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cyber echo

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Everything posted by cyber echo

  1. Greets, I was high as hell when I posted. Inade is great (The Crackling of the anonymous, aldebaran) Raison d'etre is didnt like so much, although tbh ive only downloaded the empty hollow unfolds [2000] and didnt like that much. A murder of angels is some good "dark" music. Although their name suggests that their music is "evil" it isnt. There's a clear distinction between the void of darkness and cheesy evil. eh.. you can try deathprod, if u can stomach his tracks. They're a bit on the extreme droning/experimental sounds side.
  2. Greets bwhale, Kammarheit (!!!!!!) A Murder of Angels The Unquiet Void (1st album isnt dark, others are) I'd check any release from cyclic law label, where kammarheit releases. Just hop onto discogs and track their releases, most of them are kick ass. Herbst9 is good but cannot be considered dark ambient. Check Herbst9 - buried under time and sand cheers
  3. check the line 6 toneports. You can get the gearbox silver d-i box which connects as usb and gives u an asio soundcard with superb drivers. Costs 100$ or so. It has 2x analog out and a headphone preamp that aint bad (nothing too top notch tho). It comes with guitar software that u prolly dont need, tho the driver support from line 6 is topnotch, while driver support from good companies like m-audio still suck ass (ex: its been a few years since vista came out and they still dont have a proper driver for the delta 1010 series soundcard, supposedly a high end product. Im betting 5 more years for proper win7 support.)
  4. wtf is that pic ? Is any artist NOT becoming a wanker recently ? Why all the cheese mates ? By the way, im talking about this: Thats one cj00t chuck norris stare you've got thaer son.
  5. Imho, the most effective headphones for this kinda genre costwise is the sennheiser HD485. They're for 70-80 bucks or so and are quite underrated. It takes them quite a bit to burn in well (80 hours), but after the burn in period the mids and highs clear up and the bass settles and becomes tighter. These headphones really have high bass in them. The perfect headphones for ppl who like headphones with a bassy character. They are also 32 ohm and hence are more friendly to low end devices (ipods, pcs) than other high end headphones that require a headphone preamp to drive them well due to high impedence Frequency Response Comparison Graph
  6. hux flux reissue. Thats a good record. Dont like much of their other releases though tbh =/
  7. :clapping:
  8. Np mate. I almost forgot Maitreya. I've heard all three albums ( from the mothership - telluric waves - .74 ) and all three are top notch but very different. Maitreya Discography on Discogs
  9. props Moai, substrata is excellent. Try: Biosphere & Deathprod - Nordheim Transformed. (!!!!!!!) Between Interval - Secret Observatory ( goes back and forth from active to minimal ) Maitreya - From the mothership (!!!!!!!!!!!!) Maitreya - Telluric Waves (not for everyone, getting more minimal) Oophoi - three lights at the end of the world (extremely minimal and drone like ambient) Oophoi & Faryus - Forgotten Rituals (only for extreme minimal connoisseurs) As for some psytrance that DOES deliver, check the Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch (specially the slow track Experimenting with Potions) and Shiva Chandra - Subsonic (minimal and trippy). Dont try their newer albums though, they seem to have been infected with the common poser disease and are producing utter commercial crap recently, and hence do NOT deliver (just like most psy artists) anymore.
  10. "Again taste is taste and there’s no such thing as crap. There’s only personal taste" lolwut??!?! I beg to differ. There IS good music, and there definitely is CRAP music. There's the 'artist' that produces music because he has talent (ex: biosphere). Then there's the endless sea of posers cranking commercial shit&lols to the masses that wouldnt know an ambient record if it hit em on the head. No offense intended of course, but saying there is no worse/better in music neglects a lot of factors that go into the making of a real record. Besides, if there is no better/worse in music, why the hell are we here, or rather what the hell are we here to talk about ? Our personal taste ? Who cares about that.
  11. You're right, and that also goes to 95% of psytrance/ambient releases to-day. You want some good ambient, check biosphere. Be sure to check the Biosphere/Deathprod split called Nordheim Transformed. Oophoi is some good minimal ambient. If you want lively stuff check Steve Roach, Michael Stearns, and vidna obmana. Also, afaik, ishq are considered new age and not ambient Cheers PS: I almost forgot, one of the greatest albums evAAr, David helpling & Jon Jenkins - Treasure
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