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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. Speaking exclusively of the "boom-boom". Unfortunately(or fortunately) it's a stigma that's been attached to the electronic genre that some will never be able to get or see past. Some may not want to be seen as one of "those" that are into the "boom-boom" because of the many generalisations that have been formed around it. Only listened to if you're some shallow slutty party goer or fucked up on drugs 24/7, or both. It's not real music, where are the instruments etc. They've heard from others, their friends and associates that it's only "boom-boom", so therefore it is. If you listen to this music you are this kind of person or that music you are that kind of person etc. People are generally afraid of stigma or being different and many people's minds are barely capable of expansion past early conditioning or that which is considered normal/accepted in their exposed circle of life. Also The majority of electronic music that people may have been first exposed to in the mainstream is pretty terrible and they may lack the initiative/interest/direction to take to plunge past that mainstream barrier/stigma into its delicacies and intricacies. Alot of people are affected permanently by first impressions. Their mind crystallises easily, primarily as a form of survival and poor training, which extends into their likes and dislikes. Prejudice and bias is rife. Some may also lack the subtley, style or want(different tastes etc) of mind to get past the booming beat/electronics into some of the rewarding changes, nuances, compositions, subtleties and complexities which reside therein. It's a different form of sound wave. They also forget/don't know or notice the tribal rythmic meditative value of the "boom-boom". Which can actually work well for the mind. I'm also certainly not saying that people who listen to psy/electronica or that I myself am exempt from alot of the above tendencies that I've tried to describe. If I've repeated myself a little here it's because my mind has been deranged by the "boom-boom". Now I'm off to bop and gyrate senselessly in the corner. Jon
  2. I've given this 3 listens and am also really enjoying it. Not the best CD of all time, but certainly worthy of attention. Positive, uplifting, sometimes dreamy and ethereal. It tells a nice story. A smooth and well-rounded flow to it. I've not noticed many weak or filler moments. I can see how some may not like it though. Make sure to get past the first track if you do give it a trial listen. I'm a fan of most progressive styles except for generally that which tends too closely toward house/club. Jon
  3. Abakus - That Much Closer to the Sun Vibrasphere - Lime Structure Atmos - Headcleaner Biosphere - Substrata FUCKING SAIKO ORDER! Mr Peculiar - Infinite Evolution Outolintu - Odd Man Out Prometheus - Corridor Of Mirrors Prometheus - Robot.O.Chan The Peaking Goddess Collective - Organika Vibrasphere - Archipelago Remixed Vishnudata - Dreamforce Astral Waves - Mystique Chronos - Steps To The Great Knowledge Cymphonic - Strataradialis Flooting Grooves - Upsyde Downe Krill.Minima - Nautica Krusseldorf - Smokers Lounge Master Margherita - Mastura Ocelot - One Orbit Constructions - Androneda Pan Electric - Conscious Pilot Pushmipulyu - 133 Thursdays Shulman - Endless Rhythms Of The Beatless Heart Vataff Project - Kalitz Zymosis - Elements Into Data Stay tuned next week for my already compiled and anxiously waiting psyshop.com order! Anybody want to donate some nice headphones and an amp? I'm running low on cash. Jon
  4. Jilted, followed by Experience then Fat. Great memories of time spent at high school(outside of) in the mid 90's tie-in with these albums for me.
  5. Yah I've listened to that one track a few times and have it bookmarked. Some others who haven't may appreciate it. I've not listened to the whole album though. I'd love to hunt down more prog-rock though, I've got barely any in my collection and and I'm a big fan. Thanks Jon
  6. Bluetech is the one that stands out the most for me at present. I've tried a few times to give it a chance but it hasn't clicked yet. I'll still probably purchase the first 2 albums in the near future and play them every now and again and see if anything changes in my mind. It's great to keep one's perspective fairly open. If I don't enjoy something right away it's fun to try and listen to it in a different way on the next play, or at another time of day, or focusing on different elements of the track/album to hopefully hear what the artist is trying to say. Jon
  7. Orthonorma - Time2Wait I really like this CD, it's easily one of my favourites. Beautiful melodic synth work. Great tempo and generally nice style of kick. Hopefully I've used the right descriptive terminology. I must admit it is a tad on the repetitive side though. In this case I don't mind. Very easy to get into, which can be both a good or bad sign. I've only listened to it thrice thus far. If anyone knows anything similar to it I'd love to hear about it. Jon
  8. Infected Mushroom - The Gathering Infected Mushroom - B.P. Empire Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians Alan Parsons Project - I Robot Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination
  9. Phutureprimitive as well!
  10. Celtic Cross - Hicksville (reissue, not the "remix") FSOL - Lifeforms Ticon - 2am Sun Control Species - Science Nuova Infected Mushroom - Classical Got the last 3 for half price from a local store that was phasing out their CD stock. Equivalent of about 6 Euro each. My mind and debit card has been gravitating towards the Sending Orbs website for a few days now. I'm away for 2 weeks for a meditation retreat. Hopefully it will cure my purchasing madness. Hopefully not. I'll be back. Jon
  11. This post has gone some of the way towards admitting I have a serious problem. I've not included 40 or so emusic downloads in this list, only the CD's. It's been my first listen (aside from a few samples/youtube here and there) for almost every one of these purchases when they do arrive, though I do a bit of research first. Has been a great couple of months of listening. I work from my car and get to listen to music all day. For the moment I'm avoiding compilations and a few genres for the sake of my bank balance. This is what was purchased today: Artifakt - Artifakts II Elea - Stellar Connection Electrypnose - Subliminimal Melancholies Electrypnose - Funked Up Tamlin- Spectrogram Khooman- Is A Flexible Liquid Orthonorma- Time 2 Wait Order from 1-2 weeks ago: Entheogenic - Golden Cap Entheogenic - Dialogue of the Speakers Enteogenic - Spontaneous Illumination Atmos 2nd Brigade Atmos - Tour De Trance Capsula - Synthesis Of Reality Slackbaba - And The Beat Goes Om... Vibrasphere - Exploring The Tributaries Vibrasphere - Lungs Of Life Indigo Egg - Ixland Kick Bong - Flower Power Mystical Sun - Deeperworlds Mystical Sun - Energy Mind Consciousness Puff Dragon - Sazanami Rena Jones - Driftwood Tripswitch - Circuit Breaker - Rewired Order from 3 weeks ago: Aes Dana - Memory Shell Androcell - Efflorescence Androcell - Emotivision Distant System - Spiral Empire Hol Baumann - Human Ishq - Orchid Kaya Project - ...And So It Goes Kaya Project - Elixir Kaya Project - Walking Through Solar Fields - Earth Shine Solar Fields - Movements Spies - SUVMI Order from 5 weeks ago: Shpongle - Are You Shpongled? Shpongle - Nothing Lasts Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressible Younger Brother - The Last Days Of Gravity Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps Ott - Blumenkraft Ott - Skylon Hallucinogen In Dub Entheogenic - Entheogenic Entheogenic - Flight of the Urubus Shulman: In search of a meaningful moment Mystery Of The Yeti And Mystical Experiences Carbon B. Lifeforms: Hydroponic Garden Carbon B. Lifeforms: World Of Sleepers Solar Fields: Leaving home Asura: Life 2
  12. This was one of the first CD's that really got me into electronic music. I'll never forget it. JC
  13. Got this today. Is available again as a reprint. Can get it at USR_Shop. I'm looking forward to listening after owning their first and fourth for awhile now. Seems to be alot of praise for it. JC
  14. It's just become available again as a reprint. Can get it at USR_Shop. I've got their first one and Flight and am looking forward to hearing this one after reading a lot of praise for it.
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