools that have been built especially for very narrow purposes (not like Ableton or Cubase which are marketed to bigger crowds). PureData also understands the messages from different sensors and even the iPhone (OSC) so it is useful for installations and experimental projects. But in short, you can do anything perceptible with it, your imagination is the only limit Just check out this guys patches http://www.martin-brinkmann.de/pd-patches.html Download PD and see for yourself! By the way, PD is very good for beginners because the tutorials cover all basic parts of subtractive synthesis, so you learn by doing and seeing the results (with an oscilloscope)
  3. I would be very grateful if you took the effort! It's very hard to find because original links are not working. I think lots of people would benefit from having it up again. I tried watching the Russian version but my Russian is not good enough to understand his technical talk Just use winrar and check this video, it explains everything: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQaDQ2xHUgo
  4. Thanks for the advice but I tried to find links and only found the russian version in rapidshare Torrents had no seeds when I checked yesterday....
  5. Hi! Stumbled across this forum yesterday and read that this tutorial was mentioned in a post about mixing. I managed to get the Russian version but all links for the English version have dissappeared, torrents have no seeds. Could someone upload the tutorial to rapidshare or another similar site? Thanks a lot
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