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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. Or maybe you should just stay away from make comments such as: For pop scene And you guys wonder why no more new people sign up to this forum? Maybe if you would treat newcomers like Chichke with more respect instead of ridiculing his/her taste in music this forum could become what it used to be (a quite open-minded community people loved to come and debate in). Just a thought
  2. Welcome to the open-minded psynews where some members will tell you whats cool and what's not cool.
  3. The wast majority here (of those who are die hard Neogoa fans) will call even the most bad recorded track a masterpiece. Why? Because there is a huge lack of Neogoa artists so the jump up and down each time someone make a track and forget to put on the "quality" glasses. I do not say all Neogoa is bad (even though none of it is my taste) but lets be honest now. A lot of it should never be released based on the bad quality and lack of own style/sound. Regarding the few remixes i received none of them came close to being something I would ever release (I can not call any of the remixes professional except for one other that came close to Disco Hooligans quality). Yes taste certainly played a role but more important most of the remixes did not live up to my idea of quality regarding production and especially originality. Its my honest opinion and nothing personal. I do hope each and every artists that participated gets great careers but I do advice many of them to use much more time in the studio and find their own sound. There you have it. And that's the last thing I'll say about it.
  4. A lot of Israeli artists was a huge inspiration to the wave in Greece. Incl. MFG!
  5. I did! They did not take it well I see the grapes are still sour here because a handful of Neogoa artist did not win (use more time in the studio and find your own sound then you might win another time). But get over it! C'est la vie
  6. Disco Hooligans won because they delivered a quality remix compared to many other bad recorded remixes (reality bites). And about your delusional idea that we are the same person. Seek help dude
  7. Mate most here (except a few oldies) got no clue whatsoever. Yes they maybe know some of the more commercial music from the old days. But as said they got no clue whatsoever regarding what went down. But if you ask them they are experts and MFG is God. Oh yeah one of the MFG guys actually do speak to God - I've been told
  8. Yeps
  9. As usual someone twist what I say. I never said MGF was Nitzhonot. I said their style of over the top melodies showed the way to Israeli Nitzhonot producers who was very inspired by MFG. I really dont care if my track "Trancelestial Psychobabas" inspired some Nitzhonot producers (I know one who stole the melody without my permission). And it was not my point. My point was to support nectarios statement that MFG was a huge source of inspiration to the early Nitzhonot producers coming out of Israel into the Greek scene.
  10. Actually nectarios is correct. MFG was the beginning of the horrible Nitzhonot wave ruining the Greek party scene in the late 90's (I was traveling around Greece playing as a DJ all 1997 and experienced the sad change). But I guess it does not matter to people here. MGF is God here and the truth does not matter PS! The subtitiel to the new awaken forum should be "No entrance for people disliking Neo-Goa and Nitzhonot"
  11. I did read it. My point is that whenever someone write these "essays" its their own taste versus the real picture that shines through. Its a bit of a shame that only this handful always seem to get all the credits for so many other amazing artists contribution. As I wrote predictable. If I was to write the true story I would not mention anyone by name. I would just state that there were many who contributed.
  12. Adam Boyd died jumping of a wall in a castle in the northern England on an acid trip (according to James, George and Dom aká The Flying Rhino Heads). Back to the Goa History. Nice but as usual and predictable a very small handful of artists gets all the credits for the whole scene. They must have been extremely busy running the scene all by themselves .
  13. Joomla is great but you need a server with the ability to have safemode=off in order to have joomla operate optimal (most paid servers have safemode=on). Its quite easy to implement and design around joomla though.
  14. Seriously I just spoke my mind and did not mean anything bad with it. To some I am wrong for having a different opinion than yours. There's nothing I can do about that just as there's nothing you can do to change my mind. I do believe that some things should be closed down when its time to close down. And I do not think this community will ever become what it used to be just as any kind of music never will become the same 15 years after it had it "golden" period. Its just a matter of how things are and not at all an attack on anyone here which some of you seem to think. I only wish this community all the best but I do think some have a hard time letting go and have a dream of reviving this community to what it once was. I just honestly do not think it will succeed. But peace to you all and I do hope you will find what you seek here or somewhere else. I wont interfere in this debate again. I wish you all a nice weekend.
