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Family of Light
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Everything posted by Trance2MoveU

  1. Couldn't agree more. My favorite track on the album.
  2. Trance2MoveU

    Pleiadians - IFO

    This remains an absolute classic. I would put this melodic art in my top five albums. Mdk
  3. I would recommend Anoebis and the Suntrip label. How sweet would the lineup of Filteria, Khetzal and ColorBox be? Can't wait. Oh, by the way congratulations on the birth of your daughter, and the album was absolute magic. Mdk
  4. I thought this one was pretty powerful if not lacking in variation. I hadn't heard his earlier work so I cannot compare the two. I don't think you can compare this one to Brethren's album. The latter has a lot more melody you can follow. I did like the sample work in this one though. Mdk
  5. I liked it. It was a solid 7.5/10 for me alos like another poster said. Some tracks made my mind drift and some I couldn't wait until they were over. I was pleasantly surprised. For me Positive Energy is an absolute crushing tune. Love that one. Mdk
  6. I love Electric Universe and was happy to get this release. There are some tracks on here which fall way below his standard (you know which ones they are) and some that are very good. Mind of God is a really great track in the EU tradition. THe bomb...not so much. However, I think it will be very interesting to see what he comes up with on his next album. His collabo with Space Tribe I though was quite good.
  7. Another good strong release. Nice melodies and it keeps the groove going. I think this is a nice mixture of 75% full-on and 25% progressive. Really good stuff. Mdk
  8. Great Album! Long live the Suntrippers! This one is so melodic I found myself having to play each track over to make sure I didn't miss anything. This is wonderful goa. I can't wait until the next album. Mdk
  9. I liked this album but like everyone else, I was disappointed. His compilation tracks are so good, that I feel he didn't rise to the occasion here. Plenty of power, but I found myself bored with the lack of variability. I suppose I will look forward to more of his compilation work.
  10. Bingo! This one jumps right out of the deck and is super-powerful! At no point was I bored with this one, it just kept changing and challenging the mind. I really enjoyed this one. I would even say it and Starship Earth are the best releases this year. JMO.
  11. Although I am not a DJ, I would have to agree with all that you said. I was expecting a lot more because...well..it's Koxbox! This is not one of those CDs that I couldn't live without, but I think I will give it another listen. And yes...the hype machine jammed this release right in your face.
  12. This was a great CD! After having been let down by some other artist's sophomore efforts, this one was a great surprise. I even liked it better than "Wanted." Mdk
  13. I have liked all the Suntrip releases except this one. Hell, I bought it anyway because Suntrip deserves a blind buy. This music is like getting pummeled with a sledgehammer while someone is kicking you in the pills. I found that it didn't even come close to the melodic smoothness of the other releases. But that is ok. This is a different style that obviously has its following. For me, I don't like it when my music seems to be angry with me. Give me Filteria or give me death! Mdk
  14. This sounds really good. Melodic Old school goa! Is there anything sweeter? I think not. I look forward to more of your tracks and when you are signed to a label.
  15. This is pure old school at its finest! I thought I was listening to MFG. Great work!
  16. I liked it. It had an ominous feel to it. That bassline is extremely juicy. I also like the way the goa melodies seem to float over top of each other. Old school is on the way back! Good Job!
  17. I have all 3 cds and they are great. I think Desideratum is the best, followed by Ephemeral and Embody. These albums are like soundtrack movies, especially Desideratum. MDK
  18. I think it sounds fine. The previous poster is right, maybe fatten up the kick. But I like the hi-hat. And I also like the change about midway through. The melody is nice...haunting. MDK
  19. Hi. This is my first post. I thought your track was very well produced and sounded great. It is a little short, but you are definitely on the right track! Good Stuff! MDK
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