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Everything posted by Riton

  1. Hey! I thought that your profile was pretty cool. Wana be friends?

  2. France > Israel > *
  3. i reckon i see what Ale means. a more "modern" bassline on the oldies style... sorta?
  4. The Abnormal Killers release. Cracy shiznit.
  5. One of my all time favorite albums. To me it's on the brink of night fullon and dark. Love it!
  6. Who wants to come to israel ...
  7. Imperia? What's the lineup and details? (Feel free to PM lol) And sux i wont get to see Colin. We could have made psynews t-shirts
  8. I'm in, will i see Colin there??? Dav
  9. Jumpstyle rocks lol, id love to do that hehe. But anyday id pick fullon over hardstyle.
  10. Talamasca - A Frenchman in Cape Town (Chill Cliff Remix) Monkeys
  11. man some of those are great... for me to poop on!
  12. It personally fits my taste for morning fullon. If you like that style, then definitely get it!
  13. okay, im a jew, and the name doesn't bother me for shit. (like blaze i guess) not the most original or imaginative, but whatever, if it's decent stuff... but come on, post some fucking music already no?
  14. Nu fuck PM. Just post samples ffs.
  15. yeah lol close pusi kuratz? yebote pitshka. peder.
  16. "Nemoy dati kundak nabiem modupe" my serbian friends taught me that and id like to share. Serbs crack me up
  17. i think u need to get your hamster high.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibal_Holocaust
  19. I sorta "studied" psy by myself. After this one time at my friend's house, I was blitzed outta my mind and i went into my friend's bedroom which was locked before that. They let me in and they were dancing, arms arounch each other's shoulders, a garbage can as an ashtray in the middle and a joint or two going around. Ill never forget the words i heard that night. They changed my love of music forever. It was Astral Projection - Mahadeva (99 version). Right after that came my "i download everything that's somewhat trance and try it out" period, kinda sucked. So really it comes down to Mahadeva to me, and then the rest comes but that's when i was already into psy. Before that i guess i was scattered around, musically.
  20. Courageous topic. I guess it's not THAT bad... or is it...
  21. Bienvenue!
  22. Call me a n00b but im a sucker for samples. I love turning around and being like "oh shit man you know where this is from right!!!!". Maybe im just weird like that.
  23. wait wait wait. Some people here have NEVER been to a psy party? No club, no outdoor, no nothing???
  24. Somehow i am totally surprised this has no replies... Okay so this is one of the first psy albums of post april06 ive heard... and i love it! So far im stuck on New Type of Drug but the next one's sounding good too! Anywayz i love this stuff Keep it up!
  25. hey everybody, If there's any CDs left id love one Any CD Cheers! I didn't get anything Psy for the holiday
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