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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. I love how you went for the heavily biased and rushed approach for this review....... I'm still waiting for my copy!
  2. Thanks for the effort put into the review. It's not an easy task to strike a balance for both new and the more experienced listeners. Also can be difficult to give an opinion of a big-name artist that's been around for many years in an inevitably ever-changing scene. Admire that you've stuck with your true feelings towards the album despite the fact that some old school purists/adherents will negate your opinion. It can be hard when you put alot of time into something and another can potentially deflate all that effort with just one word or sentence. I'm not attacking Oopie there as it's all part of the fun of posting on the internet. As for the album in question I've little interest in it personally for now. When I delve into this artist I'll probably focus on earlier material to begin with. Jon
  3. Forgot about this one. Found it for a very cheap price in a local music shop last week: Banco de Gaia - Maya
  4. Cosma - Nonstop Man with no Name - Moment of Truth
  5. Yeah, I'm pretty much sticking to collecting artist albums for the moment. Partly due to budget constraints, partly to preference. I don't dislike the idea of compilation's as there's some things they can do that artist albums cannot.
  6. Today was: Second time with this ^, I listened to the first five tracks spaced out over some time with intervals in between a few of them. Fantastic! Has really grown on me since my first listen just yesterday. Though headphones and some better concentration made a big difference. Can't wait to jump back into it again tomorrow night. Was my third listen to this album after about a months break. Started to enjoy it alot more than my early impressions. Only got through the first five tracks. I often make it a habit to start an album at the halfway point instead of the beginning if I know that the latter half has been regularly neglected. Jon
  7. First time with full the CD. Much prefer merrow's debut to this album based on early impressions. I'll fully acquaint myself with Daze over the next week by focusing on a track or 2 a day and see what the result is. Jon
  8. I've been looking at this site and Krembo Shop also recently and have read bad reports and experiences of both sites. Can anyone vouch for the reliability of ordering direct from Phonokol Records Shop?
  9. Su as in soon o as in hot mi as in me If it has roots in Japanese language........ Edit: Ah it's a Finnish word, I'm incorrect. Someone else can hopefully actually help you.
  10. Three Drives - Greece 2000 (Man With No Name Remix)
  11. Probably around 3-5 hours a day. That will increase a little in the near future when I finally get my own place again. Taking breaks not listening to anything is fantastic for the ear. I wish I'd force myself to do it more often. It's also the same for food. Giving the digestive system a break is really good for health. Anyway, I've done about 6-7 totally silent meditation retreats in my life that have spanned from between a week to month long periods and one thing I always really notice and look forward to once I come back out again is how lovely music sounds after a break(and especially coupled with 10-12 hours meditation a day). The very first album of choice is always real dilemma.
  12. Yes! This is one for me too. In fact a pet of mine died recently and 2 days later I heard this track as I was pulling into work and it made me start crying. I sort of hold this track in my heart for him a little when I hear it now as a result. Same with OTT's Shower of Sparks and Queen of all Everything as I played them purposefully the same day he died. A non-psychill track that I love that has an emotive effect for me especially at certain times is Enya's - Now we are free. There are others but I'm too lazy to think of them for now.
  13. Received Elementary/Materia about 2 weeks ago. Listened to Elementary Particles for the first time properly 2 days ago and it's fucking lovely. Balanced smooth flow and nicely varied. In fact it got half way through a second listen without me even noticing, I just let it keep going again. :drama: Not listened to Prima Materia yet but just ordered Sines today! Almost purchased Divine Invasion as well but I'm doing my best to curb insane spending.
  14. Wonder how this is coming along now. Enjoy them both but I prefer the first album to the second as it currently stands. I've listened to the first at least 10 times and the second probably 4 times. Don't even get me started on Distant System.
  15. This is my favourite album from these guys. It seems the most balanced, inspired and focused of all 5. I don't tire while listening to it at all. Really nice! Now for a bit of a tangent that still bears some relation to this album: Spontaneous Illumination is good but I feel they just took some of their favourite melodic structuring from the first album and overused it to the point of depreciation. Sure they changed and developed the structuring a little. It's like Entheogenic Version 1.5 a bit. The album lacks balance IMO and is a bit empty. Feels incomplete in some way as though they lacked new ideas. It's still nice though and to give a better quality opinon on it I'd prefer to write about it after a more recent listen. Third is a pretty good remix album. No comment on the artists specifically as a result. Golden Cap I've only listened to once but it felt soulless and I got bored really quickly at the time. Perhaps as a result of my listening to their other earlier work so much before giving it a play. Fifth album, Urubus, I quite like(though nowhere near as much as their first) and probably put it in second place in their discography for the moment. It has some good balance and completeness to it. Haven't listened to it for some time so my opinion on this one might have changed.
  16. Also available now at Saiko. Samples sound amazing! Can't wait for the real deal!
  17. Yeah I hoped afterwards that you didn't take it the wrong way. Internet communication and all. I laughed when I read this. Still makes me smile a little when I read it. Sorry I'll stop spamming. I'm listening to nothing right now and am leaving the building(psynews) for awhile.
  18. Yah I know, I was just being an idiot.
  19. Today's playlist at "work" was: Tracks of the day: The Orb - Majestic Matenda - Plain Development Prometheus - Snakes and Ladders These were all listened to while it was light when I'm driving. Usually use Psychill/Downtempo and prog for this purpose. I tend to save and enjoy the heavier/thicker/complex uptempo Goa/Psy sound much more in late afternoon or after dark. Melodic Goa sounds so good when it's dark. Same with some ambient.........what about when it's raining........and in the morning.......blah blah blah etc.
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