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Everything posted by Riton

  1. Pavel, you're a genius.
  2. seriously guys... same thing happened with discogs no? quit flipping out like that :S
  3. God damnit...
  4. I really enjoy this album, sometimes a bit too "hardcore" for me to enjoy relatively sober but overall i could definitely see myself digging to this at a party! Good stuff!
  5. I heard Cybergothic while trippin hard first time at a party... Been a personal fav ever since
  6. wow, demented stuff man, respect!
  7. Pavel is a copycat. A copydog... a copytulip! Basilism thx for the 2 tracks, ill check em out at home! And i am too trying...
  8. Hey people, I was listening at random stuff from my collection and i was going through Unusual Suspects 2 and i jsut flashed on this track! I absolutely love it... Anything you'd like to share about it or name me some tracks that are similar would be great Or anything like Unusual Suspects 2 in general would be cool, it's refreshing in comparison to all the ultracrap fullon that's going around these days... Thx in advance guys Dav PS: i did go through Twisted Rec. and artists featured on the comp and stuff...
  9. Without getting ripped on or sounding like an ultran00b, what does does it exactly do for you
  10. wow thx guys, those are good keep them coming! im surprised i haven't gotten complaints from my neighbours yet for playing at all hours lol
  11. In a trashcan near you! Seriously... Big thumbs down to Fungus Funk on this one
  12. I totally agree, the Mubali and Cosmo albums outclass this by a lot...
  13. Im ready to bet it's just regular maintenance...
  14. Im not sure if this album truely stands out in comparison to his previous releases but is it me or is this guy releasing a lot of stuff in the last year or two?
  15. After a LOT of listen... and i mean A LOT... i THINK i like the first one better... but just a little more...
  16. I always liked Twisted System, so yeah, this one's good for me I liked their previous album better, but whatever, this one still kicks ass IMHO
  17. Good ambient but nothing that amazing... agreed... had higher hopes for this rls..
  18. I actually really liked this rls, surprisingly... i thought it would be just some other bs rls, how wrong i was!
  19. I know exactly where you're coming from with that "where the fuck is my tent" trip lol And for info, these are referred to as Hofmann Millenium here, u call them "two thousands" ?
  20. of course guys but those are given... i mean like nifty tips and tricks, things to try and do, mess with the EQ, with the Jog thingy effects... anything in particular?
  21. ok that's a given i think doesn't take any music skills, just math skills lol
  22. That's what i thought too
  23. i actually for a week basically just mixed prog trance, cuz it was that much easier
  24. Hey people! As some of you may know i got my gear, and boy am i having fun! My beatmixing/beatmatching skills are improving by the day and i feel it's time for me to start learning other stuff while still practicing So i made this thread in order for DJs, pros and amateurs, to post some tips, tricks and general advice if you have any I dunno how to get it started but im sure there's just this basic "tip" that one of you pro DJs out there can share with us n00bs Thanks in advance! Dav
  25. I dont think it's anything amazing... ill give it another listen
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