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Everything posted by Panoptes

  1. then get corrupted by western powers and greed. Then the psynew community would come and topple your government and exile you to North Korea.
  2. Nice jazzy electronic mixture.
  3. Very chill and minimalistic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz2_Ha_SxUw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zhrh3oGTdE
  4. I think you'll mature into a full appreciation of etnica/pleiadians(well maybe not all etnica but deff pleiadians crop cicles). Its an acquired taste and just takes some time to grow on you.
  5. my college years have been bad ass thus far. High school isn't even close to being "the best"
  6. I'm agnostic, however I identify myself as an atheist. What are you? Do you think science and religion coexists? If so, how?
  7. Blue Planet Corporation isn't similar but you should have a listen anyway .
  8. One starts a thread to stimulate discussions, rather than just blurting out opinions.
  9. kadasarva and nebula meltdown have some similar characteristics
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