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Everything posted by Panoptes

  1. Get a native speaker to rewrite/fix up your writing. Add pictures and videos. Make the website more appealing to the eye.
  2. very cool. thanks for showing me this
  3. Its a function generator. It generates lfos, envelopes, and has some other uses I haven't real figured out yet. Supposedly it can be used to create portamento, lag, and a whole bunch of other functions. See it here http://www.makenoisemusic.com/manuals/MATHSmanual.pdf
  4. It sounds like Jesus. I couldn't fit my Maths module so I had to order a bit more room. It doesn't even fit if the ears are facing the right way :*(
  5. Agree'd. I can't wait to implement my new gear in my work. @Balance-Music it sound like your setup is going to be sick. You should post a photo once you have it assembled!
  6. That Nu Moon track is smooth https://soundcloud.com/metalheadz/dom-roland-unofficial-jah something like this? darker atmosphere going on here
  7. of course. Sarah Keriggan is proof of that
  8. this thread makes me miss my dog. gahh i want to pet him so bad. Most animals are awesome and loveworthy
  9. thanks for the suggestions. Seems like artha is the best when it comes to polish psy.
  10. Set your synth to retrigger mode. Choose your waveform of choice, usually saw or square/pulse. Use an envelope to modulate a low pass filter cutting out the frequencies over time. Try overdriving the filter if you have that capability, add some compression if needed. It would help if you posted an example of what you you're looking for. I'm kinda guessing here.
  11. The basic parameters of compressors/limiters are threshold, ratio, attack, and decay. Compression kicks in when the amplitude of the signal going into the compressor surpasses the set dB threshold. The attenuation of the signal above the threshold is reduced by a fraction determined by the ratio parameter. The only difference between compression and limiting is that limiting usually has a ratio at or above 1/10 . Attack affects how fast the compression is applied once the threshold is hit. Decay determines how long the compression will continue when the signal falls below the threshold. Most compressors also have a side-chain option which allows one to route an additional channel's signal into the compressor. This signal's amplitude then affects the amount of compression applied to the output. Compression is useful because it gives you control over the dynamics of the signal. For example if you apply a low pass filter to a signal rich with harmonics it will attenuate as the cutoff decreases due to the removal of frequencies. Applying compression will allow you to turn the filter cutoff frequency down and maintain a steady signal. The attack/decay parameters changes how the compression affects transients of a signal. Just try not to over do the compression and you'll be good. You don't want your mixes to look like sausages.
  12. prove it! at least we have photographic evidence of bublegum jesus. what do you have?
  13. at least bubblegum jesus is real
  14. Right, how am I being disrespectful? Just calling it as it is.
  15. The Jim Lewis and Jim Spring case doesn't seem to be much more than sheer coincidence. Yes, twins who are raised separately could turnout similar later in their life, but what this has to do with ESP or telepathy... idk. Even the military ESP research was inconclusive as far as I can tell.
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