  15. "This Guy" can come back as much as he like as long as he is allowed to by Mars. Comprende Mr. Pavel? Funny how people get personally annoyed if I dont see eye to eye with their views As I said I only posted my honest opinion. I guess if you dont post and agree with what the rest agree on here you are a Black Sheep
  16. I am sure you did but there was not bad intention in my post no matter what you think you know. Just an observation and honest opinion. I am aware you do not share my opinion but dont forget that not everyone need to agree with you
  17. Seriously why not just close it all down Mars? It used to be a vibrant fresh community where things happened. Nowadays its totally dead. I doubt new moderators will manage to bring it back to live. Its like with used things. Do not hold on to it forever. Make a spring cleaning once in a while. Same here. Stop at the right time and move on in life. I am sure there can be other communities in the future. Different yes but still just as interesting. This forum will never be what it used to be. Nothing ever become the same. My 2 cents.
  18. The only one that does not respect others opinion is YOU dude. You are the only one that keep going on and on about my opinion being wrong and it's very clear you have got no respect for my opinion at all. All you want is to pick a fight. But I wont satisfy your sick need to stir up a fight. Seriously I dont want to waste one more minute on you. People like you are not worth it! So please go on and also become personal. I am counting the minutes before that happens. I am used to it here! Bye tosser!
  19. Sorry mate if I misunderstood you. I am just tired of always having to stand corrected here for having an opinion. It's getting old and worn out. Anyway have a great night. I'm out of here.
  20. I dislike full on basslines in genereal. Never liked them at all. It's about TASTE. OK? Beside those it's hard to say. It vary from track to track. Fact is I did not like the new KoxBox basslines. They remind me of fullon and sound just as bad to me. That's my opinion and a valid opinion just as your valid opinion is that you liked them And I dont think I have to keep repeating myself any longer. I know you got my point and hopefully you respect my opinion enough to restrain yourself from going on and on about my personal taste
  21. That is your opinion and taste and peace with that I find his new basslines damn annoying, stereotype and according to my taste and opinion they sound a lot like any other fullon bassline out there. daa daa daa daa (I dont know how to express it better). Such basslines simply ruin the music for me no matter how psychedelic or good the rest is (I am not that into the rest on his new tracks anyway - again IMO). There's simply no creativity in those basslines. But again as I have said many times. It's a matter of taste so if you like these basslines I have no problem with it and expect you to have no problem with my opinion too
  22. I never liked Cheese Come on now. I had many people crying like small girls in that debate. So I am sorry if I was stressed and misjudged your intention. If that's the case I apologize to you. There was so much bad mouthing in that debate regarding Disco Hooligans from people who felt insulted because it was not their favorite remix that won. And now let's move on. I did not at one point disrespect og insult KoxBox. Again and I repeat. I said I do not like his new music and think it's far from being psychedelic and sound more like Ibiza Fullon. Where on earth is that to insult Frank E? I talk about his MUSIC - NOT his person!!!! And yes as I wrote much earlier in this debate. I did speak to Frank and he told me his new music would show the community what's real psychedelic and not full-on. And then he present us with full-on basslines You forget I know him very well for years and know his taste which I seriously doubt changed into fullon - and next time I speak to him you can also be sure I will tell him what I think about his music... Just as he also tell me what he think about my music. That's called honesty between artists and something we have always done when listening to each others music Why is it that you do not find it wrong that other people in this debate has the same opinion as I have? Could it be because: 1. I am an artist (we all know some people dont like artists to have an opinion) 2. Because it's me (who dare to speak his mind) and you as some other petty people here have a grudge against me. pick your choice. And no I do not feel like a victim so stop that pathetic low blow. I could actually not care one bit what you, a person i got NO relations to, think I should do or not do or how I should behave. But when you try to silence me for having an opinion no matter if it's about music or anything else. That's where I draw the line and politely tell you to mind your own business! Debate with me as you do with other people. Don't ridicule me thanks!
  23. NO that's called to express your honest opinion about the music. If that's dissing then I have been dissed a 1000 times from people who have an opinion about my music. And guess what. It's OK to have an opinion. It's all about taste. That's not at all dissing. Dissing is when you involve the artist looks, person etc. and become PERSONAL in the debate regarding the artist music.
  24. Whatever dude. There's a huge difference between not thinking this music is any good and then to your direct insult against Disco Hooligans as an artist because i "dared" to make a non Neo-Goa artist the winner (remember all the whining from all of you neo-goa fans?). The whining and the petty jealousy and your reaction against the winner was the reason why I told you to respect Disco Hooligans and not insult him. It had NOTHING to do with if you liked the remix or not! Comprende? I never dissed Franke E. I only said his music is no longer psychedelic and sound like Ibiza Fullon! And if I should not use my own personal taste to judge an artists music who's taste should I use? Yours? Your attempt to slaughter me here failed. As you were
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