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Everything posted by Elysium

  1. I don't know. I haven't listened to them so how would I know? But you are right if it's the usual generic "umpa" progressive trance Any suggestions of song titles I can dig up to check it out?
  2. Thanks for the suggestions but most of this music you suggest is music I already know and a lot of it is not at all what I am looking for (All the old Goa and Human Blue is far from my idea of deep trippy "non melodic" trance) and maybe I was not being clear enough in my original post. But I am not looking for old music, Goa or Melodic stuff. I am looking for new deep trippy not too fast music aká 2010/2011. BPM's around 133-140. Thanks walkabout. I'll check out a few of your suggestions (the first ones) which are unknown to me (I am not sure though it's what I am after - we'll see).
  3. I am going to record my 3rd "My Vision Of Trance Dj Mix" but have a very hard time finding the right music. The first two mixes contained older tunes but I would like to include new stuff too. BUT this is where the problem start. I have been looking for deep tripped out trance within the BPM range of 133-140 and have not found anything of quality or anything I consider to be deep or trippy (and tribal is a foreign language these days). So basically I am NOT looking for melodic stuff, New Goa or fast multilayer stuff. I am looking for tripped out music that know how to breath! If you are in doubt about the direction I am going please listen to my two mixes (not mandatory and not promotion) to get an idea of the kind of music I am looking for (in a modern suit). http://soundcloud.com/sheyba-elysium/kristian-elysium-my-vision-of http://soundcloud.com/sheyba-elysium/kristian-elysium-my-vision-2 Suggestions are appreciated
  4. Sound quite "Euro Trance" to me Not bad but hmmm...ok
  5. Does anyone actually make music that is not "fast track on steroids"? Would be nice to hear some proper new Goa around 133-140 bpm
  6. A lot of these covers would be much better with other typefaces. So many overused typefaces here bringing down the designs. But there are indeed some gems here (usually those that does not try too hard to be "trance").
  7. I do not disagree. I guess.my "message" is to experiment, find a sound of their own and for the labels not to release every tune they receive. To "live" by the good old advice. Quality over quantity
  8. I used 10 years in various studios before I released anything. So no not all of us got our sound by accident or copied other artists And not all stories should be taken for anything but what they are - rumors.
  9. It's not my big passion to sing so I am fine I do sing out loud when having a great time with friends ha ha
  10. I do not try to put words in your mouth but it is evident listening to the new artists in the goa scene that 99.9% all want to sound like these artists. I simply feel you (after reading your opinion) look for difficulties instead of options.
  11. I highly disgaree. I think you see walls where there are no walls Of course if you think Goa is only a small handful of artists such as Transwave, Etnica and Astral and only want to sound exactly like them. Then you have a problem and I predict you wont evolve further as a genre;)
  12. I did not see your post so don't worry you'll get your answer Yes of course I think it is possible to create new basslines just as it's possible to create something unique and fresh. And of course there will always be some sort of recognition in what you do in reference to music made earlier. That's how things are in any genre. BUT when I hear track after track copying basslines and melodies etc. directly from artists from the 90's then I wonder if these new artists at all have any intention to do their own thing? Not speaking in general as I am sure there are some, but not many, who seek their own sound and direction. And Who said Goa trance has to sound exactly like it did 10 years ago? Why not go new ways, experiment, create something new´, set your mind free and remove the chains of the past? Something that is yours and not just another copy? Nothing is impossible but if that is yours and especially the new artists opinion then I predict you'll run out of steam pretty soon and never evolve. The problem is that you people narrow Goatrance down to one small grope of artists within a big wide Goa movement that actually contained a lot of diversity. Goatrance is so much more than Transwave, Etnica and Astral Projection!!!! P.S! I experiment with basslines every single day (as well with other parts in the music) but use them in other projects. And I do not think I copy other artists sound or basslines as I pretty much think Elysium has it's own unique sound. So I do not have to prove I can make different bassline. I know I can The point is also that it's not just that the bassline has to be different. It's all about the final result and making it your own instead of making it into someone else did before you. I'm always open to advice if it's an advice made from common sense and not based on arrogance. Are you open to advice or just out to stir up things as usual?
  13. So according to you we should just stop debating music all together? Releasing whatever is being made and never tell a single soul they should use their time on something else? How boring P.S! I was once told I could not sing and I am thankful for that advice.
