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Everything posted by ion1zed

  1. No, I am not. If I want to listen to it outside, I take my mp3 player with me. I just had to buy a new one and got myself an nice pair of new IEM and now I have fun rediscovering the music due to the new hardware, which makes it sound so much better. There are lots of parties I could attend, but I only go to the ones with the line-up I really dig. Other than that, it's more important to spend time with the people I like and the music playing in the background doesn't matter THAT much. Sure, it would be nice if there would be a supercool goa/psy place where all my friends and lots of different, interesting people would like to hang out, with awesome music playing in the background, maybe even a DJ mixing live, but that's not the case and it doesn't matter too much. //Edit: By the way I listen to many different genres of music and I don't want/need psy or goa to be played in many locations.
  2. Recently this one flashed me. Listening to it on my new iem while commuting with the train makes me feel funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkizzhGQ09o
  3. Indeed...very good one!
  4. Damn I missed the Suntrip show on di.fm!
  5. Yes, I do. The melody sounds dreamy, longing for something that is distant or gone. At 2:15 it sounds a bit brighter, but soon becomes entangled with the same emotions as in the beginning. Let's call it melancholy light.
  6. How about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSZAQGTKhfM
  7. I bought a subscription to di.fm, but thanks for the psytube.at recommendation!
  8. Welcome back Two things: 1. It is spelled "melancholic", not "melanchoic". 2. It is spelled "as well", not "aswell". I'm not a grammar nazi (my English skills are far from being perfect), but you use those two words so often and you said that you want to improve your English, so please start with those two words. Good thread.
  9. Amagaaaawd! I knew they still have it in them!
  10. Sadly, probably not. It happens when people are passionate about something, I guess. To be honest, I think it's just human nature, but from time to time I tend to forget that and really think we could all get along
  11. No, he's not a troll. A troll does things like that on purpose. He just doesn't know better and he never will. This thread should be locked. Nothing good will come out of it.
  12. Jesus Christ what's wrong with some of the people here? I have a hard time "defending" the music which - in its various genres - should be the lowest common denominator here. I have only one friend with whom I attend parties and talk about the music in "real life". Most of my other friends mock me because they think that only freaks (no, not in a positive way), drug addicts, emotionally deranged and weird people gather at parties and listen to this kind of music. Of course that's not true, but reading through this thread makes me sad. Some people should really grow up.
  13. The Elements Series from Altar Records: http://www.discogs.com/Various-Element-Pack/release/4145408 Floating Spirals - also on Altar Records http://www.discogs.com/Various-Floating-Spirals/release/4020010 Basically everything from Altar. http://altar.bandcamp.com/
  14. 'Which ones in your opinion?
  15. check!
  16. Best. Track. Ever.
  17. Adding "Eleusyn" to the list. E-Mantra and Reasonandu, but I seldom hear anyone talking about or recommending them.
  18. Not everything on Dacru is bad
  19. No surprise. They have so many killer tracks at their disposal...they burn every dancefloor as long as the crowd is not totally lame. glad you had a nice party!
  20. Goch - Moss http://medullaoblongatamusic.bandcamp.com/track/goch-moss Amazing forest!
  21. WTF where did you get this?
  22. Watch the video and some other videos he made. Then decide again whether you want to judge him by the same standards as you usually do with other people. I stopped doing that.
  23. Old, and he should have credited Patrick Chardronnet for it...but it just is soooo awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wtIh7seQWI
  24. @Procyon Sorry to hear that. But I like your attitude. Hope you won't be off too bad.
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