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Everything posted by optix

  1. the "security" people at this venue are WAAYYY out of control. and the problems are getting worse each time. Last time (the yogibogeybox party) i was refused re-entry because i "sighed rudely" at the bouncer. they told me to go stand in a corner and be silent until they said it was ok. it was about 3:30am and FREEZING cold and i did not have my jacket. after a quarter of an hour of waiting silently i started getting really angry. they refused to tell me how long i had to wait and in the end never did let me in again. eventually i reached a friend by phone who got my jacket for me and i left. this time (the psyvalentine party) my friends (a couple) were suddenly physically dragged off the dance floor, pulled outside and shoved down the steps. they were accused of dealing drugs (which was total BS). after much protesting at the physical treatment they had just been subjected to my friends finally agreed to be searched since they had no other option. the search of course turned up nothing since they had not had any contact at ALL with drugs the entire time (let alone actually selling any). never the less they were still refused re-entry even just to get there jackets from the coat check (it was about 23 faranheit out with wind). eventually (after calling the cops and much arguing and yelling) they got someone to fetch the jackets for them and then they left. needless to say on neither occasion did either my friends or I ever see the $30 entrance we paid. Basically it's about the worst "security" i've ever seen in my 10 years of psy parties. so far i have never been to that place with out personally witnessing at least 4 separate incidents with them. of those at most one had any even vaguely legitimate reason (like no ID). the rest were purely them antagonising guests and seriously abusing there position. As long as Hello BK keeps hiring those people it's reflects very badly on any promoters throwing events there.
  2. the "security" people are WAAYYY out of control. and the problems are getting worse each time. Last time i was refused re-entry because i "sighed rudely" at the bouncer. they told me to go stand in a corner and be silent until they said it was ok. it was about 3:30am and FREEZING cold and i did not have my jacket. they refused to tell me how long i had to wait and never let me in again. in the end i finally reached a friend who got my jacket for me and i left. this time my friends were suddenly physically dragged off the dance floor, pulled out side and pushed down the steps outside. they were accused of dealing drugs (which was total BS). after much protesting at the physical treatment they had just been subjected to out of the blue my friends finally agreed to be searched since they had no other option. the search of course turned up nothing since they had not had any contact at ALL with drugs the entire time. never the less they were still refused re-entry even just to get there jackets from the coat check. eventually (after calling the cops and much arguing and yelling) they got someone to fetch the jackets for them and then they left. Basically it's about the worst "security" i've ever seen in my 10 years of psy parties. so far i have never been to that place with out personally witnessing at least 4 separate incidents with them. of those at most one had any even vaguely legitimate reason (like no ID). the rest were purely them antagonising guests and seriously abusing there position.
  3. I just arrived here (tokyo) so I haven't had a chance to to explore the psy scene IRL. But at least on the net there doesnt seem to be too much of a lack of events listed. And though I don't speak japanese with the help of google translation, and babel fish together with some good old fashioned guessing I've managed to find and navigate quite a few japanese psy-trance sites. Here is a collection of the links i put together for my self. some of the sites are labels, others are stores or community sites. the general theme though is that they have psy-trance event listings for the japan (tokyo-based) scene. Give it a try, i'm pretty sure you'll find at least some of it understandable. once you find something you wanna go to in the worst case you can always ask a japanese friend or random person sitting next to you in a manga/internet cafe to help you order it real quick. I've noticed that some of the out-door events (mainly why i'm interested in) even organise accompanying bus rides from/to tokyo. for example this evening i'm heading out on such a "Magic Bus Tour" from shinjuku to a 3 day party south of tokyo. (http://www.tirakita.com/event/) part psy-trance part more traditional indian music. Either way the party pics from 07 and 08 look great. tickets were limited to 400 people so it won't be one of those Mega-Events which i'm not all that into anymore. basically i've decided that unless the location is insanely awesome (like some of the solar-eclipse parties) or tons of my friends are going i usually end up having a better time at small more personal parties. that goes for European parties as well as US ones. And i gotta say, i kinda like the idea of trying to bring in some new elements into the traditional outdoor psy-trance events. Yeah it isn't EXACTLY the same kind of party we all grew to love 5-10 years ago, but hell, why NOT try something a bit different for once. :-) Tokyo-based Psy-trance links ------------------------------------- 6 dimension soundz Blissdom BrainBusters Eclipse CD Shop Fineplay Music BBS Fullmoon Records Fullsmoke LTS (down now, but was up just a couple weeks ago.) Mother NewWorld SIRIUS RECORDS Solstice Music Sonic Traveler Sunflowers of Today T.P.E. RECORDS Vision Quest Yet more links for the Japanese psy-scene (Just found this randomly right now. Probably has a bit of overlap with the stuff above.
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