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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. My "attitude" is that since I get no royalties (haven't seen royalties for these tunes since 1999) I have no problem giving them away for free. The reason why they are no longer on my website is that I have stopped paying to yousendit caused by their boycott of Wikileaks. I havent had time to re-uplaod the tunes on another service and also wanted the artists I have made these tunes with to give me a "go ahead" (so they too could get some promotion out of it) to release them for free on example Ektoplazm. But I haven't heard back from them yet. These tunes are so old that I see no reason why not give them away for free. So sooner or later they will appear for free again either on Ektoplazm or via SoundCloud.
  2. "The Light" wont be released for free as I do not hold the 100% copyright on that one (Avatar Records hold some of it too): And the other tunes are not mine alone. I made them with other people so I wont release them on Ektoplazm at the moment. I might talk to them at one point and see if they are up for a free release. But at the time I am a bit too busy with other music projects
  3. Yeah I find the free Flying Rhino versions absolutely stupid. First because it's in lousy 128 kbps. If you are going to give away your music for free then go all the way! 2nd because I also heard many do not agree being on the list. However they should open their minds and realize this is not 1995 where music sale was high and they were the "stars". It's 2011 and no one are going to buy their old music anyway (except for a small group of die hard fans). So just give it away for free in highest quality, gain some good Karma and if lucky a few gigs + a big new fan base. My free releases has been downloaded almost 100.000 times all together. Unique downloads - of those I have registered on Ektoplazm and while being downloaded on my own site. I am sure there are many more downloads on the various ftp's.. and it has made a whole new generation aware of my music. That's something you cannot buy for money
  4. Of course this got to do with taste but really try to dig into Simon's old productions vs. FSOL. Now, one can be so blinded by love for someone's music that it's hard to listen to music in a realistic way and to listen to music without comping it to the music you love so much. But fact is, a lot of Simon's old music is not that well produced. The high-ends are way over the top making your ear bleed and the bottom is very thin etc... (But then again most productions in the early 90's sucked). Yes Simon is creative and so are 1000's out there too. FSOL are pioneers and made way more complex music for your mind than the 4/4 beat music Simon made with example Hallucinogen. Yes he had that random LSD sample praising drugs and LFO/velocity twist and twirls. In my book that does not make music psychedelic or make the man a genius (everyone can be a genius as long as the fans say so). It takes a bit more. But again it's all about taste. I do like some of Simon's work. I just do not put him on a pedestal as some do. No one is God as this is not a religion. It's only music
  5. Great list Some more Sheyba http://soundcloud.com/sheyba-elysium Trance Africa Express (2011 Mastered version) Monkeys (2011 Mastered version) Ganesh (2011 Mastered version) Inside Out (2011 Mastered version) Ancient Lands (2011 Mastered version) Into The 4th Dimension (2011 Mastered version)
  6. FSOL would still win by miles!
  7. It's like comparing a Rolls-Royce with a Skoda. FSOL is the Rolls-Royce IMO.
  8. And so what? There are also stereotype ideas regarding any other genre out there. Point is that there are a small group who I consider to be absolutely nonsense with their Wicca, pentagram and horror movie track titles and samples. But each to his own. There are equal groups of artists in every other genre who make music I find bad or just plain stupid. That's called taste and personal preference Heck there are those who think my music suck and probably think it's too slow and not trippy enough etc. Bottom line is no matter how annoying you find such a debate the debate is valid as long as there are people interested in debating the topic and as long no one become personal or direct mean to other people (at that point there is no longer any debate). If you like to debate that those stinky hippies make fluffy bad music then hey you are welcome (Just an example) No one should restrain anyone from debating - it's called freedom of speech and if one does not like the debate then walk away... Simple rule.
  9. No one even debated that issue here so chill
  10. D-Dave got a valid point. All the bedroom clones out there will obviously copy the popular "easy to copy" artists as they are usually those they are exposed to at first listen (People love commercial easy listening). Just look at the dreaded full-on. All wanted to sound like Astrix . And why? Because the music is quite easy to copy (straight forward melodic music) with uncomplicated bass lines (Astrix is the father of boring one note bass lines - even though he did not invent them) and not too complicated track structure. Did many try to copy example KoxBox? Nope.. Why? Because that would require much more experience and also a far deeper analysis and understanding of music creation. Something the many bedroom clones does not contain. Easy explained I do not think X-Dream is easy to copy and I haven't heard many copy X-Dream. On the other hand GMS
  11. Where didI take it personal? I just stated exactly what i wrote. That Mars generalized excessive and that the world is not black/white.
  12. Just because something has never been released does not mean that the artist does no longer hold the copyright. Unless the artist(s) gave the permission I would call it illegal trading.
  13. That's a blunt generalizing. Same could be generalized and said about the hippies (Goa scene) and their fascination for LSD and MDMA (also a drugs). The world is not Black/white
  14. "Dark" is such a misused term when we are speaking about this certain style nowadays called "Dark-psy". Why? Because everything can be dark. My point is as D-Dave that there's always been dark psytrance or Goatrance. The difference lies within the extreme high Bpm's and the music itself. I know there are different approached to "Dark" psytrance. Some just like the fast Bpm's, some like the noises and then there are those who for some weird reason think it's cool to link psytrance to the Wicca religion. To me there is good dark psytrance and bad dark psytrance. Nowadays most is horrible fast noise and when they add the Wicca religion, or just plain stupid track titles and samples taken from various evil horror movies, then I am the first to walk away. It's all about taste but personally I will never get into the interpretation of dark psytrance in today's scene.
  15. There is a musical aspect of the BPM debate where a too high BPM simply will prevent anyone from being able to let the sounds breath. Of course if that's something people like peace with it but to me as a musician I think there is a limit to the BPM terror simply because I want to be able to create sounds that breath on itself instead of a frenzy haze of noise.
  16. No good one. It made you go bonkers
  17. Chill dude. It was a joke
  18. When the dark metal scene got too scary for some kids they said "hey we can infiltrate the psy scene and worship our pentagrams and 180 bpm needs there".. and voila dark psy was invented...their leader's name was Boris from Ukraine.
  19. I'm not your typical "psynews´er" as I do not share taste with most of what the guys here like But come on listen to her remix. It's pretty clueless and utterly boring stereotype "full-on'ish night music - with a twist of dark core". It seem to me she have a hard time making something unique alone IMO of course
  20. Maybe it's just my taste but IMO it's awful.
  21. He he I never saw this one "Atmosphere" sound cool speeded up and with the visuals
  22. No that far out but I cant help thinking it's a bit cheating when you take all the credit (as an artist) when reality is someone else was involved too and was the creative brain behind the music. It remind me of Sven Väth and Ralf Hildenbeutel.
  23. Borelli only made a few tunes with her - or let's say her partner My point was that maybe someone else should get the credit for the music and not her Oh and I met the lady. She is a nice person but hardly a hottie - Cover artwork can be manipulated
  24. Let me share a little secret. There was a "silent partner" behind Miranda. Without him I doubt she would ever have made any music. She was the "business" talent. He was the creative force.
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