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Everything posted by sneila

  1. Isn't the main melody copied from Pharatropic from 1996?
  2. Let's not forget he was Mr Universe too. He's certainly accomplished a lot. I just watched Eraser for the first time and I must say it's not as good as I hoped, it might be the least entertaining movie I've seen him in.
  3. Well, the Terminator series is famous, but it's far from my favorite by Arnie. I see a lot of people who don't really like him or his movies. Maybe they like Terminator, but they don't appreciate his less known ones or more interesting psychological films.
  4. I like it. But I only wonder why it mostly has vocals. One or two of them are really nice, but even so, I'd prefer trip hop music without them. I'd say there is decent music behind the vocals in Xpander so it's interesting, but not something I will have the urge to listen to often.
  5. I used to believe foxes were almost as big as wolves, but now I realize that they are much smaller, more like the size of cats.
  6. I cannot get enough of his movies. None of the modern action movies that take themselves seriously are half as interesting. My favorite scene ever must be when he chases the terrorist on a motorcycle through a hotel on a horse in True Lies. I've never laughed so hard before in a movie. And the Hamlet scene in Last Action Hero is also great, very smart satire.
  7. Head http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063049/ This is the most psychedelic movie I've seen or know of. I just watched it again and I'm sure it's one of my top favorite movies, maybe the best movie ever. It's left very wide open for interpretation of what it all means (if anything), but it's very intelligent. Of course I can't forget to mention that Dimension 5 sampled "Observe, and act with clarity" from the movie in Deep Space 5D. I think you should all watch it, you won't be disappointed.
  8. I see this user continually selling Asia 2001 CDs in new condition. Does anyone know if they are real or bootlegs?
  9. +1 I feel dirty weeks after seeing it. All the characters were repulsive and the plot was pointless and boring. Brad Pitt has good characters sometimes so I was a little disappointed in this movie. I had zero desire to watch it and my instincts were healthy. I feared there could be nothing intelligent coming from the idea of reverse aging and I was correct. Funny how this is 8.1/10 on imdb. It gets 2/10 from me.
  10. Here's my idea of good ambient music, but I don't think many people will share it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO82bdOB1VI
  11. sneila

    Sci-Fi Movies

    I'd say The Matrix is #1 but I've only seen half that list so far, excluding some of the most famous and revered ones like 2001. I doubt many 1980s movie will have an effect on me like The Matrix though. The only exception I know so far is Brazil (1985), which is quite good, but not really sci-fi.
  12. Mystica-Second Dive
  13. Free bonus tracks for psynews.org members?
  14. Hello all, I've put some goa trance items I no longer need on eBay and I'll be putting up a few more later on. There's a diverse selection, check them out here: http://shop.ebay.com/peril0us1/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg= If you want to hear samples of anything feel free to ask me in this thread. Thanks
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