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Everything posted by Trance2MoveU

  1. Artist: Lifeforms Title: Into The Wild Label: Iboga Records Date: September, 2019 1. Into The WIld 2. Eden 3. Mellow 4. Ahead of Us 5. Lost Behind 6. Raw 7. One of A Kind 8. Away From Here Man I had forgotten about this Israeli project! They made the type of music that refused to be shoe horned into a box. Psytrance, progressive, goa...all with delicate and symphonic touches. It's deep music and is great for those looking for more than just 4/4 beats. And they jump right in with the title track that is a combination of all three. Starts of with a growing progressive vibe, slowly morphs into a psytrance track and then BAM!!...goa trance. What I really like about the tracks is the way they seamlessly slip into a break and expand in a new direction. They go in like a lamb and out like a lion. Also impressed with their samples and the sample placement. When done correctly it really adds to the track. It's not a perfect album and sometimes it falls prey to the cliche's of trance music, but those moments are few. While not as heavily layered as the Nertum album (by far my favorite) this is still a solid offering for those who still want to love psytrance. Psyshop
  2. Aritst: Mystica Title: Single Collection Label: Classic Goa Trax Date: November, 2019 1. Expose 2. Orly's Remix 3. Ever Rest 4. Jamiroquai 5. African Horizon 6. Yellow Pearl 7. Kalimenjaro 8. Ethnic Treasures 9. Bliss With DAT Records and Suntrip creating sub-labels that offer digital releases from old school artists that have mostly gone unheard we have a nice window into some nice music. Mystica (also known as One Man Game) was an Israeli project that was never on my must hear list. Aside from Expose and Orly's Remix (both very good tracks) I am not an avid fan. This digital collection therefore is great for those that aren't familiar with most of their work. And I gotta tell you it was a pleasant surprise. First thing I noticed is its steeped in the Israeli sound. Very upbeat and danceable. These tracks were on some EP's and compilations that people might have missed. I know I did. The sound palette is limited (nothing like the infinite layers of today's production), but they do a great job with what they have. It's always in motion and constantly evolving. Unmistakably goa trance. And good goa trance at that. Ethnic Treasures blew me away! Great job Suntrip and I look forward to more releases! Classic Goa Trax Bandcamp
  3. Artist: The Maniac Title: A Treatise On Acid Label: Timewarp Records Date: February, 2019 1. Praise the Acid 2. Computer Controlled 3. MK Ultra 4. Losing Sanity 5. Hypnogogic 6. Back To Psychosis 7. Acid In The Circuit 8. Corrosion 9. Overdose 10. A Treatise On Acid Goa trance from India? You mean the actual birthplace of the whole she banga bang? What a novel concept. I have been aware of this artist for awhile, but nothing he has yet done really stuck with me. Until now. This is an acid tsunami with screaming 303 sounds that move from growling to screeching in every track. It's thumping beat is the framework for the dance party. This is not a storytelling album so much as a cardiovascular exercise and I'll be the first to admit it is so frenetic and intense you might have to take periodic breaks. Do some housework, play with your kids, then come back to it. Timewarp is a digital label that produces so much material that it's easy to get buried, but don't sleep on this gem if you love acid. Timewarp Bandcamp
  4. The first track is a marvelous introduction to good, old fashioned, danceable goa trance. My head was bobbing the whole way through. Bot is more floaty, trance, but it has multiple levels to enjoy. Floating Orbit twists and turns in a seemingly never ending spiral. The melody in Forever After hits just right without pause and harkens back to the day of Etnica. I didn't care for the rambling Hey! with its up and down key changes, but Freaky Fungus reminds me of Bypass Unit with it's bouncing melody. The album closes with the almost obligatory downtempo goa track and it was everything you could hope for. Dark, mysterious, lush... I applaud what Draeke is doing with this sublabel allowing obscure artists and tracks we've maybe never heard of see the light of day. It's true that the sound quality is not up to today's standards, but recall when the music was made and what equipment they had to work with. Overall it's pretty solid and an enjoyable listen.
  5. Same. Aggressive, melodic, and layered.
  6. I mean, I know I'm supposed to like it and I really want it to be a stunning release, but... Let's be honest unless your have a Trump supporter-esque level of sycophancy this release isn't gonna make it on most people's top ten. Hell it's not even the best in their own catalog. It's good, but not Etnica out of retirement good. Or D5 good. IMHO it lacks depth, doesn't have the explosive power that a lot of releases today have, and it really seems to be a stripped down version of what they used to do. Good, but not great. I definitely expected more.
