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Everything posted by soniktec

  1. very nice..i like it..... a great lead coming up ??? great pace.....
  2. coooll...thank you
  3. hey..i like the big bottom end...but your sounds and leads really need to stand out more...can barely hear what is happening in the mids and highs...
  4. hey...does anyone know a link to download the andi vax mixing secrets video?? all the likns i can find are broken... thanks...
  5. hi... i wanna know how to make psy leads not the notation but rather the sounds...some leads by pros like gms are so harmonicaly rich and the sounds are so varied...i wonder if they get all those sounds by just using combinations of waveforms such as sine sawtooth triangle noise and a few others...how are their leads so phat....they occupy a broad spectrum but still fit in the mix perfectly......they also have a typical psy sort of texture to them ,almost granular...dense,nasal....what are they doing?? is there a lot of pitch modulation or pitch envelopes being used?? everywhere i mostly find tutorials and questions about psy basslines...but personally i find psy leads and the sounds so much more intriguing... i love stuff like digital talk but i also think that gms has such clean tracks...everything where it should be......how????? clean, crisp, shiney, and also phatttt... any tips on making psy leads ?? does it all boil down to the access virus??? cause i have been using vst for a long time....i still have not been able to get that sound that i am after....composition skills (notes, theory,motifs etc) have improved alot but the sounds have not improved much.... is there some secret to making great leads?? occasionaly i can make decent sounds for leads but almost by chance....i really need to know how......thanks guys......any help will be great...
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