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danielsan (virusproject)

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  1. It´s all about tastes I guess. I have lots of respect for Shpongle
  2. .:: VirusNetCafè 8th Anniversary 31/10/09 ::. LIVE SETS Live Opening party 24:00h Speacial Live Concert with guitar Presenting the new album "Chilling Paradise " .:: SOUL SURFER ::. ( Dream Vision Media, Sw ) Presenting the new album " Th...e remixes 2 " .:: ANDROMEDA ::. ( Dream Vision Media, Sw ) Presenting the new album " DMT Cawboys " .:: CHROMOSOME ::. ( Dream Vision Media, Sw ) Presenting the new compilation " 2046 " on Phantasm Rec. .:: MEKKANIKKA ::. ( Nutek Rec. Swiss ) .:: SUM SINDHU ::. ( A.I.A.M Project, Madrid ) .:: KEEMIYO ::. ( A.I.A.M Project , Madrid ) .:: PSYCHOABSTRACT ::. ( Neuronal Rec. Valencia ) DJ SETS DJs Presenting the new compilation of Phantasm records. " Time is now " .:: PAINKILLER ::. ( Nutek Rec. Spain ) .:: ARIELPUSH ::. ( VirusProject, Arg ) .:: TOXIC ::. ( FiveTones, Bcn ) .:: DROÏD ::. ( LazyTrancers, Bcn ) .:: URI ::. ( Euphoria Rec. Vila ) .:: FORTUNY ::. ( Euphoria Rec. Vila ) MORE ARTIST COOMING SOON ...) CHILLOUT ZONE WITH AMBIENT, DOWNTEMPO, DUBSTEP, ELECTRO, MINIMAL , PROGRESSIVE .... Deco by : DREAMCOLOURS & VIRUSPROJECT & FRIENDS THE LOCATION OF THE PARTY IS NEAR IGUALADA & BARCELONA AND WILL BE ADDED SOON !! Damage: 10 € + DRINK with hot chocholate in the morning !! 2 AMBIENTS INDOOR AND OUTDOOR COVERED MAIN STAGE 4.000 Watts RMS 2nd STAGE 2.000 Watts RMS - LIMITED CAPACITY 400 PEOPLE TICKETS IN ADVANCE AT : VirusNetCafe / VirusProject c/ dos de maig, 34 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès ( BCN) .- RESPECT THE NATURE Organizer VIRUSNETCAFE / VIRUSPROJECT Hotline 0034 93 892 19 84 Email: raimon@virusnetcafe.com danisantor@hotmail.com www.virusnetcafe.com www.myspace.com/virusnetcafe __________________________________________ If you are around Barcelona on that day, don´t miss that party! For any questions don´t hesitate to get contact us.
  3. Great album for me.
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