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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. I love making new "old" album discoveries! I need to listen to it again, It's been awhile.
  2. Woah, sorry to hear about that technosomy. I was hoping to vicariously live through your experience. You seemed so enthusiastic that it even made me a bit excited! On a slightly related note just yesterday I was out doing my job on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland(Australia) and met a young guy who was heading to Ozora. We started talking about music and he was talking a bit about Euro-Trance because he assumed that might be all I'd heard of. I butted in on him and asked him if he listened to Psytrance and he got so excited. We each couldn't name-drop enough artists and albums quickly enough to find out the other persons tastes and extent of their knowledge. Turns out we both liked all pretty much all genres and styles. It was such a fun conversation, ha. He is flying out this weekend to Europe, the bastard, and I told him that I expected a full trip report when he returned. Hope you still get to go!
  3. Oh yeah, almost forgot, Beat Bizarre - Lewd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wow, thank you! I've just downloaded them all from Soundcloud. I believe I was the first as I noticed that you'd only just finished uploading. I can feel a small hum of privileged opportunity from having done so. Thanks again. Can't wait to have a listen later tonight. I've actually always wanted for this to be re-released on CD and have saved myself from listening to this album until I held it in my slimy and possessive clutches, this will have to do for now. I'd love to grab one of the higher quality files you have listed but I'm more into CD's and I'm also broke as hell at the moment. Jon =)
  5. Sorry I haven't catered to your specific example but here are a few that I like: Nuclear Ramjet - Mission to Sedna Nuclear Ramjet - Music for Spaceports Ticon - Aero Perfect Stranger - Free Cloud Elea - Stellar Connection Sun Control Species - Science Nuova Atmos - 2nd Brigade and Headcleaner, the new one whose name eludes me at present is ok but not as good as first 2 mentioned Triac - Mean Between Vibrasphere - Lime Structure and Archipelago, if you find a copy of Echo then please give it to me! Son Kite - Colours Ovnimoon Sensient Freq Behind Blue Eyes Prometheus Flying Rhino Best of's
  6. Cool! I just recently purchased all their previously released works in one hit.
  8. IMO: Erpland Jurassic Shift Waterfall Cities Arborescence You can get them all very cheaply from Amazon, Ebay and Discogs. There are a few double packs around as well such as Erpland and Jurassic shift together. Their output can get a bit repetitive. =)
  9. Total Eclipse - Violent Relaxation CD 2
  10. JonCrow


  11. Maybe your friend could try: FSOL - Lifeforms, and other FSOL works. and The Orb - U.F.Orb, and other Orb works.
  12. JonCrow


    Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, backwards, complete with satanic messages. Psychedelic as hell! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbNqeDr5mlQ
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