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Everything posted by JonCrow

  1. Been listening to Snakey Shaker and Deranger by Hallucinogen every day lately. Haven't been listening to much else trance-wise. NP: X-Dream - 5th Dimension (Live in Paris)
  2. That's awesome. It's for now my background!
  3. Downloaded. Thanks. Cool cover! (Except for the "Compiled by Imba" line which IMO IMBA-lances the whole image ) Reminds me "spiritually" of this:
  4. Haven't bought much recently or been listening to much trance at all lately but most of these arrived in the last couple of months: V/A - Tokyo Tekno Tribe 1 V/A - Tokyo Tekno Tribe 2 Kuro - Revolution Masa - Just Inside Spirallianz - Stereopark Spirallianz - Blast Food V/A - Goa Head 2 V/A - Goa Head 6 V/A - Dance Trance Magic Plants V/A - Trip Through Sound Prana - Geomantik Orion - Futuristic Poetry
  5. http://www.indiamike.com/india/ http://www.indiamike.../india/goa-f23/ Try the above site. It's one of the best resources on the net for all things related to India and India travel. First link is to the forum index, second link is for the Goan sub-section. Heaps of info in the forum archives and plenty of experienced travelers and regulars who should be able to answer any questions you have. Enjoy! Hope it helps and that you find your time over there rewarding! I spent a year in India some time ago.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haIyBeq6joY
  7. Agree! Here is another: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ea5472Zqv8
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt0MfysnszU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKCvMQYx6Hw
  9. Cool. I'm glad there's been a positive response. Thanks
  10. Another example from discogs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man With No Name Real Name:Martin Freeland Profile:Initially starting out as a British techno producer, Martin Freeland became hugely influenced by the early nineties Goa trance scene and suitably moved on to producing hard, melodic psytrance. He scored a top 75 hit with 'Floor-Essence' before releasing the influential and highly sought-after 'Moment Of Truth' album, as well as remixing work for many artists, such as Virus, Perfecto Allstarz, BT and Dreadzone. Review by Josephschembri Jun 16, 2005 (edited over 6 years ago)M.W.N.N. was one of the defining artists in the goa scene since its beginning. He started producing techno in 1990 but as trance came along he switched to this style. From his very first (trance) production he soon became popular for his melodic style of trance, with his immediately recognisable sound suiting both the hardcore psi heads and both the more laid back general trance listener. Tracks like Teleport, Sly-ed, Evolution & Lunar Cycle are prime examples of his unique sound, and his first full length album "Moment of Truth" in 1996 is still one of the most sought after trance albums. His second album "Earth Moving The Sun" is perhaps not as good as the previous, but i.m.o. is still that kind of sound you wish all melodic trance was like that. He also did tons of remix work; perhaps the most famous being the remix of Moonraker originally from Disco Volante. Unfortunately in the late 90's he seemed to have gone a bit behind the scene. More recent productions like the 2000 remix of the single Teleport has been criticised for being a bit cheesy and sounding commercial. However M.W.N.N will always remain a legend for those old enough to remember him since the early days of goa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. My idea is that it could be a bit more focused, functional and able to be referenced like the album reviews section. In the 300 or so pages of "General Psytrance" I bet there's heaps of info and opinions you could find on a specific artist or label if you the used search function and trawled. But also in "General Psytrance", just on this first page of over 300 pages there are also heaps of threads like: Why so few female artists? What music listening to right now? What music you get today? Wirikuta Scam My top 100 tracks Least Most expensive Vinyl, Bought, Sold Concept albums Re-evaluation of older psy releases Croatian Goa Trance Artists Anamorphic Auras(Bi-Weekly Psy review show) How would you call this style? This weeks good covers What's up with Ektoplazm Who's to blame for Vocals in YB Vaccine and Ott Mir? That rare 2001 sound Organic Instruments What exactly is twilight? etc etc If there was a dedicated section and thread that people could use, it might allow an outlet for interesting or relevant info to be condensed and therefore be potentially more functional, interesting and accessible. Take for instance Suntrip Records Label section on Discogs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suntrip Records Profile: Belgian Goatrance label, set up in 2004 by Fabien (Mars (6)), one of the founders of the Psynews.org website, and Joske (Anoebis), a famous Belgian