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Beat Addict

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Everything posted by Beat Addict

  1. Epic stuff, Afgin! Positive vibes and grand emotions Can't wait for the summer to get here so I can listen to this on the beach, pounding a few beers while the sun sets over the ocean.
  2. Samples sound absolutely banging. Definitely looking forward to this
  3. Holy shit, if "Dunes..." is nearly as good as it gives the impression of being in that video(even though it's pretty hard to tell from the dodgy sound quality) it's going to be a total bomb I hope there's going to be a lot more in this vein on the upcoming album!
  4. Sounds great, thanks
  5. I agree, Kandi is very talented indeed - I enjoy most of his music. The uplifting/euphoric trance genre as a whole is very speciel to me - when it's well done, it has the ability to connect with my emotions like no other style of music. At moments when I'm running in nature, riding the train through a beautiful landscape or partying with good friends, tracks like Kandi's just lift up and enhance the experience to a point where I feel so much beauty and happiness that I almost want to cry It's pure emotions in the form of soundwaves. Of course there is a lot of trite, boring stuff out there as well - but I think it's like that in every music genre. You have to look for the gems! I think it's a good idea that you play a bit of uplifting trance in your sets - I attended a psytrance/progressive psy party earlier this year, and Atmos(who I'm sure you know!) dropped a uplifting tune in his set as well - it was a great touch! Here's some tunes in this style I'm enjoying at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gOiHE_hrMU (Great tune with an awesome piano part in the breakdown) (Really nice track, mostly produced by Kandi) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADtZbIKA9fE (Banging remix of a real trance classic, with a simple but very effective lead melody) As for a favourite Daniel Kandi track, it's hard to pick one, but a strong candidate for me would be "I Found The Way" - it's so energetic and powerful, with a melody that's both uplifting and melancholic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2UNgT9IVmA I'm actually playing around with producing tracks in this style myself(I'm not on your or Kandi's level, though! ) - if you'd like, I could PM you and you could give it a listen - who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it
  6. Ahh, brilliant You really have a nack for creating emotional, uplifting melodies. This track is like a fusion of melodic goa and european-style uplifting trance(artists like Daniel Kandi, Nitrious Oxide, etc.) Looking forward to a new album
  7. Classy stuff Good vibes as always.
  8. is studying hard!

  9. Ahh, sweet. Never heard about the guy until now. Listening to "Cyclone in your Heart" at the moment - good stuff! Thanks for sharing
  10. I take it you were in a very good mood when you made this I'm a sucker for uplifting, positive sounds; so this is just my thing. It's a sweet tune and I love the melodies floating around, but I think the beat lacks a bit of power and drive. It seems a little too "soft" to lift the rest of the track. But don't get me wrong, I really like it! Would love to have it on my mp3-player when I'm out running - would definitely provide me with an energy boost
  11. Wow, they still had it in stock at cdbaby! Great! Just ordered it for 11$. Thanks a lot, champ - I really appreciate it
  12. Hey everyone, I'm interested in getting my hands on this 2003 Uplifting/Nitzhonot release, but I've had no luck finding it anywhere: VA - Conspiracy If someone has it and want to sell it(or knows where I can buy it), please PM me. Thanks
  13. Extracts sounds very promising. Especially track 2(Astrancer), 5(Liquid Flow) and 7(Antares) caught my attention. That's some powerful, driving stuff right there. Looking forward to this
  14. Anything with Ceiling Cat on the cover is a good release in my book - I'll check it out
  15. Wow, wish I could go! But London is a little far away
  16. Psyreviews is back up! :posford: Check it out. Even though his opinions differs a lot from my own, I really enjoy reading his stuff. I hope to see some new material soon
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