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Everything posted by jewlz

  1. haha, wemf is not new (and it stands for World Electronic Music Festival) last year was wemf's 10 year event, and destiny (the production company whoch throws wemf) has been around for 12 years now it's uaully the first weekend in august, over 150 dj's, the psy area usually sucks ass, but at least there is one, and there's usually only 10 people in the room, so there's lots of room to dance....but the djs usually put on a good show when it comes to track array go here for more information www.wemf.com
  2. I do appologize, I'm just going by a description of it from a few friends of mine, so for me it's just word of mouth
  3. umm...lets see here.....if you're in canada then I'd say Wemf, Om (which you've been to before), teknival, ummm.....there's lots of little festivals around here... but the best one I would suggest would be Burning Man That's held usually the second, to last weekend in october, and it is in the middle of Nevada desert in an area called Black Rock It's a week long festval, you must bring enough necessities for the whole week or you're not allowed permission to enter....everyone gives something to the community for that week (this girl shaves your face, so you give her fruit, and this person is giving out shower water,,,,and this person is doing palm readings.....) here, you'd have to check it out for yourself, it's a dream come true www.burningman.com
  4. I am not even going to try
  5. So... there's this track I remember, from my early days of getting into electronic music, that stands out in my mind so vividly, but I don't remember what the artist or title is. Here is the only maind part I remember, the sample "When night falls and you close your eyes to sleep and dream, I have seen the things you can only dream about, I have been there" and I believe it's sorta fluffy from what my memorie remembers of it(fluffy being really trancy clear highs) can anyone help me please?
  6. mmmm....very very good track I would have to choose drum roll please.... talamasca - believe OR sacorpio (they both hold equal places in my heart)
  7. hey, there's no canada on this poll.... what....ummm....but how....where'd we go? and I'm not saying I'm part of north america tisk tisk
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