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Everything posted by dmtree

  1. so Derango is full-on but 1200 Mics is goa, meaning it's somehow better? i just don't get you Cinos. edit: okay never mind, it wasn't a statement, it was a question. but even to ask the question, you gotta have some doubts.... right?
  2. dmtree

    V/A - Idea FX

    Really like this comp. Especially the Weird Walker, Epi Centrum, and Fuzzion tracks. Great work, keep it up!
  3. lol.. Xenomorph is much more full-on than Derango, imo. Derango isn't too dark, but so what.. It's not about full-on vs. dark, it's about full-on vs. psychedelic music for me. Dark can be crappy and unpsychedelic as well. Derango is pretty good and twisted, and worth a listen. I would also check out Polyphonia/Metalaxis and Fractal Cowboys for more psycedelc music. Unfortunately neither of those have full albums yet. And Penta, who I think makes some of the most interesting stuff these days. There's others also - I wouldn's say Derango is all that groundbreaking on the album, and I actually prefer some of their compilation tracks that, like someone said, sound more complete than the album. But def. give it a listen.
  4. hardcore ska was the first underground moshpit club music I encountered, back in the early, early 90s. then came ska-punk like the Toasters, etc. First wave of ska, like Skatalites are the bomb, though..
  5. Augustus Pablo is nice. Also try Twilight Circus Dub Sound System Manasseh Alpha Omega Bush Chemists Scientist for the roots, King Tubby, Lee Perry, and Mad Professor are the holy Trinity of traditional Jamaican dub..
  6. dmtree

    Artifakt - Artifakt II

    some of the tracks here are okay, even good. but over all it sounds very pompous, the whole pretentious 'artsy' approach smacks of self-importance, and the repetitive "Infected circa 2003" melodies start to annoy the heck out of me after the first couple of tracks. Reminds me of the Misted Muppet, though somewhat more interesting, less gothic and more psychedelic. which isn't saying much, since Misted Muppet album was the epitome of overrated, and I have the feeling this is where this album is headed as well. His first album was a lot better, imo, but the quality of his compilation tracks has steadily decreased over the last 2 years, from exceptional to basic cookie-cutter dancefloor material. This album is the logical result of this change, though it will probably sell a lot more copies than the first one, as it is a lot more accessible.
  7. too bad john balance is dead.
  8. the only I know is this old 12" from Flying Rhino.. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Vinyls/fly/fly1ep060.html it's not all that great, though.. imo.
  9. what about Weird Walker? very different, psychedelic, amazing tunes..
  10. hehe, sorry, I just know a Brandon Plank who lives in the NW USA.. it was a long shot, oh well.
  11. hah, Brandon Plank made it to Psynews? killargh!
  12. Indeed, I was surprised by the quality of this comp.
  13. actually Artifacts 2 is not all that great. sounds kinda like a Misted Muppet clone.
  14. the Jocid is pretty nice also.
  15. yeah, new ones every day.
  16. Kiwa - Dreamtime Enhancer the whole album.. first thing that comes to mind. Snake Thing also made some crazy chit like that. Also, Zik and Fractal Cowboys stuff.
  17. there has been a lot of good music released this year. there was a lot of crap too, of course - maybe 95% of all releases.. but who cares when there's the 5% of good stuff.
  18. at least they''re not "what's your favorite old school/new school goa" threads.. talk about rehashing the same 20 albums over and over and over, argh..
  19. well, you can say no to drugs of course, but the term itself, as applied to music, came up in the 60s with relation to certain rock bands who played music that was drug-friendly and induced hallucinations, etc. you can argue that it evolved past that point, but those are the origins.
  20. must have something to do with the whole "psychedelic experience" type thang.. I think it's different from 'hypnotic' or 'tribal' dance states, 'cause it's more of a head trip than a body high.
  21. eh, there's enough quality psytrance out there that's not dark or too melodic - the term full-on is just a bit misleading. I will throw out some names - I like some tracks from these artists, though a lot of their stuff is shlock, too.. names like Headroom, Hujaboy, the three Vibraspirit compilations, Phatmatix, Phyx, Gappeq, Transdriver, v/a Goodfellas, Orion, Audialize, Nomad, Artax, Tul, some Scorb, some Eskimo, Point, I could keep going for a while... but again, a lot of their stuff is not very good also. so you have to sift sift sift... and please let's stop calling it full-on already. it's called "psytrance", people!
  22. Love your stuff.. would be great to hear more. off to d/l the set now.
  23. if the music is like anything i've heard lately from Penta and Parus, this should be kick-ass. And Trumpeter Swan is Ocelot's best track to date, IMO - I'd be very curious to hear the remix.
  24. stay away from the Behringer 700, it's a piece of shit. Get a different Behringer model if you must. I had the Behringer 500DX and it's been working fine for years and years. Though the sound quality isn't as good as higher-end mixers. go a step up and get a Vestax mixer, they are solid and have good sound quality. Digital Stantons and Numarks aren't bad either.
  25. Nitzhonot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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