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Everything posted by amphiton

  1. Then I'm very sorry for you =)
  2. Benza is definitely in my top5 for sure! =) I discovered it this summer, a friend of mine played it at open air @ 5am =) It was The Wolf track.... This is a story about Peter and the wolf... I think I'll never forget this moment! This is a kind of album that could be talked about over and over, but I could give you an advice - listen to it =) Rating: 9/10
  3. Here in Ukraine we are used to lose money after organizing parties, because there are not many people who even know about goa and psy culture, but it's like 5-10% of the budget. (150-200 people visiting our parties in Lviv and about 500 in Kiev). Goa is our culture or hobby, but not the way of making money. If we are organizing a party, we write down the business plan and put minimal prices so the party could pay off.... if we put in 1000$ then our point is having them back, more money we make - more money will be in the budget of our next party =) We dj for free (paying to ourselves would be strange ) deco is done for free too, only materials are bought. Sometimes we invite designers from other cities, so we pay them for transportation + food + find them a place to live, but usually it's done for free, because we know each other well and are good friends =) invited dj's/artists are usually payed as they should be, but if they are friends too, they ask much less money. So it's all about the culture. I think GOA is like this... if not then it should be. Of course, there are commercial parties, especially in Kiev, mostly for amphetamine addicts with psytekno... I've been on such party because there was DJ Loopus from Loopus in Fabula and a legendary dj from Moscow - DJ Ugaryan. That was a strange mix of psytekno, funky goa from Loopus and suomi from Ugaryan on 2 dancefloors =) but that's no my cup tea.
  4. Astral Projection. Album TEN is called Full On. Nothing more to say. The Muses Rapt is Goa. Let's think this way - technically his new album may not be goa, but it's all about the SENSE and SPIRIT!
  5. Hikimori - Black Ops is the best track here, imo. 4th and 5th track are also not bad and their collaboration (7th) is nice (with changing pitch But truly, hoped for more from Twisted.
  6. I voted for Ethereal, it's very intelligent and emotional, Carl and Fredrik are my favourite artists. But every artist is worth voting for. Also I want to mark Filteria, Ypsilon 5. You should also check this one Goasia (listen to the samples in all parts of his web-site, they are amazing). I'd even vote for him, because nobody hasn't =( The guy is great. He's released 3 tracks @ VA - Pure Planet and 1 @ VA - Chill On Ice. Benza should be played in the morning (after "heavy" part of the party) It's usually done like this at our parties and it always makes me smile and simply happy =) Electric Universe is the more full on than any other artist here but it's very nice =) We should say thank you to everybody in this list! BTW, where's Skazi?
  7. amphiton

    Benza - Retrofuturism

    Yes! I enjoy ithis album very much. Better imo than previous album, but that one was amazing! =) well if you find it better than the previous album which was amazing then this one must be truly awesome
  8. I really like Necton, it's very nice.
  9. It's a pitty =( If there is any way we could help you - just ask. I willing to help, you know Good Luck!
  10. I wish you all the best! I want to be there, but I'm far away =( What about recording your sets and making available for downloading?
  11. Hm... I liked their track @ VA - Playground
  12. I ment not expanding this forum, but making a web-site with this forum. There would be some sections as I've mentioned in my topic.
  13. I was thinking lately about this great true goa resource, community here and how much greater it could get I'm talking about a working web-site with a lot of info - Reviews, Festivals, Interviews, Label/Artist info, this wonderful forum. Owners of PsyNews can't do it because of the lack of time (or something), but there are many of us (users) with different capabilities and if we are together we can do anything and know everything - from programming to design. So i suggest developing PsyNews together, I think mars (he's the One here, right?) wouldn't mind I'm not a programmer, nor am I a designer (I'm studying at the Physical Department / Newral Networks Engeneering), but I could help with info or anything you ask me. I'm sure there's a bunch of programmers full of enthusiasm and love to Goa willing to contribute something to the community, I've also seen numbers of designers here. So, If we are together - we are the Force We Create Our Own Happiness What do you think of this?
  14. I'd say. 1. Benza 2. VA - R.M.R. 3. The Muses Rapt
  15. Oh my God....!!! =) This is for real... this is the best dark (but it's not dark actually) I've heard for months! Great work, very good album! You have to buy this!
  16. Well... I love it Thanx for everything you have done! =)
  17. Who might have thought... =) IbogaCD30 Antix At last the long awaited follow up of "Lull" from Antix. Prepare your self for journeys into the deep grooves of the New Zealand boys. Be there as they take their music to the next level. Release Date: 15 April 05 @ http://iboga.dk/ as for me this is the most interesting progressive album to be released this spring
  18. IbogaCD31 Antix At last the long awaited follow up of "Lull" from Antix. Prepare your self for journeys into the deep grooves of the New Zealand boys. Be there as they take their music to the next level. Release date: 15 Apr 05 =) @ Iboga.dk My god... I will never forget the first time I listened to Antix... Can't Wait!
  19. Listen to the samples at SaikoSounds and PsyShop. I also like french vocals... nobody's singing, of course, but some nice voice.
  20. Artist: Tegma Title: 002 Avant.Garde Label: Candyflip Records Catalogue Number: CDCF14 01. Eternal Sleep (08:38) 02. Modern Movement (07:05) 03. Myth of an Angel (08:44) 04. Thunder-Blade (07:35) 05. X-Istanz (08:50) 06. Trapped in a Hypercube (07:40) 07. Consciousness (07:16) 08. Clock next Door (07:37) 09. Irrational Impulses (09:39) I fell in love with Tegma right after listening to their live set from Malmo, Sweden. It must be still available for a download from their web-site. It had some tracks from their first album (Encoded/Decoded (2002)) as well as some new tracks, now some of these tracks are released on the new album. If you liked their live set, you are going to like this album. I can't say that the music of Tegma is progressive because I can't compare it to any other artist and I don't know about anything similar. The sound is more technish, but more smooth and not that agressive. Avarage BPM count is ~137 with last track 125 BPM. Unfortunately, my english is not very good, so I can't express my feelings and emotions and describe their music, but I'm sure this album is unique and is worth a listen. As for giving marks, I'd give it 7/10, but giving marks from experienced reviewers would be better, so I'm waiting for your replies. Tegma Website Tegma @ Saiko Sounds Tegma @ PsyShop
  21. COMING SOON !! ASIA 2001 - New album Avatar celebrates 10 years of activity for ASIA 2001, with a special edition double CD. ASIA 2001 (Martin Cooper) is one of the most established and outstanding trance acts from France. The new album took over a year to produce and features rare titles, collaborations, special remixes and hidden tracks never released before... A celebration with twenty-one tracks on double CD and over two and a half hours of ASIA 2001. All sound upgraded and remastered. This special issue is a royal treat and essential item for all ASIA 2001 fans worldwide. @ Avatar
  22. I love this album, it's so unique! Wonderful
  23. BPC is the most interesting for me, actually Any samples?
  24. Yeah, I like it too
  25. amphiton

    Antix - Lull

    I love Antix! It actually opened a door to minimal/progressive trance for me back then...
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