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Everything posted by UrAhArA

  1. ab ovo - arioso phil von remix
  2. Simon Posford Live At Camp Bisco 7 Anyone knows the the name of the second track. I try to found it but it names "unknown".
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ken+kwek
  4. http://www.facebook.com/ken.kwek
  5. You're right man. IMO sharing,ripping it is between you and your moral. Sharing it's "good" when you're a curious person. You can try without regret because sometime review are so biased... @on10 sadly I.R.L for most people the only thing sacred is money but I understand what you mean.
  6. Protoculture The Mystery Of The Yeti part 1 VS The Mystery Of The Yeti part 2
  7. Various - Utopeak
  8. IMO I think your mind is the driver but your body is the vehicle and your senses are the wheels. If the driver and the vehicle are clean your journey will become peacefully because the wheels (your senses) will be in harmony with the track (Trance music) . Or if you have an damaged vehicle, a drunk driver and bad wheel everybody knows what will be happening. You will have a bad trip :pissed: . Trance music is just a fire-starter. If there are no sun, no water and good ground a plant couldn't grows up. Check that video just the music and lyrics, forget about the anime!
  9. Domino Mix stare at the pink color
  11. eastern spirit - dulgar (remix to omar faruk tekbilek) This is great!!!
  12. Chi-AD - Liquid Neon Sky Chi-AD - Book Of Eden :drama:
  13. +1 this one still amazes me, that "WO" at 2'16..... fabulous track
  14. Hint of Goa -Chi-AD -Eyes of Gaia (2008) :drama:
  15. When and where did you listen to your first Electronic/Trance/Goa Trance/psytrance track ? On which track you said waaaaw!!! that's my kind of music! :posford: For me it was 10.000 miles-juno reactor, six years ago thank to my bro.
  16. sorry ! Anyway they're still awesome covers
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