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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. Exactly and that's why an artist should say "I dont give a rats a** what they think". I dont think I've come across a more narrow-minded person musically speaking than you. Only ones I can think off are the die hard hardcore darkpsy fans. Advice. Open up your mind
  2. I dont agree at all. Especially not when it comes to the so-called "new Goa" which IMO try to copy what has already been made (And fail IMO). That is not evolution. I think an artists should do exactly what he or she wants to do. There is no rule that just because you made old-school Goa you have to make new school Goa.
  3. Elysium

    Toi Doi

    So he will find a label sell 100 copies and cry all the way to the bank. Why not just release it for free and give a little back?
  4. Artists that never evolve aren't artists in my book.
  5. That would have been a list of almost a release per day. Unless you wanted to limit it down to only the releases by the Ektoplazm label which in my mind would have been discriminating to the rest of releases on Ektoplazm. You could just have made a : "Best digital release" and left the blank for people to fill in.
  6. My point was, a certain 3 year old seem to misunderstand everything i say , that sometimes it seem that people like a obviously bad designed cover because they like the music.
  7. Are some of the se so-called "good" (in an artistic and creative sense) covers based on your objective opinion or based on your taste in music? Cause I see some covers that look like a 3 year old kid has made them. Uninspiring, boring and at times stereotype flashy trance style covers. Of course IMO
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTG5dQxG2Co
  9. I need to talk to Tsuyoshi about it but I recon it will appear as a free download pretty soon
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYaTC7eN3RE
  11. You could not be more wrong The scene is huge and you can not rule out people just because they also listen to rock and pop etc.. They still count and the whole vision and "ideology" of this scene - the way it was intended - was to welcome all people no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, music taste etc. The point is that a person is not less "psy" because he or she also have a life apart from the psytrance scene. Do not mistake some underground online forums with the scene in the world. 0.0001% of the scene visit these forums. Even back in the beginning of the 90's I played to 15-20.000 people. And this was way before the scene had Festivals. Today you have huge Festivals all summer year round worldwide and on top of this you got a huge amount of parties locally in each country. The scene has expanded drastically since it's birth in the early 90's. You got way more countries into psytrance today than ever before.
  12. "From The Archives" is out now on Ektoplazm http://www.ektoplazm.com/2011/wombatmusic-from-the-archives
  13. Wombatmusic - From The Archives (Free Download) From The Archives is a collection of edits and unreleased material by Wombatmusic, the experimental downtempo side project of Danish electronic music pioneer Kristian Thinning Andersen. In association with the free re-release of Shameful Silence, Wombatmusic’s 2007 debut, we are happy to present this well-rounded companion piece as another beautiful journey into exotic downtempo and luxurious chill out. http://www.ektoplazm.com/2011/wombatmusic-from-the-archives
  14. Thanks mate There will be one more Wombatmusic released within a few days on Ektoplazm. It was the Wombatmusic live session from 2009. It's been remastered and edited and will be released with the title "From The Archives". Furthermore I will soon begin recording a new Wombatmusic album but this time with vocals from Samantha Ryan, a US (Texas) based singer/songwriter with an amazing voice. http://www.myspace.com/sinesteticimusic
  15. Here is a re-release of the classic 2007 album "Shameful Silence" by Wombatmusic AKA Elysium. Experimental downtempo with influences from all over the map. Download and enjoy! http://www.ektoplazm...hameful-silence
  16. Thanks for spotting that one. Edited without a "h"
  17. Nope we did not find the time to get together and also lacked inspiration I guess There will be 3 remixes. by Disco Hooligans (Psy trance), Wombatmusic (Deep Dub & Chill) and Warehouse Junkies (Tribal Tech). Disco Hooligans Remix on Sheyba's SoundCloud
  18. Never knew you were in the Hospital with the Chickenpoox ......auuuuu Some update on the release of the Trance Africa Express remixes. The package will be released on Ektoplazm (If they want us there he he) as we feel there's no idea in releasing it to online stores for petty pennies. We rather release it for free and this way give back some promotion to Disco Hooligans. The Package will contain: The Disco Hooligans Remix Wombatmusic Downbeat Remix + one more not yet decided remix We recon the release will be in the spring right before Festival season
  19. Sound good I'll have a talk with Jean Borelli and see if we can do a back2back next time
  20. Actually not correct. This one was their first release and IMO much better http://www.discogs.com/Koxbox-Crystal-World-Of-Illusions/release/177089
  21. You are welcome guys All Sheyba tracks are now online in wav and in new fresh 2011 mastered versions. Free to download!
  22. Nope didn't go as the bastard forgot to tell me. I have yelled at him :)
  23. I'm up for it even though we dont have many tracks to fill a set he he
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