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the goa constrictor

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Everything posted by the goa constrictor

  1. As far as shows that are still active: House MD Mad Men Modern Family Community It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Man v Food 30 Rock Shows that are no longer making new episodes: The Sopranos The Wire Six Feet Under Arrested Development Twin Peaks Homes Movies Star Trek TOS
  2. Hello! I have the afternoon to myself today and thought that it would be fun to share some music with you. What do you think? I like it! FABULOUS! Radio Today @ 3pm (PST) . . . that's 11pm (GMT) Tune-in Live @ http://goaconstrictor.com/radio RSS/Podcast Info: http://www.goaconstrictor.com/fabulousradio/feed.rss Playlists: http://goaconstrictor.com/playlists To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners Our contest for winning those awesome Eraser vs Yojalka, Vishnudata, and Troll Scientists albums is still underway. If you want to win, you've got to join the F!-List to learn how! Best of luck to all! The teapot has taken control of the Senate. xoxox -A'damn
  3. I haven't listened to the mix, but I'll comment on the file question. I used to do my mixes split but now I have stopped doing so. I do this to give tracks one extra layer of protection before they can be cutout and traded. Where there is a will, there is a way, but I do my best to at least limit the ease of piracy. Also, the idea of a DJ mix is to promote yourself and the music of the artists. If people want to skip ahead in a mix and hear a specific track, they should just go buy that track and album. Then they can listen to it whenever they choose.
  4. Hello! It has been a year since I have made a fully psychedelic mixed CD, so I thought it was time to correct this oversight. And correct it I did! TWO FULL DISKS 157 MINUTES OF PSYCHEDELIC AUDIO STORM Mix includes: Texas Faggott, Lightaman Jr, Terrafractyl, Primecyde, Okta, Sattel Battle, Psilodump, Benza, Ticon, Puoskari, and many more! Download links, full tracklist and art are available for download at: http://goaconstrictor.com/djmixes Enjoy! xoxox -A'damn
  5. Hello, It is December now and that means that the holidays are officially upon us. This here is a mix made specifically for the holidays. I used to hate Christmas music growing up, then one day a few years back I fell in love with certain styles, sounds and albums. This mix was made long before my massive collection really took hold and I am looking forward to making a new one at some point. It is very family friendly and perfect for putting on during a holiday cocktail party or while sharing a special moment by the fire with a loved one. I only upload this mix once a year, so grab it now before it’s gone until Xmas 2010! Download the audio from here. (79min/VariableMP3/Tracklist/134MB/©2007) xoxox -A'damn
  6. FABULOUS! Radio w/ The Goa Constrictor goaconstrictor.com/radio Live streaming (mono) Mp3 podcasts (stereo) Playlists Special guests Contests Over 10 years broadcasting. Accept no substitute.
  7. CDRs are all a gamble. I have some from the 90s which play fine and some from earlier this year that suck. Proper manufactured CDs last much longer. Still good to keep back up. And properly stored vinyl will last a lifetime. Vinyl = <3
  8. Artist: Lightaman Jr Album: Rollator Race Label: 6-Dimension Soundz Artist MySpace Page: http://myspace.com/squaremeat Buy this Album from Saikosounds here! Tracks: 01. Kylkimyyry 02. Extractor 03. Trip Trap 04. Poreilevapensas 05. Biosynthesis 06. Kulloon kellot (Feat Lilith) 07. Kassamuttera 08. Left Is Right (Feat Rick Timebees) 09. Tunnel Thriller 10. Beach Lion Review: Let’s get something clear right off the bat. Never finger wrestle Pepe. This is especially important if you get the impression that he doesn’t like you. He’ll just break two of your fingers, keep drinking, and laugh a lot about it. He’ll then spend multiple days insulting your country and calling you a wimp. He’ll then say some shit in Finnish which you won’t understand and then eventually be on his way and move onto the next target in another city. Now, I am not saying this stuff to be insulting or anything like that. I don’t think this type of talk could hurt Pepe’s feelings. I almost wonder if he has feelings, but then I remember him laughing a lot and his massive smile. The differences between cultures can be enormous at times and I think both Pepe and I were suffering from miscommunication due to cultural differences. All that aside, Pepe is not a wimp. He has the hands and the music to prove it. Much like the art of finger wrestling, Pepe’s music is not really strong and brutal in a Sylvester Stallone sort of way. Instead of being all buffed up and bulky like most night time peak hour music, this stuff is carefully refined with precision. Pepe’s music is more like a psychedelic auditory Michael Phelps. From his early days as O*Men, to his more known work as part of Squaremeat, Pepe has been serving up proper psychedelic music since the mid 90’s. He has also collaborated with many people under a wealth of monikers, most famous of these is Flying Scorpions with Timo of Texas Faggott fame. But now, with Lightaman Jr, Pepe has released his first full length solo album and it is amazing. Simply amazing. This album is brutal. It never lets up. It drills into your head and rolls forward, constantly dragging you along the psychedelic gravel of the road ahead. In many ways, I consider Pepe’s style to be a more psychedelic take on the classic X-Dream sound. X-Dream’s album Radio gave birth to a unique form of psychedelic trance. It was more techno-esque and every note felt like a box. It was almost as if there were no half notes, just many many quarter and eight notes blended together to give the impression of continued sound. Lightaman Jr has taken that feel and then covered it in mushroom spores thereby giving birth to a sonic experience that is unlike any other. The 10 tracks on here never let up, never slow down, never take it easy on you, and never say it’s sorry. The music is unapologetic in its brutal massiveness, much like how Pepe is unapologetic after leaving his wake of destruction and broken bones throughout the world. While I intend to live the rest of my life without ever finger wresting Pepe again, I truly hope to experience as much of his music as possible. If you are wise, you’ll heed my advice and follow my lead. However, if you decide to take on the great Pepe in a finger wrestling battle, I’ll gladly buy you a beer if you break one of his fingers. Just be careful and don’t break them too badly. I’d hate for him to permanently lose the use of the tools that he needs for writing more of his awesome and unique style of music. xoxox -A’damn
  9. Awesome. I hope you enjoy! I just got the new podcast online as well Playlists and archives: http://goaconstrictor.com/playlists There is a lot of great new music on the last two shows. Enjoy!
