on August 15th, 40 years ago the famous summer of love (1969) reached its peak with the historic Woodstock Festival. For four days 500,000 people gathered for a mass-scale social experience of music and psychedelics. I know because I saw it last night on the history channel (Woodstock documentary film). Inspired by the 60s spirit I decided to try to remix something from that magical time. 10 hours later (no sleep!) I have two bits to share with you. The first is a remix of a track from the rock musical Hair which was based on that particular summer. And the second is a remix of King Crimson-Moonchild a song which I think in general is about the flower childs/hippies/beatniks.
The tracks are so far from being finished, but after such a long night and before going to sleep I just want to post this and say "thank you hippies of the 60s" I salute you.
So here are links to the remixes, as I said, its raw, unmastered,unfinished sketches but you can get the idea from a quick listening...
Hair! – Hashish (capsula remix)
King Crimson – Moonchild (capsula remix)
Going to sleep now