  7. The detailed and lush breaks make this a worthwhile listen as does the rich instrumentality.
  8. I tried listening to this on headphones when I first received it. Mistake. This ain't the type of music to keep to yourself. It must be shared if only to blunt its concussive force. If I had to describe it in one word... Intense. My ears feel like they need a me too movement based on that aural assault. The bass line hammers the tympanic membrane like a uh, bass drum. All the sounds (did he try and choose only the most abrasive leads?) seem to have the same volume. Loud. Imagine baking a cake with bunches of layers then force feeding someone until they pop. Disgusting, but apt. Once you get past the volume of material presented here you can then break it down and see how he builds his works. Some of it is so lush and detailed that I couldn't come close to appreciating this on the first or second listen. Once I took the headphones off to mitigate the damage things began to fall into place. Multiple layers at high speed with zero respite. High speed goa trance that is intended to overwhelm. Ever have those times when you're so juiced up that all you wanted to do was break stuff? Allow me to introduce you to the soundtrack. "Eat that sh*t Porky!"
  9. I didn't set out to write a review. It just happened. You know, those words were said to me many years ago, but...replace the words "write a review" with "f*ck this guy while you're thousands of miles away" and... the rest stands on its own. We've all been there, good times! Rudy gets it. Anyhoo... Loved the aggressive remix of the Chi-A.D. classic. The problem with the original was the overkill on the sample which was fixed here. Like the original reviewer said, it's a bit too short, but what a great start! In typical Global Sect fashion it's a cosmos rending supernova, leaving mass destruction in it's wake. Loads of power, twisting goa leads, and in the case of the team up with Alienapia soul crunching guitar riffs being less strummed and more pounded out on the fret board. The title track blisters and has about as must subtlety as a fart in the doctor's office. Acid Mantra combines the depths of space along with the spirituality of searching for a higher power. His take on Phenomena is a mellow re-imagining, sort of stripped down that I felt was the weakest track on the entire album. Inner Energy closes it out with a slower, if not gentler approach, but remains distinctly goa. This is not an album that is exploring new territory. It's traveling over well trod terrain, but does it well. A sign of a good album is how fast it seems to go by and before I knew it the last track was over. Hats off to Global Sect, they've been consistently releasing quality material.
  10. The whole thing a treasure of goa trance music that should be in everyone's collection. But that Live Cd...brilliant.
  11. Artist: Nertum Title: Consciousness Awakened Label: Sourcecode Transmissions Date: December, 2018 1. Cosmic Field 2. Metaphysical Energy 3. Infinite Voyage 4. Magic Forces 5. Transcending Dimension 6. Universal Code 7. Consciousness Awakened 8. Fractal Geometry 9. Equilibrium Temple I haven't done one of these in a while so please bear with me as I try and figure it out. This project is the collaboration between Serbian powerhouses Lyktum and Nerso. Each are progressive superstars in their own right having mastered the prog-psy genre, but put them together and you get a Voltron like warrior beast. Now they do what they do, creating cosmic soundscapes with epic melodies and breaks that ooze with lush layers and intrigue. The production is top notch bursting with power and listening to this on headphones makes this the perfect vehicle for a trip into deep space. Some of the metrics that are often used to judge an album say that this should be forgotten. Original? Nope, we've heard this style many times before. Varied tracks throughout the album? Uh, negative. But this works. And it works super well. As Padmapani mentioned in this thread it has a very Ovnimoon or E-Clip style and I have been enjoying it immensely. Sourcecode Transmissions Bandcamp Psyshop Psyshop Digital Beatspace
  12. Still the most funky and rhythmic goa trance album ever.
  13. Still. Mindblowing.
  14. While I don't come close to sharing Jon's enthusiasm, this is easily the best Total Eclipse album for me. For the life of me I cannot understand how Delta Aquarids is a classic. Subpar on every level. This however evolves, it twists, and it most certainly growls at times. For the most part it was enjoyable yet falls short of great "old school" releases from Suntrip like Shakta Retroscape or The Remixes from Prana.
  15. I'd have to say this is the weakest Global Sect offering. They've released such stellar music that when something is just good it comes off as a disappointment.
  16. Horrible news. What the hell is wrong with this world? May he rest in peace.
  17. Such an incredible debut from Filteria. Loaded with power and melody on top of melody. It's relentless, overwhelming sometimes with it's raw musicality. I mean there aren't enough adjectives to describe how perfect this album is. It's such a bomb that perhaps it's this generation's IFO? I dunno, but what I do know is that it is as spectacular now as it was when it came out. Superb classic.
  18. The first compilation from Suntrip and what a journey it has been. 14 years on and this is still a high quality release. Just a few comments... Way back then I sort of panned the Aes Dana offering, but hearing it again I just can't help but get lost in its lushness and gentle entrance to start the album. The Yesod track early on is so hyper and nimble, but then shows it's more controlled side. Seems like this was the only track he ever released. The flute melody in Babylone Beach is one of the most soulful and melancholy sounds I've heard. Has their ever been a sound that crystallized a geographic area like that? You can not hear that and not think of perhaps a Persian kingdom. Sublime. The Ka-Sol track...I, uh...14 years and I still don't know what to make of it. And probably one of my favorite Goasia tracks.
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