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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. I too thought that the machine was probably already defective in some way before they embarked on their "experiment". I played that clip at work the other day and one of the people I work with remarked across the room that it was a strange sound(brick in the machine) coming from my speakers. I told him what the sound was and he burst out laughing and asked me if I'd deliberately searched for it or just came across it inadvertently.
  2. Yeah I was pretty sure that you weren't asking for samples exclusively. I'm glad you like both those tracks I linked to earlier. The track below is by a guy called Prem Joshua(http://www.discogs.c...ist/Prem Joshua). That's his standout and probably most well-known track but he's got a vast array of CD's that he's put out. I got a collection with about 9 discs in it when I was in India, some of it's a bit pretentious and some of it is excellent. It might be available in and around the web if you have a look. It's not really Psy, but he has some nice tracks/songs with beats etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUgziCxWXjU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It isn't Indian, but Egyptian/middle Eastern themed. Maybe you'd enjoy both of RA's(http://www.discogs.com/artist/Ra) full Albums: "To Sirius" and "9th". Make sure to checkout some of his compilation tracks on youtube too if you like his sound. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also for downtempo maybe checkout Shulman's: "Endless Rhythms of the Beatless Heart"(http://www.discogs.c...release/1109066). It uses organic Middle Eastern Instruments in several of the tracks(I think 6 & 7, Invention & Mia Nihta Mono Den Ftani). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that both these last 2 recommendations stray a bit from the exact theme of your thread but for me personally I find India and the Middle East fairly interchangeable as there's been so much cultural blending in that region over the millennia. GOA trance in general throughout the genre's history has had plenty of Indian inspiration in the melody structures and styles. So much of the early works were conceived, inspired by and played over there that it's infused into heaps of the mid-late 90's material. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell yeah, thanks so much for posting that! I'll be downloading it ASAP and playing it regularly, I used to stop start "The Prayer" just to listen to the sample over and over!
  3. Hindu samples in both of these if you haven't heard them already. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSSaQasR_LY
  4. Corpse to dispose of?
  5. Minimum donation from me. It's all I could afford as only have $250 to my name and that's already theoretically gone on bills, life, etc. I had to contribute something and be a part of it though.
  6. Me too, it was the initial standout track on the album. It shares part of my username so how could I resist. Listening to it again now.
  7. This thread is getting a HEAP of views so I thought I'd make it more useful than it currently is(a springboard for one person's opinion on drug use) and post the link to the recent campaign concerning Ektoplazm's upgrade and pledge for donations in support of this outcome. Ektoplazm is a free music distribution and presentation portal for independent artists and labels that has been doing great things for the Psychedelic Trance World for a number of years now. Here is information about what is trying to be achieved: http://www.indiegogo...azm-2012?c=home If you feel like this is something that interests you and is worth supporting then please do so. There is a window of 5 days remaining for them to reach the donation deadline. $20,000 has been donated thus far and only another $5,000 is needed to reach the goal of $25,000. If this total is not reached then all money that has been donated goes back to the donaters and the upgrade plan will not go ahead. If you haven't already been there in the past, here is the original Ektoplazm site where you can download shitloads of free GOA and Psytrance music to add to your collection: http://www.ektoplazm.com/ http://www.ektoplazm.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-ektoplazm I have no vested interest or involvement in this mission of Ektoplazm other than the fact that I have downloaded large ammounts of FREE high-quality new and old music from the site in the past. I also really like to see independent artists being supported FOR FREE as this helps to inject freshness and freedom into the genre. I'm aware that this post is very off-topic, but the drug-debate has been done time and time again. Mods if you could please ignore for approx 5 days that'd be appreciated. Thanks Please carry on with the thread.....
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM871PmOcDM
  9. Radi: In between your furious masturbation sessions (please see other assorted random radi posts if this reference seems obscure) check out the tracks on these Shulman albums to see if anything is to your liking. Some of his tracks can take a few listens, time and patience to settle in so a quickie youtube session ain't always going to cut it: Example (make sure to sit through the whole damn thing): http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8_X9h6RNuA Example: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk1cT1JR-Dk
  10. "Nasa satellites this week captured an unusually strong storm over the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Such storms - more common in the winter - can have a large impact on sea ice" 'It seems that this storm has detached a large chunk of ice from the main sea ice pack. This could lead to a more serious decay of the summertime ice cover than would have been the case otherwise, even perhaps leading to a new Arctic sea ice minimum,' said Claire Parkinson, a Nasa climate scientist. 'Decades ago, a storm of the same magnitude would have been less likely to have as large an impact on the sea ice, because at that time the ice cover was thicker and more expansive'. In the image, the bright white ice sheet of Greenland is seen in the lower left"
  11. With Shulman I find his tracks really hit and miss. Some tracks seem very dry, boring, flat, overly manufactured and perhaps pretentious. Others are organic, lively, inspired and play very well. I should really give some examples but I'm not very good at remembering track titles and I'm too lazy to do you a favour by researching it right this moment. IMO it's worth perservering through more of his discography to see if you like any of it because there's some great stuff there.
  12. Also look into the works by Pitch Black.
  13. Thanks for putting in the time, looks good.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW9c5o8nMh0
  15. I found this today about pop music which I thought was worth posting in here: http://www.telegraph...d-the-same.html When talking solely of mainstream/chart music I agree that there's been a seeming downward trend in quality. If you're willing to dig around, put the effort in and also attend live acts there's plenty to discover out there in such a wide variety of genres and cultural origins. Where there's heart, talent and inspiration there's always good music to be found. We also all mostly live in purely capitalist countries where time and effort is seen as money. Governments and cultures aren't heavily inclined in this present era to invest time in artistic pursuits or teach young people of the values of mental and physical feng shui, philosophy, nature appreciation/reverence, aesthetics, beauty, harmony, balance, meditation, contemplation etc. It's very sad and unfortunate because the cultural and creative enrichment this would bring inspires, fuels and balances all other aspects of the culture. It's almost looked down upon and demonised(damn hippies and bohemians) or seen as socially unacceptable to learn or do something artistic/skill-based for the sheer sake or enjoyment, there "should" be some economic goal associated with it. It's of course ok in the 5 mins you have left after your work week or beyond retirement when you're nearly dead. The individual listener who complains about the quality of music can also be media-saturated. Most people under the age of 45 seem to almost be continually plugged into a screen and/or earpiece. Poignancy can be lost when a time or moment or something worth listening to actually does come along because it all just blends into a randomised playlist soup of superficial shit.
  16. I agree with that. I should have thought a little more before being derogatory in a superficial manner for the sake of theatrics.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubuinLci500
  18. Think yourself lucky that you've got so much choice and access to diversity of musical culture and history. Not only that but you've got extensive freedom of both expression and modality so if you don't like it then get cracking creating dude! Back in the day we'd only have gotten a few local bards and some shitty church music to stomp to. GOA trance would have been the devil's symphony and you'd probably find yourself roasting with the witches if you were an advocate/devotee.
  19. Fucking shit topic to post.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWNs_HQ2sCE
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