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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. Waiting for Filipe's point. Considering the spamming, I can't even think of anyone who would not be interested in that album to be released... except, well, you-know-who. I'm happy anyway that this album saw the light and we're able to listen to it. Also, there's a thingy called karma and frankly speaking, that's the logical end to what you did, including your posts and attitude - that just overweights everything you did as a label, and I'm talking about Metapsychic (in it previous form) in general. So you have the chance to start everything again, people will accept it for sure. Phototropic did nothing wrong, IMO. Interesting to hear arguments in the other direction, because I just cant think of any.
  2. Seen a month ago @ arabesque dist. site, that I often check for new releases.
  3. Will check it out fo' su'.
  4. Where & when?
  5. Kuba, and the music? is it any better than his first album? (which wasn't good)
  6. E-Mantra is great here
  7. Previews sound pretty interesting Looking forward.
  8. All of them Except Goasia, of course - *goes downstairs to check the mailbox* =)
  9. Whatever.
  10. So after Gaudium and Ace Ventura, I can say they I liked this more. This is Iboga in terms of quality and Australia in terms of ideas
  11. Heh... seems like I'll be present at the last Metapsychic gig. See you in Lviv - it will be interesting to hear some Metapsychic unreleases you promised to play. Thnx for Meta.
  12. Spring would be nice for a goa trance renaissance
  13. I think Native State is doing a better job. Just look at his Aleph Zero label, their latest VA sounds just as minimal as Native State's 'Bioluminescnece' or 'Beneath the Surface' compilations and has half of people in the tracklist from them. I mean Shulman is Shulman, why is he trying to sound like somebody else? Not only does Aleph Zero repeat other's ideas, but he also changed his style into more minimialistic and added his organic touch... and there you go - an album released. On the other hand, I'd rather listen to this album than 90% of other chill/ambient, it's top quality for sure, but he definitely has more potential, that's why I wasn't blown away by it.
  14. I wasn't too impressed by this album.
  15. Your french pardoned upd: ok, he just edited his post OK, we've had 'Albums of the Year' here at psynews... looks like I'm going to start the 'Album of the last decade' thread.
  16. I must really be the happiest person because of not listening to the samples and as a result tearing my hear off ...but when I hear the real thing you won't see me for a week
  17. So, mmm... quality mp3 encoders exist now, there's also popular lossless codec FLAC Maurizio said he will call back tomorrow morning and also asked people here to stop calling him :clapping: which are good then?
  18. You are the man, dloading at the moment. Finally I'll update my sets with a fresh unreleased audio-quality track. I'm pretty sure it's awesome, haven't listened yet..
  19. omg omg what planet are you from, dude?
  20. An awesome track from Sensient. I've heard it for the first in a podcast around a year ago, finally it's released.
  21. Go, go Overdream and Saikozaurus Ukrainians spreading around the world.
  22. Nice and pleasant fusion indeed.
  23. This album deserves an in-depth DP style review as a thread-starter
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