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Everything posted by Psybro

  1. I am proud to announce our 2nd release by ''Hyper Vision Records:''Plasma Force'' -''Supertransmitor E.P''(HVR002)(2014) Download it for free & enjoy this psy-trance artist from Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Goa Skies 2. Trip Odometer 3. Floating to Utopia 4 Supertransmitor Download links: http://www.sendspace.com/file/e146nh http://www.mediafire.com/download/jmw46k19wksqspv/Plasma%20Force%20-''Supertransmitor%20E.P''(HVR002)(2014).rar Please enjoy and leave a comment
  2. really nice tune here bro keep going
  3. http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/plasma-force-2000-brain anyone care to have a listen?
  4. http://www.psyfamily.in/ Thanks to Charanjit Singh : https://www.facebook.com/cjs.kalsi http://http://www.djcjs.blogspot.ca/ https://soundcloud.com/djcjs Spread the word and login BoOM!
  5. http://www.beatspace.com/7700/Space+baby+Records/PHARAOM+and+SOMNESIA/Santorin/detail.aspx
  6. i know its kind of repeatative but : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7lvtRNsDPw
  7. Anything is possible If this guy can get a Goa sound from Korg Monotribes, then its possible
  8. Great Bouncy Vibes good kick, nice bass cool sounds
  9. Such a goofy funky vibe a lot of the sounds are pretty offset but in good way though
  10. I am looking into trying to create something different from the darkpsy and psytrance for a bit Anyone here create psychill who has any tipsfor creating this style would be great Thanks
  11. http://i49.tinypic.com/35laeds.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/ipbewk.jpg Welcome to another journey through mindbending sound and a unique psychedelic ride. This journey begins with the old Wintersville factory, located outside of the beatiful city of Great Terras. In 3090, there was an accident that took place, since then the city has never been the same. Stuck in a seemingly depressive state, the towns people have been exposed to a form of deadly virus from the outbreak that found its way out of the vicinity of the factory grounds. Through the sewer systems and water supply, this wicked mood altering and super powerful deadly lifeforce has swept through and taken its prisoner's. Their minds full of confusion and selfdoubt, they continue the life they once had, but with a small addition of the poison. Now its been few years after the freak accident had occured, and it is now back with a vengence to kill off anything that may try to stop it. More powerful than before, it has mutated 10 fold and will stop at nothing to wipe the city clean of itself. The battle to survive has begun... Make sure your comfortable, because this will be the last time you'll find any comfort... Come along now   Tracklist: 1. CerebraspiraL 200 2. Continuous Anxiety 170 3. Galactroid 170 4. Korrosive 165 5. Not Safe 155 6. Selfdoubt 190 7. The Underground Industries 155 Download : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bzypv3fnOEhjMFRvdWZrUHBUZjQ/edit?usp=sharing
  12. http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/plasma-force-hystericaland Enjoy this powergroove Comments welcome Thanks BoOM
  13. Another Sound Tutorial Have Fun watching and get ideas flowing Peace
  14. Mastered by Satanic Electro : http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/plasma-force-vs-satanic
  15. http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/plasma-force-vs-satanicelectro Enjoy Everyone comments welcome
  16. http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/plasma-force-hadrasonic-waves Melodic Speed trip Enjoy
  17. http://soundcloud.com/plasma-force/sets/plasma-force-quantumaniac/ For brand new record label : Sonic Motion Records http://www.facebook.com/groups/213635428754708/ 1. Quantusdubusmeditatus 2. Another Force 3. HiSpec Modular Lens 4. MagicmusH
  18. Try this particularly for gritty pad sounds http://www.kvraudio.com/product/hydra-pl-by-petrol-limiter
  19. http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2012/11/10/55-free-synths-audio-plugins-for-mac-windows/ Grab some of these and try to replicate it or creat your own
  20. Imba gets my vote instantly
  21. Intense Experimental Melodic Psychedelic Sounds The world we do not yet see, hidden from those who don't understand and only visible to those who seek it out. A belief can be a start, but a strong belief can open a door to those who may want to explore the secrets of the Universe, The Spirit World and Life itself. Keep your mind clear... You shall awaken soon 1. Plasma Force - Techheadz 175 2. Quantum Aura - Hexadreams 140 Both very powerful tracks from both my psychedelic music projects Links: http://www.mediafire.com/?oumz3441ua4gzz4 https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bzypv3fnOEhjT21VMnJnQmVUUFk
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