  14. Fair enough. You find my reasons stupid. I find it utterly stupid that some people here get personal offended or let's say "annoyed" if their favorite music or artists are being debated I do follow what's going on and listen to the music so you assume wrong (very wrong) And I do believe I am competent enough to have an opinion that's not "stupid" or less important than yours because you, a die hard fan, have a hard time dealing with criticism when it come to your favorite music. As I said before in this debate and many others it's nothing personal. I merely speak my mind as others do too and try to be constructive in my criticism (I explain why I feel the music should not be released). No I do not tell people how they should make the music. That would be nonsense and there are no "right or wrong". But I do say what's on my mind regarding the music and where I think some of the artists get it wrong (according to my taste). So like my criticism or not. It's fine with me. But don't tell me my reasons are stupid just because you don't see eye to eye with my opinion.
  15. It's stupid to get personal upset because someone does not see eye to eye with you. Take a chill pill
  16. If I am not mistaken it's Lasse Illinton. He was behind some of the big early 90's tunes incl. a world wide hit "Chaos" by Dr. Baker
  17. I know it is all about personal taste but I can not hear something unique here that has not been done a 1000 times. It's fast, the bass is nothing special and sound like so many other basslines out there and the lead melody in the first video is a typical "rave" kind of sound with a very familiar melody. The layers are standard "recipe" layers. The melody in the 2nd video is nice but again nothing special IMO. Please point me to where the "unique" is found? I am not trying to bitch or to tell anyone they are wrong and I do not say it's bad music. It's better than much I have heard. And I know taste is taste. I just simply can not hear what you hear. Especially not when it comes to being "unique". Bottom line is that it's hard to tell some artists apart these days. They do not have that extra something or unique sound that set them apart. Before you knew you were listening to Transwave, Etnica etc. etc. When I listen to many of today's new artists I can not tell them apart or even worse (IMO) they sound too much like the old artists.
  18. That's all fine and it should be fun But you ask labels to consider releasing it (friends are usually not very good (objective) judges of friends music) and a label (or 2) already showed interest which I feel is the biggest "problem" here. As I wrote earlier it's all fine and if someone want to release it of course it's their decision, as if I would be able to tell them not to anyway he he . But to me seen from my personal taste and opinion this is far from being something i would consider releasing simply because I do not think it's original at all and because it try too hard to copy something else. The sound quality is OK but not impressive. But looking beyond that and concentrating on the music I simply can not hear anything unique or something not done before much better IMO. Bottom line is I can not hear his own sound and style (as well as I think he need more practice in the studio) and as you wrote his aim was to copy the old-school sound.
  19. It would make sense to use it IF there would be negative reviews. But as there hardly are any negative reviews (In a constructive way) I don't see why you need it at all.
  20. An OK tune. But not more IMO. But seriously my only "problem" is he (as other new school artists) try too hard to sound like something already been done many times in the past. Like Etnica (The sequenced melodies), MFG (The lead melody) etc. I still miss artists in this new "wave" that seek their own sound, dare to experiment and have patience instead of wanting to get released the minute they found a sound that remind them of old days. I also think the labels jump way too fast when they hear a tune. I know there aren't many artists and it's tempting to release a tune you might not release if you had better material to release. But ask yourself if you are doing yourself and the artists a favor by releasing their music before they are ready? Now this is my personal opinion and I know some disagree. I do not try to tell you what to do. That is up to you alone. But it's my honest opinion and it's coming straight from the heart as I would love to see a new Goa scene flourish. But not a scene repeating old times sounding half as good.
  21. Desert + morning = heat Nice clip but damn did Ian and Frank look uninspired and bored
  22. So let's get back to the game in the right order Rotwang Crop Circles Cosmosis Ubar Tmar Dj Dark Baba G Lotus Omega Out: Guy Sebbag & Gal Carmy
  23. I think you got it wrong here. It a matter of "who" you play it to. It's all about playing this kind of music to those who really want this kind of music. Not a big commercial crowd you find on the big Festivals I would not rely on many in today's scene who are into fullon frenzy ever understanding (or bother to understand) this kind of music as their history in this scene mostly contain references to the Israeli faster full-on starting with IM, Astrix and Skazi. You dont have to make it "massive" enough. This is where things went and still go extremely wrong IMO. You can make this kind of music in a modern setting and still maintain the sound of the early 90's without getting into overdrive mode when it comes to bass etc. God damn some people here are really stuck with their faces way up their a**e. My earlier comment was meant in fun (hence the smiley) and at the same time was a reference to the fact that lower bpm trance (not speaking about progressive here) is not being added to the headline on especially festivals where bpm's under 140 is considered to be "alternative" or even chill-out. And here is it my experience comes to play as I have had quite a times where I was put on the chill-out lineup even though my music is not chill-out. That was my point. And yes we artists speak about our music in a music forum. So does OOOD, Filteria etc. Just as much as I do Filteria even did some "shameless" self-promoting in this debate (And why not). I don't see anyone castrating him for it
  24. Out comes the Grumpy Squat
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