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Everything posted by Shalys

  1. " ANTIDOTE 1.0 " EP ( Serum Records) SR001EP Track Listing: 1) Psy Warrior .: Re-Birth :. 2) Indishanti .: Gingee Hill :. 3) Psyva .: Galactic :. Buy here : Beatport Release : http://pro.beatport.com/release/antidote-1-0/1657535 Junodownload Release : http://www.junodownload.com/products/psy-warrior-psyva-indishanti-antidote-1-0/2955281-02/ Listen to samples http://soundcloud.com/official-serum-records Mastered by Tim Schuldt 4CN Studios Boltestr. 38-40 Bochum / Germany http://www.4cn-studios.com/ Artwork by Aumega http://www.facebook.com/aumega.art jgrahamega@gmail.com South Africa Worldwide Release 16/12/2015 Genre: Progressive & Psychedelic Trance Cat No: SR001 Worldwide distribution by Label Worx Limited http://www.label-worx.com/ _/\_ Serum Records proudly presents " Antidote 1.0 " the very first Ep From Serum artists. Samples here : http://soundcloud.com/official-serum-records Biography : INDISHANTI Indishanti aka Shalys is the solo project of Laurent ALAIN installed in the south of France. He discovered techno in the late 80s. At the age of 13 he had his first experience with the famous Yamaha DX-7. In 2001 he began producing for fun, and it was in 2006, he began his career as a Dj in the ElectrOhm Crew. In 2007, he began seriously producing Psytrance tunes and works every day to improve his music and his style definitely say with a big English touch. He released on labels such as Escape records, Geomagnetic.Tv In 2010 he was signed by the famous Free-Spirit Records label based in London. He released his first Ep "A groove for Shiva" in the summer of 2011. And after a year in the studio, he offers his first album entitled "ATHVIKA" very inspired by his trip to India, which was released February 15, 2013. After 3 years he left Free-Spirit Rec and released his second Ep " Carpe Diem " including the famous " Is this Love Remix " ( Original by Master Bob Marley ) with Geomagnetic Tv based in San Francisco ( USA ). In 2014 he decided to create a new project under the name " Indishanti " in progressive style with an Indian Touch and signed 2 tracks for Yellow Sunshine Explosion Rec based in Germany. After many years of production and different labels, he choose to make with his best friends the new French Label SERUM Records based at Perpignan in the south of France. http://soundcloud.com/indishanti-music _/\_ PSYVA Born August 28, 1982 in the center of France in Tours, musician since the age of 13 ReNauD is interested in instruments such as the piano, drums, percussion, bass, and especially the guitar. In his 14 years he created a group of alternative rock "Voluptas" with class mates. They gave several concerts in Indre et Loire. Then different paths are taken by each member of the group. He was interested in the middle Electro rule in 1997 (Hard Tech, Jungle, drum n 'bass, Trance, House, ...) In his 15 years he was fortunate to acquire his first turntables. He became fascinated by the harmony that could create the mixture of two vinyls. He spent the hours until one day in 1998, he began as resident DJ House, Progressive House at Pym's Tours (37). Thereafter he went around the world (Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Senegal, Crete,) to work as a sound and light technician and enriched musically and in 2001 he stopped in Ibiza for it live until September 2003. He mix to Kiss (Playa d'en Bossa, Ibiza) El Noche (Port of Ibiza), El Blues (Port of Ibiza) El Tahiti Bar (Playa d'en Bossa) After returning in France 2003/2004 he mix at the Bus Paladium in Paris At Soap in Bourges, became a resident at the bar La Vila Sera open center of Tours. In 2004 he became interested in Psytrance following him always being with longtime friend Zephyr undisputed Dj of the Parisian scene, and having relatives who are devout followers of the beginning of the movement Gaia Concept (Paris). He created in 2005 with his wife Mély Psyva Association that aims to promote art Graphic, Visual, Musical and and help young artists to launch. In July 2007 he was invited to mix at the festival organized by the Association Electrohm in central France. Gradually he began to produce his own tracks. He releases his first EP (Golden Earth) in July 2012 through MoonSpirits Records Label renowned in France. Since early 2015 he began creating a SERUM RECORDS label with his friends: ASHRAM, DIABOLO, INDISHANTI, PSY-WARRIOR and SHALYS. The beginning of a new adventure... http://soundcloud.com/psyva _/\_ PSY WARRIOR Il découvre la musique électronique dans les soirées underground à Marseille, en 1996. A la suite de ces soirées, il décide de développer ses connaissances sur cet univers. Après avoir participé à de nombreuses soirées, il souhaite passer de lautre côté, à savoir, celui du DJ. Il débute donc sa formation de Dj en 1997, de façon autodidacte, en commençant par la hard house et la techno. Il mixe alors, sur Toulouse, dans quelques clubs et bars, en 1998. Suite à une rencontre en fin dannée, il découvre le monde psychédélique, à savoir la musique, la décoration, lesprit etcil décide donc darrêter complètement la techno et la hard house pour se consacrer à cet univers. La participation aux Festivals « Le boom », et « la zen » le conforte alors dans sa volonté dévoluer dans ce