  10. Good morning world. Today is the beginning of December. The end of the year. The final month that can shape our perception of 2009 and our final chance to correct the wrongs that we may have made this year as well. This is it. The future is unwritten, but our perceptions of the past will eternally morph as well. Let us bounce through another morning together and see where it takes us. FABULOUS! Radio Today: 1000 -> 1300 (PDT (GMT-7)) Tune-in Live @ http://goaconstrictor.com/radio RSS/Podcast Info: http://www.goaconstrictor.com/fabulousradio/feed.rss To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners In Portland this Friday, December 04th @ Tigerbar, those Reactionary kids are throwing together another night of brilliant mayhem and excitement known as TIGERCORE! Featuring music from Graz (album release party), The Pussy Magnets, Little Terror, and Mark Lancaster, the night will be completely bad ass. More info at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=142766 Today also marks the beginning of our massive music giveaway contest. If you're not part of the F!-List, you're gonna miss out! Head over to http://goaconstrictor.com to join up and enter to win. The baby dinosaurs never dealt with asthma. xoxox -A'damn
  11. Good Evening! We will be broadcasting a new episode of FABULOUS! Radio tonight from 7 until 10pm (PDT). I just got a massive shipment of brilliant new music in (Puoskari, Lightaman JR, Benza, Calamar Audio and so much more!), so let’s give some of it a whirl and see what happens. If you're going out to experience a night on the town, allow me to provide you the back drop for your dinner and pre-funk excitement. If you're staying in for the evening, now you have a friend to keep company with. FABULOUS! Radio Tonight: 1900-> 2200 (PDT) Tune-in Live @ http://goaconstrictor.com/radio RSS/Podcast Info: http://www.goaconstrictor.com/fabulousradio/feed.rss To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners Also, I’ll be announcing the details to the Winter Wonderland CD Giveaway Contest today, so if you want to win some killer music, stay tuned for the Four One One. If you miss out on the broadcast of tonight’s show but still want to enter to win the music, download the podcast later this week! Tomorrow is no longer a day away for the baby dinosaurs xoxox -A'damn
  12. People who hate the guitars in Goa forget that this music has massive roots in the industrial music scene of the 80s. Skinny Puppy Front Line Assembly Front 242 etc etc etc Guitar has always been around in the Goa.
  13. I assume you have entitlement issues because you came here to start a thread because you had to wait 24 hours for a reply from Rob at Saikosounds and that you believed you somehow deserved a free CD from this. You don't deserve a free CD. Rob did write you back and handled the problem. There was no real issue or problem here, you just wanted to make yourself look like a victim. This is all a bunch of rubbish. Yes. You are not entitled to a free CD over this and I would love for you to actually explain your reasoning for thinking that you are. You're rather obtuse. I'm not assuming anything. I am stating that your belief in the idea that you deserve a free CD is completely bullshit. There is no assumption. I just 100% disagree with your standing and I feel that this disagreement leads to the concept that you are a tosser with entitlement issues.
  14. Accidents happen. Saikosounds are a great company and they will totally swap it out for you. That said, in no way do they owe you a free disk. If you think that, you are one of the reasons the USA and the world are in a state of disarray right now. Fucked up entitlement issues do no one any good. I'm sorry to hear one CD in your order got mixed up, but that is no reason to be a tosser.