DJ and party-organiser. Suntrip Records mainly concentrates on classic goatrance made with modern production. Also they re-released a classic from the golden era (Dimension 5) and they did an ambient cd as well. (Opus Iridium) Their main goa-trance artists are: Ra, Filteria, Goasia, Ka-Sol, Khetzal, Afgin and Merr0w But they also worked with many other famous groups for their compilations such as: Chi-a.d., Talpa, California Sunshine, Solar Fields, Radical Distortion, Asura, Virtuart, Aes Dana,... ▲ less Contact Info:Suntrip Records Jules de Saint Genoisstraat 151 9050 Gentbrugge Belgium Phone numbers: +32 486633552 (Jos mobile, spoken: NL, DE, EN) +32 495162012 (Mars mobile, spoken: FR, EN, ES) +32 22567848 (Brussels HQ phone, evenings & weekends) Email: info@suntriprecords.com Sites:suntriprecords.com, Facebook Review by tantric_obstacles Jul 26, 2009Suntrip records is a perfectly apt name for this label, as their output can be directly compared to that of TIP records in the mid-nineties; they release melodic morning goa trance with a nod to some of the 'big' names of the peak of the genre, just before it metamorphosed into psychedelic trance: Etnica/Pleiadians, Astral Projection, the Infinity Project, Hallucinogen etc. So far there hasn't been even a remotely dark release - it's all positive energy and beams of cosmic ethereal light. Let's hope they keep it like this for many years to come, as no one else releases this style anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What other info and opinions could go here? How do you feel about Suntrip? How are their albums? Is their output and vision still as strong 7 years after? How does it compare to old-school Goa? Which of their albums are the best? Where have they gone wrong in your opinion? Links to album reviews here on Psynews?
  12. Terrafractyl is great! Haven't listened to the album in awhile. NP:
  13. Just a query to see if it's ever been considerd to add a section to the forum where info, reviews and discussion of the artists, their side-projects or collaborative projects could be posted. Their background, influences, musical style/s, interviews, progression of their discography and activities etc. We don't need hero-worship but I don't see anything wrong with some background info, review and discussion/appreciation. What about the same thing for Labels? Reviews, opinions and info regarding a Label's aims, themes, styles, progression and quality of their discography as a whole. One thread per Artist/Label. General Artist Review Info and Discussion Crop Circles Cosmosis Filteria Prana etc General Label Review Info and Discussion Suntrip Matsuri Dragonfly Cronomi etc (I could have posted this in the Psynews.Org section of the forum in Site Requests but it doesn't get as much traffic) Yay, nay, opinions?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmzi5_jakCk
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGE4P0GAodI
  16. About 50 Euro for both versions of IFO and Electric Universe - One Love back when I first started collecting/listening. I generally try not to spend more than 10-15 Euro on CD's. If a really rare or usually expensive item that I'm after is way below discogs average I'll often pick it up regardless of price. I trawl the net fairly consistently like a diseased stalker. Always on the lookout for potential gems that are not yet in my possession. This pays off regularly. I got 2 copies of Etnica Plastic for 5 bucks a piece and a copy of V/A Balagan for 10 bucks just recently to name a few. I generally try my best to own a hard copy of an album before listening to it. It helps to preserve my ear, the shelf life of that which I own and my interest levels. I've hardly got any money though I just can't help but to do it this way. If an obscure V/A or an album is ridiculously hard to get or consistently overpriced (35+ Euro) I might download it to get exposure to a particular artist or track/s that I'm interested in. That exposure will generally inspire me toward more purchasing. I really love this music, I consistently get inspired and energised by finding new artists and tracks. For me it feels poorly received and under-valued if I just download en masse these mysterious, stimulating, exciting, enriching, enveloping, enchanting and entrancing, electrified sonic worlds.
  17. So little money......... Thanks so much for some of the info in this thread, particularly you Walkabout, and GagalSM for your spirit of inquisition, you may have successfully carved a fresh tangent in the future pathways that my ear-drums and nervous systems will vibrate to. I had some of these on my radar for awhile but have been lazy to look into them. My bank (out-of-)balance says fuck-you!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs2GiVQ4Il8
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYdnsF9AcHc
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXoJTVdEX8A
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