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Everything posted by Insejn

  1. Are you saying you didn't get a kick out of it? I'm chocked!
  2. Insejn

    Good TV Series? Any?

    I saw the first episode. But as you said, the teenagers, my god the teenagers! I couldn't take it.
  3. Insejn

    Good TV Series? Any?

    It's always sunny in Philadelphia The Walking Dead Game of Thrones There we go!
  4. Frankly, he seemed to be somewhat of a cunt.
  5. Yuck! Garbage. Nothing else to expect from a collaboration like that tho.
  6. I've noticed that too.
  7. Maybe it's just me but he doesn't seem like a guy who wouldn't tell anyone about that.
  8. Finally samples up on psyshop. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ibo/ibo1cd076.html
  9. Hey! Check out this that was just posted here: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/62461-smr035-silicon-sound-combustion-ep/page__view__findpost__p__985610
  10. Maybe a long shot and more on the progressive side. But check out Rocky - Keyboard Wipeout.
  11. +1 for Aurora Borealis
  12. Easily Embarrassed - The Truth
  13. Very appreciated. Thanks!
  14. I don't notice any lag while scrolling. Infact, it's really smooth.
  15. Wow! I like that one alot. Very classy! We might just use that. Thanks!
  16. Sonic Tickle - Honky Monk
  17. I guess an apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away
  18. I can't stand Apple and their products but still, RIP.
  19. Exactly
  20. I just love this soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuC6fqK1swQ
  21. Nah, let's see who will win fair and square.
  22. to end it?
  23. X-Dream - Radio
  24. Not a movie but still a damn good soundtrack. http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php
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