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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. Starseed - A Million Hz Away With its' roots firmly planted in the underground, Swedish 67 Rec. aims to nurture the growth of the psy-trance movement as it gains momentum on a larger scale, as was foreseen by many. Based in Gothenburg, which has spawned artists like Robert Leiner (Source/R&S), Atmos on Anti's Spiral Trax and S>Range, we will be upholding this heritage and adding to the legacy while providing an outlet for the global creative collective. Expect only high quality releases and consider this an invitation to join us on the journey, packed full with dance-floor goodness! This offering is from Starseed, a long-time-coming debut album, no less, as earlier releases have all been co-operative works (Metrognomes w. Tim "Quirk" Healey as well as with D.I.M.O and others). Dj on the international psychedelic circuit since 1994, Starseed has played at Indian solar eclipse parties and American desert festivals. Sony offered him a recording contract in 1997, following a few successful releases, but he declined. That really upset his manager, as you can imagine. Thus, eight years have passed since the last Starseed release. Now "a million hz away" is sure to put his sound back on the map. Enjoy! ------ Check the samples here.
  2. He's from Russia... this is what I found after 1 min @ google.com http://zirrex.mytrance.ru/
  3. Hofuku Sochi - Min Tek [Popup Records / 2005] Nice lo-fi bleepy ambient... kinda warp_not_gone_commercial + thinnerism.
  4. Any chance to listen to the samples of more psy goa stuff?
  5. What if... there are a couple of categories like goa, full on, dark, proggy. These categories make up one CD. Every category has a winner, so... Full On winner gets released by a Full On label - TurboTrance or something. Dark gets released by Trishula for example. Goa by Suntrip =] Proggy by Iboga or Tribal Vision... I'm sure all these labels have got a free slot in their upcoming compilations and it would be cool for them to have a competition winner. What do you think? Of course, you have to speak with the labels first... but if I was a label owner I'd say 'Yes'.
  6. Come on, man... Great releases need proper reviews.
  7. have you received anything?
  8. who knows?
  9. Sounds interesting
  10. Set5 was released in the end of June, actually... so
  11. Samples will be available soon over here.
  12. V/A - Martin Fitzgerald File
  13. amphiton

    V/A - Idea FX

    Great release indeed! Praecox has worked hard The weird side of nice techy/proggy stuff =] The next release by Horns n Hoofs will be Kino Oko's album, looking forward!
  14. My source says it should be out this week =] Too many good releases these days...
  15. delayed or something?
  16. FREq is from NZ.
  17. Of course it wasn't, cuz it was posted in the 'Artist News and Labels announcements' forum and it was posted like 2 months before it was actually released! There are posts like this almost to every release... The first line here makes no sense!
  18. nice one =)
  19. Is there an E-Mantra track?
  20. I think most of South Afrikan producers like da bass.
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