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Everything posted by davinox

  1. am i trippin or does the bassline in Phutureprimite - Submerge = Hallucinogen - Mi-loony-um (Ott dub) ???
  2. Sigur Ros - ()
  3. Wow you rule. The only psy album I ever purchased was Twisted. I guess that makes you a better person . . . but it makes me the smarter one. Why not spend your money on the homeless if you want to be so altruistic? I am mildly disappointed at the use of electric guitars in The Nebbish Route. Maybe it takes a few bong hits to appreciate, but I just don't like electric guitars in psy-trance. "just remember that when the shit hits the fan for you, was it really worth all the downloads?" What shit? What fan? You going to send the RIAA on me? or the Recording Industries of Outer Shpongalia on me? Let's hope you've never discussed drug use.. . the DEA might just suspend their troops from copters and bust down your house in search of drugs.
  4. It's good. It's about as good as 'A Flock of Bleeps' IMO.
  5. If you're not bright enough to find it, you don't deserve to download it. Not a bad album, by the way! Lots of different influences, some remind me of 'A Flock of Bleeps', others 'Tales of the Inexpressible'. And no, I'm not buying the album . . . ever. At least I'm being honest.
  6. i hate this cover for some reason:
  7. "So! You take let us assume a third toke; long and slow. You vaporise and you take it in and in and in... and there is a sound like the crumpling of a plastic bread wrapper or the crackling of flame and a tone. A mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and there is this....... [sucking noise] There is a cheer. The gnomes have learned a new way to say hoooooooooooooooooooooray... The walls, as such they be, are crawling with geometric hallucinations. Very brightly coloured, very irridescent. Deep sheens and very highly reflective surfaces everything is machine-like and polished and throbbing with energy but that is not what immediately arrests my attention. What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited. And so like jewelled self dribbling basketballs these things come running forward and what they are doing with this visible language that they create is they are making gifts! They are making gifts for you and they will say .. [elven gibberish]
  8. For me, it's all about Posford. Let me share with you the moments that have blown me away while on drugs. Younger Brother - Scanner (The intro) Younger Brother - Crumblenaut (The vocals) Shpongle - Shpongleyes (The intro) Shpongle - Around the World in a Tea Daze (Intro) Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblins Part 2 (The watery effects) Hallucinogen - Snarling Black Mabel remix (the lead) Though honestly, my most psychedelic moments were not with trance. There are soooo many different genres of psychedelica. Try Boredoms, Animal Collective, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Boards of Canada, Brian Eno, Panda Bear, Sigur Ros, The Books . .. the list goes on and on
  9. davinox


    Xerox - Gravity Waves (Infected Mushroom Remix) Ooohhhhh god!
  10. i love shpongle...it just fits my taste. that's all I have to say. I don't care if people hate Shpongle...I listen to many, many different types of music and have over 400 albums (OK so they're mp3s.) I'm sure no one likes every single one of them...from Fennesz to Mr. Bungle to Shpongle to Radiohead to The Six Parts Seven to Van Morrison...it's all music! I can see very clearly how someone could dislike Shpongle; it's not a big deal to me, but I happen to love it.
  11. the definition of psy music is music created from or for the altered states of consciousness associated with psychoactive drugs! now of course, you can enjoy psy without drugs, but psy was created FOR the drugs. Psy trance is merely druggy goa in my opinion.
  12. hehe...another Shponglehead
  13. you can have psychedelic experiences with marijuana as well, you don't need something as powerful as acid.
  14. Ingesting a psychedelic substance can provide the most profound, most life-changing experience you could ever imagine. With psychedelics, literally ANYTHING is possible. That's the crazy part. Since the mind creates all; since the mind gives us all of our concepts and our self-image and our perception of reality, when you alter the mind all of these things change. There is nothing to "expect" about psychedelics; there are few "rules of thumb" besides resting somewhere comfortable, because you are changing yourself! Each person's experience is different because all minds are different, although human brains, of course, all have similarities. When you change yourself through a psychedelic, you change your perception of everything else around you, for good or for bad. You can LITERALLY go to Heaven or Hell, to Mars or somewhere beyond, or more likely, to somewhere so alien, so absolutely foriegn that words escape you, yet you are right there in your room! Does it really matter what I say about psychedelics, since all English words were devised under the normal "realm" of consciousness? Perhaps religious terms, which were probably contrived under "fringe" states of consciousness, are the best way to describe it. But not even the Buddha, with his exceptional brain, was around for acid, and shamanistic experience on mushrooms way-back-when was shrouded with more secrecy then the Western and Eastern religious paradigms that populate our language. About psychedelics and music: the music experience is greatly enhanced on psychedelics, yet it makes one appreciate music MORE during sober states. I would say the same about Ecstasy, although the chemically induced euphoria has its own addiction.
  15. hey, whats with the dissing of Magik???????
  16. Do you think you're BETTER OFF ALONE....? remember that track?
  17. great! that's a cool mix. I recognize: Hallucinogen - Herb Garden Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblins (Ott's In Dub) Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences what are the other ones?
  18. spectraleyes.com
  19. hehe... i actually have a great natural appreciation for music of all types, not just psytrance... shpongle, though, to me is tripping music. always has been.
  20. Who cares? When you're high, you're not thinking about where it came from, but what planet you're on! Besides, I've only downloaded Shpongle anyway, so I can't say anything. (Although I bought Twisted)
  21. I don't know why people WANT bad trips, but here are some songs that freak me out. Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy (this song was made as a joke, but it's still freaky. richard james is a genius.) Tool - Faaip de Oiad (try falling asleep to this...) Xiu Xiu - Support Our Troops Oh! (scary because it's true) I also find most Heavy Metal rather scary while tripping. I MAKE sure to keep it away from me.
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