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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. Just do it correct. What I really hate are those who put my tunes on Discogs with totally w wrong info. Muppet's
  2. Man I'm jealous of thast amazing artwork. Gotta be album cover of the year Epic Engrish on his website If you want my cd, send to money via Paypal, and email to me. with your Address. nhjohyennro@naver.com Hehe NHJO HYENNRO First Album "NH1". Included 21 Songs. not mp3. Audio CD. Price is 15000 usd.
  3. Someone who rip off KoxBox's name is not a band I even bother to listen to. Now for the music. It's not my type of music at all but that is not the same as it's not OK or good music. Its just taste.
  4. I am not able to read your rants richpa as you are on my ignore list. So don't waste your time
  5. I agree with Basilisk. No need to generate more subgenres. Many had their own distinct "sound", even though everybody "borrowed" from each-other, at that time and yet no one made up more genres because of that.
  6. Exactly what I have been saying all along. Nice to see a voice of reasoning. I never claimed it was wrong of IM to be inspired of copy other artists (intentionally or not). But to not wanting to acknowledge the fact that they too got inspired and copied sounds and riffs is IMO to close the eyes a bit As I wrote earlier before being censured. I'll come with examples later on when being in the mood to dig up some examples. Right now I am too concerned about good friends in Norway
  7. I guess we just have to disagree. Starting with the blasphemy is about me and not the music Again I don't care what he wrote and I am not out to censor him. However I do think you guys should lighten up a tiny bit with your moderation. I can only speak about myself but it kill my interest in continue a debate when I am being silenced for such small petty details.
  8. Apparently you got a very fixed view on things - sadly or do not like criticism when it come to the way you guys moderate? And yes I do not think it's smart to join a debate (jumping in after page whatever) and call people's opinions blasphemy before even writing anything else. But I guess it's not even worth the time complaining here. You guys do what you want to do apparently. I wrote to him that the way he debated was not worth the time (Not exactly that way but you got my point) and apparently that was off-topic to you guys. His blasphemy comment and other "giggles" was apparently on topic Also I doubt you bothred to read all I wrote and why I complained. It was because I was censured for stepping a tiny bit over the "on-topic" line while you allowed him to step over it too with no censorship. For the record i hate censorship and find your reason nitpicking! B Ut I also hate favoring!
  9. I guess it's a lost cause with you guys. But it's OK to call my view blasphemy? And why is it not OK to tell someone it's a waste of time IMO to debate with him? The fact is that a person is a die-hard fan if they are not at all willing to hear other opinions. We had just stared IMO an nice debate where I read Tatsu's good points and I was about to answer Tatsu with a sober answer why I think IM has copied some other artists. A detailed answer to her questions. And then I see his very narrow reply and told him I did not see any idea in debating with him. Please enlighten me (without the standard answer it's not about music) what's wrong with that answer or does it has to be totally within a subject to not be deleted or edited?
  10. I am not at all happy about the way Veracohr moderated this debate: http://www.psynews.o...ds/page__st__80 In reply to Frozen Dreams two IMO over the top very one sided die-hard IM pro posts I wrote that I thought it was pointless to debate with a person who IMO write such nonsense and have such a fixed view on IM. Furthermore I wrote to Tatsu that I would return with a better explanation to her question to me. This was deleted by Veracohr and when I asked why with the same examples as here it was also deleted. In private he wrote me a standard answer that I did not write about the music (go figure). I don't think it's OK to censure me but allow another person to example insinuate that my view on IM's MUSIC is blasphemy. Bad moderation and judgement IMO. I would have kept this in private IF Veracohr had bothered to actually listen to my point. Kristian This does not contribute to anything and I do not find it OK to call my view on IM vs. copying other artists as Blasphemy. Could the mods enlighten me about what this contribute and if this is constructive debating? P.S! The reason why I react is because I dislike this over the top moderation going on at the moment. It's not even allowed to go on step outside a topic and Bang it gets deleted or even edited (that's a NO GO). Not good guys!
