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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. I wrote you an e-mail. I'd be glad to help my favorite label =]
  2. what then?
  3. imo the best full on is Electric Universe - Cosmic Experience (2004 / Spirit Zone)
  4. Based on last.fm But it doesn't represent my likes properly, only track-played-count, so I want to add Padmasana to the list. Dakini is magnificent
  5. Incredible album by Puff Dragon.
  6. 07. Crop Circles - Lunar Civilization (Filteria Rmx) I can only imagine how this will sound under stars at night. *waits for the open-air party period*
  7. Cool Wanted to ask you about the tracklist... especially track#3, it roxxor But didn't know how you would react. Looking forward to the album!
  8. Confirmed.
  9. I don't find majority of the releases in 'full on' subgenre psychedelic at all, most of it is Audio Toilet Paper, however there nice exceptions.
  10. what could be more stupid?
  11. Subconsciousmind - Gfuehlsweid [ Fiin Records / 2004 ] One of the best CDs from 2004. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/fii/fii1cd001.html http://www.subconsciousmind.ch/ http://www.fiin.ch/ sure =] no need to mention 10, me thinx
  12. Thread reanimation Lets write the latest stuff we have just discovered, rediscovered, simply what we like Maybe lets move it to the General section?
  13. amphiton


    No. Yannis, Emmanuel and Balint Also Frederik and Carl, Matthieu =)
  14. amphiton


    I don't... and never was. Artists only
  15. At first this review was like "Killargh album!!!11" but he edited it and wrote a good one.
  16. they will now
  17. so why have you started all this?
  18. Personally, I think that they should be moved, maybe even a new subforum for dj mixes would be nice. It will gain more popularity if people like Basilisk or pr0fane post their mixes over there.
  19. You should try then...
  20. Looking forward! =]
  21. Exactly! IMO that's the whole point. ...but take commercial psy scene (actually, you can take any other scene), what the dj does - he pleases the audience, other aims? ...well, are there any? In this case is there any movement - brain activity, open mindness, etc? No. Because there are no aims set by modern digital shamans, people with knowladge and vision - The DJs and people haven't got any standarts to follow. ...they come, eat chips, drink bear, go home.
  22. *checks Georgian psytrance* UPD *finished checking Georgian psytrance* Nice project... is it really Georgian? Of course they have to work a little more, but I hope that some they will play in Ukraine, if they progress - they will be invited, I promise =] PS These *things* a la moni are kinda fun =)
  23. Have you ever been to a psytrance party?
  24. Who might have thought?
  25. Riot Fuel? It must have been '*something* Dragon', no? Dreamweaver Don't know the others though...
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