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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. Manuser: Hope you went to Karijini National Park and Ningaloo Reef while you were over in Karratha. Maybe the Kimberley?! I did a 9000km journey over in WA a few years back. To speak of Blenn's works to stay on-topic. I've got pretty much all his albums that are worth owning but haven't extensively listened to them yet. When he's cosmic he's great, when he's in house mode I switch off.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tow8WBuX1wc
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevJY-jHB0w
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h6VE6MaTyg
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyB0uxT61Bs
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyT8MtPMNqw
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevJY-jHB0w
  8. http://soundcloud.com/toi-doi/live-demo-march-2011
  9. By the sounds of things I wouldn't worry about it too much. Seems like it's just a Soundcloud issue rather than anything to do with your composition. Have you tried downloading the uploaded file from Soundcloud yourself and seeing if you can notice the volume changes? I've listened to the track quite a few times now and I reckon it's pretty good. Keep doing more, evolving your skills, sounds and ideas and don't be so damn self-depreciative!
  10. Yeah am talking about the kick. I downloaded the track to listen. It happens a few times throughout but in the example I gave(the kick) wavers in volume for about 3 seconds from the 4:26 mark. Just listened again briefly to a segment and it also does it around the 4-4:03 mark as another example. Edit: It's all track elements wavering in volume at those points, not just the kick sorry
  11. Sample is cliched as hell and his voice is a bit annoying to me. Otherwise track is fun, fast and easy to listen to. Love the acid, it could even be slightly louder in comparison to the bass and kick.
  12. Kick is punchy, loud enough and effective to me, I don't mind it being less prominent at times or softer in volume in comparison to other track effects at all. It seems to waver in volume though(eg around the 4:26 mark) which is a bit distracting? Not sure if you were purposefully going for that. Enjoyed having a listen I have no production experience and am no audio/genre purist etc
  13. I assume you're talking about me. Yeah I almost changed it recently. When I loaded it awhile ago I didn't have the heart to chop up the worm image or it in itself would have looked imbalanced.
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