  11. Of course it's not crap if a person is into this kind of music. Production wise its very good. But why do I call it crap? Simply because it got every horrible cliche attached to it. It's flooded with Euro Trance Hands in the Air riffs, Peace & Love, Spritual mumbo jumbo, Religious references, Alien cliches and Oli singing quite horrible trough vocoders (That trend died in the late 90's with Cher) . To me it can't be any worse.I doubt it was ever a joke to GMS and Mr. Oli. I am sure they think this is the (Ibiza) shit and predict they can milk the Cow and play for 10.000's in Mexico (I am sure they are right)
  12. IMO the music got little to to do with Goth (The styling is Goth'ish though but could just as well be New Romantics). IMO at most its Glam Rock but It was also called "New Wave" as it all melted together in the 80's. It's actually not that bad if you as me lived through the 80's and was a dedicated New Wave Dj. But also not the best I've heard As for Alien Jesus. God grief this is utterly crap!
  13. I think some do as there is a red line between being inspired and copy. If you are inspired by someones music you will also be bound to copy them. As I wrote intentionally or not).
  14. I guess we really hear things very different. I do not say you but I have noticed when some IM fans object to my opinion they seem to base it on their taste and not on rational analyzing of sounds and melody structure. When I first time heard IM's so-called groundbreaking album I instantly thought about those artists I mentioned. I even talked to some danish artist friends about it ( I wont mention their names as they are not here to debate it) and they agreed with me. I agree that many artists copied IM but I do not agree that IM did not copy artists or got inspired by those artists i mentioned (in reference to sound design and some melodies) . I also know for a fact (I've been to Israel many times and also met IM at a few parties before they got famous. I also shared label with them in Israel BNE/YoYo) that they were indeed influenced from the at that time Big names in the Israeli scene (and also from artists in the UK scene). And that shines though in their music just as much as those artists I was influenced by shines through in my music. I too got fans who think my music is the best in the world and totally unique. While I appreciate their support and the fact they love my music I do not agree as I know every single artist incl. myself are inspired by other music and always to some extend copy from other artists (conscious or subconscious). I am pretty sure IM agree with me To deny that IM was influenced and inspired by those who came before them is a bit weird to me but I accept your opinion
  15. For the sake of a good interesting debate (and one where people actually can learn something) why do you not hear what I hear? I really lack better explanations from those of you who disagree with me. All you write is "I do not agree", "it's not valid". or "+1". To me that is not a debate going anywhere. I really like to understand why people can have so different opinions and what they base their opinions on
  16. It's not so much that they copied a song. That's not the point. My point is that when I listen to IM's so-called masterpieces I hear a lot of references in their choice of sounds and the way they build their riff's (melodies) to the artists I mentioned. I am fine with the fact you people disagree and do not hear what I hear. But at the end of the day that is my opinion like it or not. My excuse is that I base it on years of music education and training and a continuous musical life as an artist. I doubt anyone can brush off my opinion as not being valid or not correct. I do have some knowledge and experience in analyzing the way melodies are build and the techniques behind music (I teach music too) and not to forget 25+ years in creating sounds on real synthesizers and I am sure if some of you who so passionate refuse to acknowledged my points had the same experience in analyzing music (incl. theoretically) then maybe you would agree a bit more
  17. Delete me and you are spot on
  18. I wrote "fullon'ish" which mean they are kind of full on Point is to me the are way too monotonic, going down that "ra - ta - ta - ta road", and IMO does not live up to rest of the otherwise great elements in his tunes.
  19. Oh I did not see that. No matter the date I still do not like the bass-lines much
  20. I like everything except the bass-lines. Why is there such a "need" for boring full-on'ish bass-lines these days? It drag it down a bit for me. Otherwise it's cool tunes and it's nice to see him back.
  21. Why should I repeat myself or go back and find my replies just because you are too lazy to find them in this debate? Does not really make sense to me mate
  22. Check my previous replies and you'll read who I believe they copied from day one (until their new start where they started copying more commercial bands incl. very bad singing)
  23. I do know the difference and I stand by my point that they were copy cats (lead-sounds, riff's etc.) and not at all as unique and groundbreaking as some die-hard fans put on their shoulders
  24. Maybe a stupid question but where is the link to the documentary? All I see is a trailer on their site. Or does one have to pay for it? Now that would make their Documentary topic fall to the floor.
  25. Thanks I am not really sure myself he he. I am not sure about the housey reference but for sure I hear the proggy reference and also some more traditional Trance in it. I had an atmosphere in my head and tried to "paint" a picture of a voyage toward Jupiter. A very beautiful (the melody/atmosphere) but also dangerous (example: the wind-sweep effects) voyage.
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