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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. I have never heard any good vocals in projects originating from the psytrance scene. It's like the artists got no clue whatsoever regarding finding talented above mediocre singers.
  2. It goes hand in hand with shite music
  3. But this is where you are totally wrong and have somehow misunderstood the History of Christiania. Pusherstreet was never started or accepted by the original hippies who founded Christiania. They always, and correctly, thought it would only bring trouble. Pusherstreet was started by outsiders coming into Christiania to sell soft-drugs and later some of them started to live in Christiania and the rest is history with Hell Angels controlling the soft drug market during the 80's and 90's with all the violence happening and later the immigration gangs took over with even more violence.
  4. Christania is saved and they have reached an agreement with the Government, But Pusherstreet is still a weird name IMO as it refer to a extremely criminal street in Christiania controlled by Hells Angels in the 80's and 90's and later by extremely violent immigration gangs.. The name Pusherstreet says it all. A street where hard drugs, weapons and of course weed (controlled by psychopaths) was sold daily to junkies and other criminals. Pusher Street was never liked by the original founders of Christiania and alot of people living there and till this day they still want it long gone. I think you glorify the worse part of Christiania choosing that name. But of course that's my personal opinion.
  5. Yeah well exactly as you can on Facebook, Myspace (outdated boring dead community now) and almost every other social service out there.
  6. Why not just ignore those artists who a long time ago abandoned this scene?
  7. No thanks! I do not vote for artists who: 1. Are not considered DJs entering a DJ Top 100. 2. BEG for votes (spam).
  8. When will you start finding some names that does not lean against other artist names?
  9. But did they not have a flyer telling you who was going to play? Normally when I go to a party I make sure I know what the Djs play to avoid feeling I wasted my money.
  10. I tend to avoid parties with music I know is not my taste. Much easier
  11. Awwww Astral begging people to vote for them to enter DJ Mag top 100 (And here I thought Astral Projection was a band and not a DJ - wink wink). How pathetic
  12. A band on a DJ top. Sure
  13. Horrible (IMO)
  14. Man calling your project "Pusherstreet" and at the same time supporting Christiania (Nothing wrong with that) will instantly make those who know Christiania and The violent History of Pusher Street think you support drug sales on Christania.It's logic assumption looking at your name
  15. I doubt everyone know what Christania in Copenhagen, Denmark is. Beside that aren't you from Sweden? So what's up with the Christania thing? I am from Denmark and I do support a DRUG FREE Christiana and NOT a Pusher Street in Christania selling weed and dope! Pusher Street has been run by Hells Angels for years at Christania and has generated a lot of violence and dead. Nothing to support! 2nd. Learn to live with critique or stop releasing your music to the public.
  16. Congrats Just one correction. An EP (Old terms used for vinyls = Extended Play) is not the same as an Album (LP= Long Play - used with vinyl albums).
  17. Usually it's needed if you already uploaded a "work in progress" tune and finish the tune. But if you are serious with your music I am sure most can afford USD 9 a month or USD 23 a year. If not yes then just delete the tune and upload another tune.
  18. When people say things are crap without even bother to say why then I suspect them to not know what they talk about SoundCloud is awesome and yes I am a happy paying costumer.
  19. Just pay the 9 USD a month. Its not a whole lot.
  20. A bit sad to see people mock an artists like this. It's been establish he's not a troll etc. So therefore it has to be a person who is serious with a great passion for his own music AND music in general. Also music you like too. His English skills are very bad and I think it's here the mocking has it's roots. I do not like his music or his attempt to make a CD cover but I do think there is a time to stop laughing on other people's behalf. I am quilty too for laugning at him but I know when to stop. Imagine if people mocked you for something you did out of passion and love and how you would feel. My 2 cents. P.S. Please delete my name from that "reaction-sheet". If I decide to make a "review" on his music I like it to be my own words.
  21. Well Raja & co. has always been into weed and drugs (LSD) promotion and have on many occasions promoted their drug fascination on covers. Personally I find it to be a wrong direction promotion-wise.Not the most clever promotion strategy IMO
  22. Depends on how you define "deep".
  23. I've never heard a Full-on tune being deep. That's probably why
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