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Everything posted by Insejn

  1. Insejn


    Wow thank you! Sounds really nice.
  2. Insejn


    Jeez! I forgot to tell which track Yes, from the Oddball EP.
  3. Insejn


    Ok, I admit it. I have never like OOOD's Goa trance/psytrance. But when I heard this track. HOLY SHIT! It's modern. It has all the sound effects I'm looking for. I'm very picky when it comes to proggresive (I am a SA fanbouy and VERY picky about my proggresive) but this is just outstanding! OOOD, you have outdone yourself! This is simply blilliant! The production is top notch! The very best production I've ever heard from OOOD. If this is the direction you want to take, I welcome it with open arms. I need more fat progressive (MUTe)! 4:50 is insane! Keep it up Colin
  4. Ok, I admit it. I have never like OOOD's Goa trance/psytrance. But when I heard this track. HOLY SHIT! It's modern. It has all the sound effects I'm looking for. I'm very picky when it comes to proggresive (I am a SA fanbouy and VERY picky about my proggresive) but this is just outstanding! OOOD, you have outdone yourself! This is simply blilliant! The production is top notch! The very best production I've ever heard from OOOD. If this is the direction you want to take, I welcome it with open arms. I need more fat progressive (MUTe)! 4:50 is insane! Keep it up Colin
  5. Well then... I don't know how much admin (not moderation) work there is now. But maybe I could do that?
  6. I'd hate to see psynews disappear. But then again, Mars IS psynews and he has done a tremendous job. If nobody is willing to take the cockpit maybe it possible to transfer the most important sections from this forum to Ektoplazm? But Ektoplazm will sail under it's own flag. I dunno... I'm pretty curious about your forum Basilisk, any beta I can try out?
  7. Oh crap! I've been here for a long, long time. Since the very beginning, almost. Psynews has always been there in one form or another. I really hope it will live on becuase all other psyforums I've visited is simply shit compared to psynews I actually like Aeroes suggestion. I have some technical knowledge within the forum since I've been admin/moderator but nothing about the server mumbo jumbo.
  8. Holy crap man you're good! Diamond in the Rough reminds of the Black Hawk Down OST. You should send demo to Remote Control Productions
  9. So, I just listened to it. The whole ordeal and not only the samples. I just can't stand his music. It's so incredible boring and plain. Atleast he put the ~2 year old Taylor's Machine on there. That's a good track.
  10. Woho! This sounds very nice Krusseldorf is certainly one of the best artists out there.
  11. Hello there. I just listened to this album and I must say I like it alot. I'm no good at describing music so let me just say that this reminds me of artists like Wizack Twizack (his Space No More-sound), Hujaboy and some E-Jekt. Check it out if you like psytrance in general http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/edo/edo1cd004.html
  12. The old albums has such sentimental value that it's hard to not include them. So let's say I got stuck on an island with only one album I'll go with Loud - Some Kind Of Creativity or Artifakt - Artifakts II. That's right. I went there.
  13. If I want to listen to good song and excellent use of electronics I just put on the Electric Penguins. Much, much better lyrics and songs. It's mostly the singing in YB I can't stand
  14. Too much acoustic dribble, way to little electronics. And stop with the lyrics already, it doesn't sound good at all. YB, you have failed (with that track).
  15. Hux-Flux Logic Bomb X-Dream Infected Mushroom All back in 2000-2002 or something.
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