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Everything posted by Riton

  1. ah awesome, im guessing ill need the hookups lol
  2. Hey everyone Good to be back, it's funny to say but this is the online forum where i really sorta feel at home. As if im sitting in a nice big comfy couch once i log in, and not in a shitty ass foldable plastic stool. it seems to be that a few of what you're recommending me are from BEFORE april. Which means I most likely already have them, so ill have to wait till i get back and have a look at my collection before i can tell you waht i think I might be moving to Boston next year btw, anybody live around there? Dav
  3. Pavelz000000000000000000000000000000000000000r. when u wanna come to herzlya meet me up??? and that works for you too moti! (dont bring the dog please)
  4. thx all of you who posted Im going for albums more than tracks in particular but all contribution is welcome and ill check out every one of those tracks! Keep on posting people! Dav
  5. Hey everybody, Haven't been around here for a while, my life kinda got fucked up right after my last post, on April 19th. Without getting into too many downer details, my dad had open heart surgery for the second time (he's 76, and im 20. weirded out yet?). During my Spring break, right after my last post, I went to France to visit him (I was studying in Israel at the time). He wasn't doing anywhere close to as good as I thought he was, and i decided to drop out of my first year of uni and stay with him for a while. Now that he's doing better, it's my duty to get back to studying and stuff. During the 8 months i spent basically alone with my father in a small village in France (right next to the Hadra festival location in the alps btw), I got to do a lot of thinking, but also i isolated myself from old life in Israel. Really got to see what was important to me, and the few psy tracks I had with me made a big difference. Well now that you know my story, im basically here to kindly ask people what they would recommend me getting, obviously things released after April 20th until, well, today! Im not going to discriminate against any sub genres of psy or ambient since i feel those 8 months probably altered my taste in music and im ready for a new "all you can try" buffet. Oh and to those who don't know me: sap? Until next time... May the shakshuka be with you. >))))*> Dav
  6. Replace the price with whatever is the price now. replace system upgrade with that cd. my thoughts exactly.
  7. Riton

    V/A - Schizm

    THis is one of those that would drive me nuts if i heard it from beginning to end on acid... so that's a positive review, very positive
  8. Riton

    V/A - Street Art

    i think the simple fact there are so many reviews of it sorta states that it's a pretty good compilation no?
  9. future prophecy, definitely
  10. Ah man this really feels like shit... ok look David, btw david is the best name cuz im named david too... I dont actually OWN those CDs... a while back i had to make a choice between owning a nice collection and getting nice decoration for my appartment, getting fuel for my car, paying for my DJ equipment, and basically living better. Oh, and i have this thing that when i do stuff, it's all or nothing. I just bought TIP - Mystical Experiences for 39 shekels and i feel so stupid cuz i have this ONE original CD and i can't afford to fill up the shelf... at least not right now... Pretty logically, as a student with no income i decided to wait until i was financially in a better condition to buy CDs. Now on the other hand, if any of the artists you mention come anywhere close to where i am, ill gladly support them by going to the parties. Im sorry about the false hopes, but my comments were completely honest and if ever (knock on wood) i somehow end up mixing for profit, ill make sure a percentage of what i make will go into buying originals, and your labels CDs are up there in my favorites. Best regards, Dav
  11. I absolutely LOVE this album My only dilemna is... do i love it more than the previous one? have to listen to it some more!
  12. 100% agreed.
  13. My serbian friends say he doesn't do drugs, just drinks, is that true?
  14. Cheers guys We have a large choice here ranging form Jaia to Electrypnoze... I was thining smthing more in the middle, but all those are welcome
  15. A list of what YOU like is perfect Ill check them out once home
  16. Hey people, I was mixing last night for my friends and i realized that in comparison to all the dark, proggy and oldschool stuff, i have comparatively much less fullon in my CD case. So I decided to make this thread so you guys can post examples of what you think is good full on, or rather the kind of full on that you guys would use to mix, and not the regular ultracrap israclubby fullon please. Ill start, i loved using "Slum - Make rainbow in your slum" last night mixing for my friends... but then i was stuck with something like Space Cat (which i think is in the top 10% of israfullon)... Post awaaaaaay! Dav
  17. nuff said
  18. One of my all time favorite rlses from South African artists! Love it! Especially the bender track cuz i love futurama lol
  19. thx for the second review man More listening to this just makes me like it more and more!!!
  20. ok... this is gonna be somewhat hard... im not gonna go in a detailed review here but just say that this CD i really, and i mean really really, really liked! As DP said it's really quite an amazing comp simply because of the differences between the tracks themselves. Im really looking forward to more from PsyBooty! Oh and this goes very well with their previous rls, Get the Lead Out, which i also paritcularly liked! and last point, +1 for the cover art which i really like This whole uplifting mix of proggy trance really gets me going for the day!
  21. Well it's a given that Skazi coming up at a party or festival is not gonna do your trip any good. agreed. But i still think that if im up for partying and that Skazi and his crew are there, id much rather listen to them than to some of the more mainstream stuff... And by here i dont mean israel, cuz here there's always something better lol, i mean somewhere where there isn't as much choice when it comes down to psy.
  22. Hmm it's that bad for you guys? Cuz as much as i don't particularly like their stuff... I can't say it bothers me enough to not wanna be able to hear it or be in the same area code as them... I guess you guys must really, really hate it... I just don't like it anywhere close to as much as i love true psychedelic trance... Does that make me a chav-ars?
  23. Okay people, hear me out... Before anything, it is an accepted fact that all this Skazi and CC stuff is far from psychedelic and more hard trance than anything else. Now, what im wondering is, if you go to a party and you hear skazi come up, will you literaly pack your shit and leave the dancefloor? At a festival, would you leave and wait for the next set or artist to go up? What about at a regular party that is not a psy festival or even a psy party? What im trying to say is, yes skazi and his crew aren't psy artists, and yes they are not part of the scene anymore... But if it comes down to it, i know for a fact that id much rather hear a good skazi or even talamasca set (and i mean good, not some piece of shit Void or Exaile set) rather than a lot of the crapola that i could be hearing (hiphop and other cheesy electronic stuff that i might not be in the mood for)... In conclusion, even though he can't compare to true psy artists, i do think that some (not all) of that "not-so-psy" kind of trance sure beats a lot of the crap out there... and i know that just thinking of, for instance, hiphop, makes me wanna get up on my feet and dig, even if it means listening to skazi. Thanks for ya time, PLUR, Dav
  24. yey! love your stuff man, take ur time and make it count!
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