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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. Being faster than future, I post the new cover =]
  2. I don't get it, where I can dload it?
  3. Actually thats a pretty known backdrop don't know who's exactly, but seen it hundred times on party pix from Sweden.
  4. And you do have the time? That's the reason why we don't work as designers.
  5. Skazi? I was thinking about Astral Projection being played at 00:00 with a climax at that very special moment... it's not massive, but very positive and should work (please everyone).
  6. Basicaly it's all about the tracklist. Secondly listen to the samples. Sounds fucking magnificent. 01. Mussy Moody - Phenix 02. Para Halu - Phenix 03. Noise Gust - Phenix 04. Galaxy Madness - Phenix 05. Savage Scream - Phenix 06. Ocelot - Phenix 07. Horror Place - Phenix 08. Terminator - Phenix 09. Derango - Phenix 10. Jahbo - Phenix
  7. Haven't listened much because I was invited to play at a party so I listened to older stuff + music I usually play. Mostly Filteria, Goasia
  8. Thnx, PKS Will be an interesting read.
  9. Giiwa for sure... they posted a topic @ isra that says they are looking for artist for Schizm2. Good Luck *downloads that track* UPD *enjoys it*
  10. One of the few interesting compilations this year, A class.
  11. Radical Distortion - Inspiration - fav for me after first listens. Mendark sounds as if he didn't exactly know what 'psychedelic' means... but well, I may be wrong, will listen to it more
  12. Releasing two albums at the same time isn't a good thing from the marketing point of view, but well... it's so non-commercial
  13. *who cares*
  14. Yes, it almost complitely suxx FREq, Vibrasphere and Sun Control Species are OK, imo. Fiord track is also nice but it lacks something... All in all - a disappointment. It has something in common with Meller's last album - it can only be used as crossover tools for djs at progressive arties.
  15. Weird thing, actually - mp3 and labels Daddies and sons - De Javu Rec from russia for example. But yes, I agree with furthur... only that the whole psytrance scene is loosing it exclusiveness and interestness, some sort of cultural inflation you have to go deeper in order to feel the same excitement as in the past.
  16. The link you provided doesn't work properly.
  17. I'm so fucked up with all these 'full on' threads
  18. Sensient Luna Spice Drone Opsis Also check Zenon compilations.
  19. What I like about this is the banner It says "Blabla, bla-bla bla! Bla bla. Compiled by... who cares?" Exactly what I'm thinking
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