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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. Cool! Sort of "congratulations". I've done long-term travel in Asia. Hope you enjoy your trip!
  2. S>Range - 2001
  3. bwhale/on10/sunwolf/eiko/baronkroolenstein/sneila Same patterns, canadian location.
  4. Various - The Mystery Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls
  5. Was a big fan growing up. Favourites include Predator, Terminator series, Total Recall and Commando. I recommend watching Pumping Iron for a bit of a laugh also. It's all about his body-building. Has Lou Ferigno in it who was the original Incredible Hulk. This thread needs more Commando though:
  6. Jaia - Blue Energy
  7. What I was standing up for was the guy who did the work and paid the money to get this released. I'd be a bit irritated personally if the first person to review it took points off and even questioned the validity of my work because he was in the minority of the population that already owned some of the tracks in hard copy. I think that people who are behind projects such as DAT records are doing a good thing. It deserves some support for it to continue in a market that isn't very CD friendly anymore. That doesn't mean just giving positive reviews no matter what. After listening I do agree with some of the appraisal here given by Frozen. Even though there are tracks of varying quality, it's made up for by the resurrection and modern release of a feeling from the past that isn't readily available in hard copy. That in my biased opinion should be taken into account when reviewing. As a person who had never heard any of Blue Planet's work before, I very much appreciate the chance to own this on CD when alot of other material by this artist is hard to get nowadays for a reasonable price. Jon
  8. Pleiadians - IFO Pleiadians - Family of Light Total Eclipse - Violent Relaxation Astral Projection - Trust in Trance Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy Nuclear Ramjet - Music for Spaceports
  9. I almost put in an order for that new Kilowatts album last weekend. Seems he's tried to put some effort into releasing something with a bit of a different style under the Somnia label. I'd be interested to hear some impressions.
  10. Sorry, please delete.
  11. Yeah, it's pretty good. I've listened to it at least 5 times now and it's yet to really grab me to be honest. It's mixed and mastered wonderfully but perhaps a little too housey for my tastes. I'll give it a lot more time though. I've also got Blue Energy on the way to my house somewhere out there. Can't wait for that one! You mentioned Ticon's Aero as one of your favourites a few weeks ago after I purchased it and now having listening to it quite a bit I can see why! I love it! It's so smooth, groovy and funky, never tiring or boring. One of my favourite prog albums for the moment. I'm saving listening to Roger Ramjet for awhile! Might wait for Spaceports and play it first. Almost chucked it in the player today but held myself back for the right moment......which will never come and I'll just say fuck it, now will do! Jon
  12. Tandu - Multimoods Nuclear Ramjet - Mission to Sedna Jaia - Fiction Tegma - Around the World in 80 Minutes
  13. Hey, This thread below is worth having a read through. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/54773-please-recommend-some-good-progressive/
  14. Thanks to you and Basilisk both these albums are now on their way to my house.
  15. She's curled up from hunger pains.
  16. Bluetech, Blue Planet and Blue Print was my thinking. Blue Planet's a double CD if you wanna get techincal.
  17. Blue Blue Blue! Bluetech - Sines and Singularities Blue Planet Corporation - A Blueprint for Survival
  18. Hey, To give a balanced review I think a person needs to take more time listening to something, with breaks in between listens. Listening to an album 10 times in one week doesn't produce the same result as listening to it 10 times once a week. I guess I have an approach to all forms of art and its appreciation and interpretation that I shouldn't expect anyone else to share. For instance I'd look at a painting while I was in many different moods and mind-frames over time to really appreciate it and its effects. Same with music, etc. Sorry, I'm a tangenting, verbose bastard and I'm taking this review thread off course. I don't care if he gave a positive review of the material as I've never heard a full BPC track in my entire life so I hold little feeling towards the artist at this point. Nor do I care about the 10 bucks I've spent towards buying it to want to read positive things about it no matter what. I'm not a fool like that. I agree with what you've said though, it's his opinion and approach towards reviewing something and I conceded that at the end of my last post. I think it's easier for me to keep my opinion to myself in future because I seem to lack the ability to not come across as being heavy-handed(worded) or serious when I reply. I'd rather keep quiet and just enjoy the music without offending anyone or sparking wasteful debate. I interpreted his wording and track by track analysis as rushed and some of his statements pointed towards bias and for me that seemed to tip the review off balance. Sorry if I offended. I'll shut-up now. Jon
  19. Rushed as in it hasn't been out for long. Maybe a few weeks or a month of listening before forming conclusions and comparing tracks you're already familiar with and you enjoy, to tracks you haven't heard before. Biased review because of statements like this one: "Considering I already got each track on this double-cd that interested me and even others this wasn't really worth it's money." That doesn't mean much to anyone other than you. If you included that in a magazine review it doesn't mean anything to the general public reading it. This too is a public place with many different listeners reading. You also speak of alot of expectation towards the content which brings a lack of openness and bias with it. Bias is a term used to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective, ideology or result, especially when the tendency interferes with the ability to be impartial, unprejudiced, or objective. But I concede this is your review and you're entitled to share your feelings as you see them. Jon
  20. Yeah I wondered if you might be a blind Cosmosis fanboy. You seemed to try your best to be objective and juggle the old with the new though. I usually always take all replies/reviews into account(both positive and negative) when I read a review thread and compare them to my own experience when I get the chance to listen to an album. It can be a good way of benchmarking reviewers and opinions and always helps with future purchases etc. Anway, rambling and taking thread off-topic.....
  21. Might start with one CD to begin with and see how she goes. I'll be sure to report the outcome back here for others.
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