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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. So you have already heard it? Any way to get a sample?
  2. 1. Who are you to tell me to shut up? :/ It's like sticking PLUR in the ass. 2. This company is ran by 2 germans. I don't care if Britney was copied legaly or illigaly. I buy ORIGINAL GOA CDs from the web for the money I make. 3. Ukraine is written like 'Ukraine' and not 'ukraine' like you have written. have a nice life
  3. Well... maybe I really am wrong and will regret what I have said, but I don't believe these are originals. Nowadays it's easier to make a copy than find an original. That's why the possibility for it to be a fake is higher.
  4. 2 F: Well, tell the guy that we are waiting for him
  5. I am 100% sure they are not original. Why? Because I work a company that sells cds on ebay the same way as this guy. I'm their sysadmin and they sell shit, so I'm not bothered about artists. I even know a guy who can make looking like original Pleiadians CD with 100% exact audio copy for 2$ :/ But this way of buying CDs suxx =(
  6. hm.... so this is enother one =)
  7. I was looking for 'coming soon' releases @ psyshop and I found this This compilation is called Ibiza 10 AM and here's the tracklist: 1. PLEIADIANS - Asteroids 2. ION - Eveybody on the floor 3. S RANGE - Souper signal 4. BIOTONIC - The right time 5. OVERLAP - Party all day long 6. PAN - Pantastic happiness 7. ORION - Elecric pulse 8. JIRAH - Crystalline 9. COMPRESSOR - Shink IMO, not very promising if you expect goa... Ion? =) That full-on guy? Anyway... waiting for the samples.
  8. OK Everything about this is just amazing. But I've heard that always half of the line-up doesn't come to this fest. I'm from Ukraine, so It's like ~500km, but I've heard "not so good" things about it... so what's your opinion? anybody been there?
  9. I voted for VA - Run Motherfucker, Run. So-called Darkpsy has the Energy in it... but something beyond it - no only very few have, most is crap. I even think it's the most commercial sub-genre after full-on. I noticed, that people that are sniffin' more (u know what I mean) like dark more. Maybe the problem is in me, because I think that trance should lead to stars, micro- or macrocosmos and not to hell :/ VA - RMR, imo, is more experimental and is not typical "I thank God for the suffering" trance.
  10. Very happy you, guys! I'm sure some day near the future I will visit your party! =)
  11. Congratulations! I will buy that CD for sure
  12. Hooooorrrreeeyyyy! =) Very happy for u! When?
  13. Yeah, really nice =) Your best track so far, imo! Keep it up!
  14. !!! =) Extremely happy for this! I've dloaded some e-mantra's tracks... I listened to them (there were 3 tracks with bitrate ~192) like 10 times each =) The guy is great! I have to check it out! Thanx!
  15. Thnx! I'll check it out.
  16. Official information provided by Tranceform Records says that the releases had to be postponed, but not cancelled! Also it should be out before June '05, but thats not a promise!
  17. Very nice, in fact Actually, what I don't like about modern goa, is the usage of hi-hats (...or how are they called?) I think that it has been a long time since goa legends didn't have modern equiptment, so today something more advanced should be used. Also they sound too primitive in contrast with other sounds and especially with the acid line =) Secondly, when you go deep with the melody (I mean myself when I'm into music), there are no ambiental sounds, only a bass-line, and if there are, they are too obvious and not that mystical. That's my point of view. It's obvious that these suggestions were made by me in order to see (change) your music the way I like it. Good Luck!
  18. downloading... review later nice to see you, Amithaba, working =) I hope you're going to be the first artist, who I will have known before releasing an album or some tracks in compilations! good luck
  19. Ethereal's 2005 album can Well, I hope so!
  20. Off-topic: Transformers rule! =) The guy with Ganesh is Carl and the guy with Transformers logo is Fredrik?
  21. I wish there were more people like Jannis
  22. It's going to be better, why? Because people will be boared of full on and those who begun listening to full on in 2002-2004 discovered more intelligent music, so the demand for high quality music will be much higher and such artists will be respected more. New long-awaited releases are to come: Shpongle Pleiadians Ethereal Transwave MFG (?) Filteria Goasia (I hope) VA - Fluorotronik VA - Pure Planet 2 and more releases that are unknown to us... On the other hand psytrance will be getting more commercial, the positive side of this is that more people will be involved. As I see now many people begin with full on and end up with where it all started. I hope it's going to be like I've said.
  23. 2 Ukiro: Maybe you know if Hikimori is his trance side project?
  24. I've heared a second album will be released later this year (?) Wonderful =)
  25. Wow! =) Waiting for the samples! I'm sure about Filteria releasing quality music... but what about the rest? :/
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