milieu, dans lequel il voit un accomplissement personnel possible. Il décide alors de créer son nom dartiste qui reflète son identité musicale ; « Psy warrior » né alors en 2000, qui peut se traduire comme « le guerrier psychique ». Ce nom vient de la volonté dencrer sa musique dans lesprit du public, une musique qui se veut guerrière. En 2004, il décide de créer avec des amis, lassociation « Mystic Chrysalide ». A travers elle, ils organisent durant une dizaine dannées de nombreuses soirées dans le Sud, en jouant également sous lidentité de « Psywarrior ». Lassociation était reconnue au niveau local, régional et national et international. Ils avaient également été publiés dans un magazine trance international. Après avoir mixé pendant plusieurs années la musique dautres artistes, il souhaite créer son propre univers musical en 2006, toujours sous lidentité de « Psywarrior ». De façon à intégrer de nouvelles compétences techniques, il décide de suivre une formation en 2012. Il continue tout de même à mixer régulièrement de 2009 à 2011, pour des soirées underground, des associations, des clubs, des Festivals, en France, Belgique et Espagne. Il partage la scène avec des artistes nationaux et internationaux tels que « Hyper frequency », « Giuseppe », « Tristan », « Broken toy », « Neuromotor », « Principal of fly », « Phatmatix », « CPU » et bien dautres. Il met ensuite mes activités musicales entre parenthèses pendant quelques années pour sa vie de famille. Aujourdhui, le désir de se réinvestir dans ce milieu lemmène à être lun des membres fondateurs de Serum Records. Cela lui permet alors de démarrer une nouvelle aventure humaine, en tant que label indépendant, et non plus en tant que promoteur. http://soundcloud.com/psy-warrior Booking oppotunities are welcome booking@serum-records.com
  2. Hi there ! You could listen my new track ( full version ) " Mose Song " I made this one to thank Mose who has created the graphics of my psytrance album. I know she loves progressive, hehehe http://soundcloud.com/indishanti-music/mose-song-full-track Other tracks from my Proggy project " Indishanti " : http://soundcloud.com/indishanti-music Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/indishantimusic I promise you an indian trip ;-) Love & light
  3. Hi Freaks, i'm proud to present you my new progressive project named Indishanti ! http://soundcloud.com/indishanti-music http://www.facebook....indishantimusic Wish you all a good listen Love & light All comments are welcome
  4. Hi Freaks, i'm proud to present you my new progressive project named Indishanti ! http://soundcloud.com/indishanti-music http://www.facebook.com/indishantimusic Wish you all a good listen Love & light
  5. Hi there ! I'm proud to present you my Live played this week-end at Transendance party. https://soundcloud.com/shalys-album-athvika/shalys-live-2013-1-h-30 You could comment, share if you like and get your own copy of tracks to support my project. Cheers
  6. Link : http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/geo/geo1dw158.html
  7. Hi there ! In few weeks my new Ep " Carpe Diem " will out on Geomagnetic Tv with 4 tracks This is the teaser : https://soundcloud.com/shalys-album-athvika/ep-carpe-diem-teaser Enjoy and share if you like
  8. Hey Frank, i sent you the link to download it for your Radio ;-) Cheers
  9. Hi there ! I put my last dj set on soundcloud, hope you'll have a good trip https://soundcloud.com/shalys/shalys-set-genesis Cheers Greetings from France
  10. Hi there ! I would like to thanks everyone for the support. My album was : Rank #20 on Psyshop Rank #8 on Beatport Release Thank you so much I wish you a beautiful summer Cheers Lolo aka Shalys
  11. Available on Beatport ;-) http://www.beatport.com/release/athvika/1046533
  12. N°32 on Psyshop Charts Thx to all for your support
  13. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/fsr/fsr1cd038.html
  14. Hi all !!!! I wish you all one fantastic and magic new year. My best wishes to you all !!! I'm proud to present you my first album " Athvika " inspired by my Indian Trip. 9 tracks to discover my musical universe. This album coming the 15 th February 2013. Hope you like them. it will be a pleasure to present this in your country soon.... To start this new year, some preview here : https://soundcloud.c...s/album-athvika Always in my style, i offer you different stories psychedelic. Love & Light Laurent aka Shalys Website : Shalys | Wix.com
  15. Hi all ! Pending the upcoming release of my album, I present to you the last track I'm working on at the moment ;-) http://soundcloud.com/shalys/fgth-relax-shalys-rmx It's not finish, but on the good way. This one will be not release, i keep it for my live act Good listen Laurent
  16. Hi everybody ! Check my new tune from my album coming soon ( Automn ) http://soundcloud.com/shalys/athvika Enjoy !
  17. Thx Rotwang !!! I would love play at Glade, sure, maybe next year, i'm open ;-)
  18. Hi there ! Check my new tune, hope you're like it http://soundcloud.com/shalys/spicy-but-no-chili Feedback welcome
  19. Hi all !!! I give you my last dj set played at Open Circle Open Air http://soundcloud.com/shalys/set-open-circle Hope you like it See you on Trance-Floor
  20. All da best for this super release !!!!
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