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  1. I'm sorry, but this is a very worthwhile follow up to IFO. It's goa through and through with Headspin, Modulation, and Moon In Your Window being my favorites. The only track I wasn't floored by was Universe 13 and even that wasn't as bad as people said. And Seven Sisters fools you into thinking you're in cool down mode with a gentle downtempo finish when out of nowhere the screeching acid leads tumble in like a glittery shower. Well done. Just my two cents.
  2. Hi everyone. This site has been a huge part of my life over the years and helped me discover massive amounts of great music. I've enjoyed crafting reviews (a lot of them silly) and interacting with other people. I don't visit like I used to as we all get older and distracted with this thing called life. I just wanted to float a topic and see what members still visit and how many new fans of psytrance are here. I'll start: Mdk from USA! Mdk
  3. Just gave this a fresh spin and sad to say it really doesn't hold up well. Some bounce and nice melodies, but pretty average.
  4. Thank you Basilisk for that helpful comment. My main concern was that seeing something listed in Discogs (clearly not the end all and be all) as an mp3 and purchasing from bandcamp in flac quality would be a waste of time. Cheers!
  5. Hey all! I have a question that maybe you can help me with. Like you I have a lot of digital music in varying qualities. I would like to get it in FLAC format if I can, but I bought a lot of it before I knew how good FLAC sounds compared to MP3s. When I look up an album or EP on discogs and the digital file format says 320 mp3, is that the quality with which the track was made? So even if I wanted that EP from the label bandcamp and they offer it in FLAC am I wasting my time? Here is a link to an EP I currently have in 320 mp3 https://www.discogs.com/release/6732893-Concept-Straight-Forward They offer it on Concept's bandcamp (and I love to support artists), but if the music was made in mp3 format I didn't think you could up convert. Thanks for your help, Mdk
  6. Just gave this another play and 80% of the tracks are brilliant, ground shaking, South African, psychedelic mayhem. Still highly recommended.
  7. Very good compilation perfect for those rainy days. Holds up well.
  8. Still blistering psychedelic goa trance! I'll never tire of this one.
  9. The dark, techy trance found here is very bombastic and demands to be played at high volume. Preferentially in a residential neighborhood. The orchestra samples remind me of Talpa's Dragon Tale, (which I believe came out around 10 years prior), but in a much more forceful way. Dark Athena (Part 2) and Omega Zone don't knock, they kick the door in. There is more than just power here though, as he also brings a funky, swing element to some tracks. While some of it was dark progressive that didn't evolve enough for my tastes, the good tracks are really good. He seems to have a great talent for filling out a track and giving it some atmosphere and depth. I actually liked the boom he brought to the Kneebender track. If you like dark, moody, beat heavy, well produced psytrance this holds up pretty well.
  10. Wow this is certainly garnering some very high praise. BOTFB has been around awhile and most of the time they have been on the abrasive forest side of goa trance. They didn't take you gently into the good night...they strapped you to a rocket and left you kicking and screaming. But this is totally different. It doesn't even sound like old Buddhas! It bounces, has a restrained growl, it crawls with single-minded purpose, and shimmers with a melodic liquidity that I didn't see coming. As the good DoktorG mentioned one of the greatest strengths of this album is his ability to create drama in each track. Let's face it there's a reason goa trance music lengths are usually longer. To bring you along, take you on the journey and open new and unexpected doors without putting its purpose on full display. And it's a success as new leads and arpeggios are introduced, each taking their turn in retelling the story. Everything is crystal clear and as the tracks unfold new surprises await, leaving me with a large grin. From Nothing is a prime example. This is how you let a track breathe and evolve. It builds and builds until the cup runneth over with cascading, entrancing, melodic, shimmering rivulets. It's not perfect, as the last few tracks lose some of that "what's going to happen next quality", but it's certainly damn good. Entrancing really. There is an old school feeling to this endeavor and I can say with utmost confidence that this is my favorite BOTFB album to date.
  11. Artist: James Murray & Francis M. Gri Title: Remote Redux Label: Ultimae Records Date: October, 2019 1. Ma 2. Toma 3. Remote 4. Lontano 5. Redux 6. Toma (Extended) I'm not going to say this is night-night music. But I'm not not going to say it. Cheese and crackers this is the soundtrack to slowly watching your life slip away while a heroin needle juts from your arm. Too dark? Ok, how bout...when I hear music like this I better have cucumber slices on my eyes in a room that smells like lavender while a towel barely covers my private bits. Beatless ambient is one thing, but beatless drone ambient? That's a whole 'nother level. There are only six tracks here, but it's almost an hour of "music" that never gets to the f*cking point. And it took two guys to create this? One guy to press play and the other one on continuous coffee generation? I'm poking fun, but the only way this could be slower is if he stopped it. Ultimae Bandcamp
  12. Artist: Menog Title: The Tribe Remixes Label: Nutek Records Date: October, 2006 1. Upsidedown (Menog Rmx) - Bliss 2. Serius Problem (Menog Rmx) - Shift 3. Techmology V3 (Menog Rmx) - Rinkadink 4. Fusion Reaction (Menog Rmx) - Digital Talk Vs. Azax Syndrom 5. Roop Suhana (Menog Rmx) - Audialize 6. Deleted (Menog Rmx) - CPU 7. Twitched (Menog Rmx) - Space Tribe Vs. Psywalker 8. Music Is My Space (Menog Rmx) - Planet B.E.N. 9. Emotions (Rmx) This is how I feel when Nutek reveals a promising tracklist. I already know their game, they're not fooling me. And I don't care that this is former night-time trance stalwart Daniel Bernardo remixing all these tracks. Because unfortunately at this stage I know what we're going to get. Commercial full-on with no surprises. These remixes are watered down versions of the originals. Well produced surely, but this has that shiny, Nutek hand print all over it. Yeah, there's acid in these tracks and they are powerful full-on beats, but something ain't quite right. Besides the fact that all the tracks sound the same. Best one here is the Serius Problem remix, but that's mainly because it was such a kick ass track to begin with. A covid monkey could make that track great with a spoon and a cast iron skillet. I remember when I reviewed his album previous to this (Musically Speaking) that he was coming very close to the commercial full-on trap he used to avoid. Well it seems he dove head first into that pit. I'm aware that this release is 16 years old, but I'm also cognizant of the fact that Sgt. Pepper is over 50. I'm also over 50. And I'm awesome.
  13. Sadly, this was EXACTLY the case.
  14. Youtube my friend!
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