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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. Sorry for my english Will do better next time, I promise.
  2. Great! Really awesome track there The only disturbing thing is @ 6:20 when some strange repeating out-of-nowhere sounds come into play. Looking forward
  3. Troll Scientists — Useless Science (Space Boogie Productions, 2007) Label: Space Boogie Productions Catalog#: SBCD004 Format: CD, Album, Digipak Released: December, 22. 2007 Distribution: Wirikuta Tracklisting: 01. Dumbient (5:44) 101 bpm 02. Major French Influences (A Tribute To Koxbox) (6:25) 134 bpm 03. Experience (5:50) 139 bpm 04. Trollen Fest (5:12) 143 bpm 05. Brain Dead (5:35) 142 bpm 06. Time Trip (6:32) 145 bpm 07. Scientists In Hypnosis (6:38) 145 bpm 08. Vill Du Ha Luft (5:45) 145 bpm 09. Phone The Lab (6:16) 145 bpm 10. Fairy Tales (9:33) 147 bpm Review: Troll Scientists are Jani Inkeroinen and Staffan Strom, a psytrance duo from Finland. Their official discography up till now consists of, well, this album and 2 tracks, "Magical Fractals" @ Space Boogie's compilation Funland Boogie Files and a collaboration with Electrypnose called "Hypnotized Scientists" on Moonloop's Floating Mirror. However, their unofficial discography features 3 mp3 albums, which can be found over the internet. The albums are: Troll Scientists — Winter Boogie (2004), Troll Scientists — Free Web Songs 2CD (2006) and Troll Scientists — Trollz in Dub (2006). With these albums Trolls gained popularity among suomi/underground fans all over the world, so it was just the right time to release an album. Personally, I was looking forward to this one since the first listen I gave to their music; mp3z never really brought the quality needed to fully appreciate what these two guys are doing. Let me take you through the tracks... © DP #01. Dumbient We start off with an intro chilled out track, which has to be a symbiosis of dub and ambient or just dumb ambient, judging by the name. The track itself a melodic piece of downtempo stuff, some dubby influences are present... oh, I got it, it somehow reminds me Capsula's "Synthesis Of Reality" album @ Ajana Records, 2005. Female ethno/hindu vocals are added in the middle and they suit nicely, not too much off them. Dumbient evolves slowly but never gets boring. A good piece of sunday morning music. #02. Major French Influences (A Tribute To Koxbox) As the title suggests, this has to be influenced by KoxBox in some way, but KoxBox are Danish as far as I know. Not too familiar with KoxBox, though. The track begins with a "Major French Influences" vocal sample, which is followed by a soft 134bpm beat and throat-singing, "quacking" sounds added right after. Troll's sound, if you are not acquainted with it, is never in-your-face. Nice variation here. I'd put this track under psy-disco category for it's funky vibe. It also has this oldschoolish (in terms of minimal) touch, so this isn't progressive really, as some may have thought. #03. Experience We go faster now with 139 bpm. Not much going on here because of a build-up in the first half of the track that ends with a break. Few synth-lines that change each-other, a couple of filtered vocal samples closer to the end. Not a stand out for me. #04. Trollen Fest Now imagine trolls gathering for a festival in the forest. This may be the soundtrack. Seconds after the first beats, we hear a story told by the troll festival organizer. I wish I knew trollish, so I could understand him The track goes more aggressive toward the end with some more synthed-out troll stories. Good one. #05. Brain Dead This one has dark/mystical atmospheres, but never gets aggressive or boring, melodic synths grab and take you for a ride. A pretty interesting track here, it changes direction and mood a couple of times, totally unpredictable. #06. Time Trip Now we've stepped into the 145 bpm territory, get ready to take a time trip... and here we go! It took only 20 seconds to feel the fountain of sounds, colors and emotions. This is the most joyful track until now. Everything changes rapidly, there's even a sample of some acid-guru (what kind of psytrance would it be without it? ) "Have you ever noticed your little finger exactly fits your nostril?" That must be Terence McKenna. Track ends with a simple yet effective melody. This must the music trolls listen to at their festivals in the mornings #07. Scientists In Hypnosis This one is a collaboration between Troll Scientists and Electrypnose. These two have already collaborated before, they released a track called "Hypnotized Scientists", haven't heard it though, but the title sound similar. It starts with stardust floating in the air and galloping beats right after. It has something Electrypnosesque in it — it the hardest track on the album... and what do I hear, guitars. Nuff said. Well, they suit here better than on most tracks I've heard lately, thought (also I'm not a fan Electrypnose's stuff). Track ends with acidic troll vocals, this must be how they sing under acid #08. Vill Du Ha Luft "Einstein estimated that we only use a small proportion of our brain!" He said nothing about trolls, though. Epic atmosphere here with a nice build-up with acid synths. It may get too full-on for some, but others will for sure appreciate it, especially if you liked two previous Space Boogie's albums. Happy mushroom full-on I'd call it #09. Phone The Lab Looks like someone's calling trolls while they're in the lab. Strong baseline combined with 90's synth sounds just like the classic suomi for me. It doesn't last long, though. It's followed by a break and goaish melodies come into play. And then again it all changes from head-to-feet and from feet-to-head. This one's a funny track and will work well on morning dancefloors. #10. Fairy Tales Album ends with this melodic fairy tale. Pretty dark and melancholic atmospheres with a melody that suits them pretty well. It builds-up towards the end and gets more intense. A calm ending to a colorful adventure. Bottom line: I can't say that this is astonishing or disappointing album, because I didn't have any expectations. I have to say I didn't really like Vishnudata's and Astroschnautzer's albums released by Space Boogie, so Trolls wins the competition for me. On the other hand, this album could have been better and more varied. This definitely is a stand out album, especially considering today's competition. Every fan of suomi, goa and any other kind of interesting music has to hear this. I'm sure 1-2 tracks will suit my sets, will wait for summer to arrive first, though. Playing these tunes in forests and watching people smiling is really something to be looking forward to Favorites: 2, 4, 6!, 7, 8!, 9! Related links: Troll Scientists: http://www.trollscientists.com/ MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/trollscientists Space Boogie Productions: http://www.spaceboogie.net/ Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/release/1187192 Shops (Click for samples): PsyShop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sbc/sbc1cd004.html BeatSpace: http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=3882
  4. Apsara definitely deserves more votes I voted for something else, though. Well, it depends on one's taste and quality-wise they are all on the same (high) level. Also, I don't get the point of this and some other similar polls.
  5. Oh, thanx
  6. Try Astroschnautzer, you'll love it. UPD: Haven't read the last sentence So... what's your problem? You didn't like these albums and you are letting us know?
  7. This is the album of the year for me. Everything I wanted to hear in 07
  8. +1, I used to like Shulman though.
  9. Saiko ships to Ukraine, Psyshop doesn't. It takes 3-5 weeks for a CD to arrive, UkrPost is the main reason, though
  10. I like all the stuff from hippy/ethno/fluoro through stylish brands to chav clothes in order to make the hippies scared. It just depends on the mood, purpose and the party I'm going to, but fluoro most of the time I'm going to buy a shirt from this guy soon.
  11. Sorry, we only care about the release date When?
  12. Aren't these CDs available at local/major/specified music stores in USA?
  13. My advice is to start exploring psychedelic trance from it's roots in order to see the evolution. Check the reviews section, explore it from the bottom
  14. That's the usual stuff with Cosmic Leaf. "Half good" is exactly what you have to expect.
  15. Thnx for recommendations some time ago I discovered many interesting releases. Aril Brikha has a nice album, check it out.
  16. This one pwns. Eclectic in every sense.
  17. One of most listened to albums this year for me. I don't usually have an album played so many times, so this one will be in Top10 for sure.
  18. Thanks for letting us know.
  19. Saiko-Pod looks interesting.
  20. I wanted to recommend Ishq/Elve/Ishvara, but Abasio was faster =)
  21. Seven, zero, four ... do you get it? Seven million forty two thousand seven hundred thirty six is ok too, but I don't think you want to say that.
  22. First of all, check out the search. Secondly, check the reviews from 1994 till about 1999 + count in Suntrip releases from 2004 till 12 November, 2007 It's really more interesting to explore by yourself, if you've got time, of course.
  23. My fav darkish compilation this year and probably the best from Parvati.
  24. Concerning the topic, you have to understand that matching beats in psytrance is like farting at the dinner table. My friend once played at a party, while he was playing orgs came over to him and said "Oh come on! Nobody beat-matches suomi!"
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