  15. It is very nice to open this thread and see a bunch of positive posts. The Shaolin Wooden Men project is one of the most amazing psychedelic music projects out there. Not quite as brilliant as Rip Van Hippy, but very close. Psy-Harmonics have always been a step ahead of the game and consistently release amazing music that tweaks with perception and the brain. This album by Shaolin Wooden Men should really be in the homes and collections of everyone. It is truly remarkable and very powerful. I have bought this album more than once and will happily buy it more times if needed. It is a gem and it's good to see that others appreciate it as well.
  16. Good Morning! Guess what?! It's Wednesday and I DIDN'T NEED TO GO INTO WORK TODAY! Hells yeah! So, since I have the day off and my Friday morning broadcasts are a thing of the past, I feel that today would be a good day to get some tunes together, maybe touch into some current events, and say Hello. So join me as we venture through the sounds of time and the winds of change. FABULOUS! Radio 1000 -> 1300 (PDT) http://goaconstrictor.com/radio To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners Podcasting is now active - Fridays are now over! Over the summer I announced that I was leaving my old broadcasting home and was going to step into the world on my own. It took me a little bit of time to get the new website up to date and to get the podcasts active, but now everything is on point and ready to deliver. And that is good because we are now about to hit our final leg of change. We've been taking baby steps but now is the big change of no more Friday shows. They'll still happen from time to time on special days, but it is going to be a rarity. There is no longer a set day and time for the broadcasts. It is up to you to learn about them through our normal means of communication. The best are the F!-List and Twitter. Those will always be notified of upcoming broadcasts, but if you miss a show, the podcast is there as a parachute safety device, catching all shows in its path. As for fun events to hit up this weekend, it looks like our good friend Ryan Organ is involved with a killer looking event called Operation Condor at the Mt. Tabor Theater on Friday. Also featuring DJ Additive, Patrick Anthony, and Dan Craig, music starts at 9 and it's 21+ and $3. More info at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=142363 If you're in Seattle on Friday, and into something much more harsh and industrial, Harshfest day 2 is happening and I bet you can find worse ways to spend $18 than on three days of Harsh music. lol. More info at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=142363 On Saturday in Portland at the Holocene is the 6-year anniversary of Atlas. That wonderful night hosted by the beautiful Anjali and The Incredible Kid. If you've been around in Portland for any amount of time, you know about this night and their 6-year celebration should be off the wall. 21+ $5 (FREE before 930!) Whatever it is that you do, do it safely. The sexing is getting disturbed by the pharmaceutical companies and politicians fucking over my goddamn Health Care Reform Act xoxox -A'damn
  17. Good Morning! Wow. We're only 6 days into November and I am already exhausted. Things are moving forward at both a snails pace and as a bolt of lightening. It's been quite heavy on the brain and I am not quite sure how I feel about things. But I do know that in two weeks, I will feel a lot happier about everything and a massive weight will be lifted off of my shoulders. Of course the cycle repeats and I will have more of these boulders placed upon my shoulders throughout my life, but it is always nice to get rid of one here and there. Maybe I can help smash a boulder for you today too. Let me know what I can do to help! FABULOUS! Radio 1000 -> 1300 (PDT) http://goaconstrictor.com/radio To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners Podcasting is now active! The podcast has been up for a couple of weeks now and I highly encourage people to sign up for it. It only takes a moment and it will ensure that you never miss out on any moment of fabulousness. Starting next week, the FABULOUS! Radio broadcasting times will start taking on a life of their own and you might miss something without the podcast. Also, take a moment to sign up for the F!-List too. The F!-List will keep you updated as to when future broadcasts of FABULOUS! Radio will occur and they are also your source to winning excellent music, tickets, fame, fortune, and glory. You can do all of this at http://goaconstrictor.com so head over there now! So tonight, Friday, those Reactionary kids take over the Tiger Bar in Portland for some breakcore and hardcore action. Featuring a live performance from The H8RS and Hedly DJ Carny Jerkwater, if you're into chaos, this is the place to go. 21+ and $5, but if you wear a tiger costume or anything with a tiger on it, you get a discount at the door and you're only $3. So pull out your Frosted Flakes Underoos and get to dancing! More information can be found here: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=142147 Then on Saturday, if you're up in Seattle, there is another installment of HOTWired. I hear that they have a new location and that the music goes until 4am now, so if you're into listening to some progressive psychedelic techno and trance music, this would be the place to be. 21+ and $10, or $5 if you show up before 11. More info at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=141697 Special Note: FABULOUS! Radio will not be broadcasting at its regular times for the next two weeks (Nov 13 & 20). Stay tuned for more info on when the shows will be airing. Teapots often have trouble identifying themselves as teapots. xoxox -A'damn
  18. Good Morning! Tomorrow is that annual time of year known as Halloween. The day that we dress up, eat candy, and cause mischief wherever possible. It's a delightful time of year for all people and I truly hope that your Halloween is most enjoyable. I still haven't sorted out a costume and am not really sure if I will either. It's all rather silly. I should have a costume. I don't know what happened to me. Anyway, tomorrow is a magical day for the sprites, faeries, trolls, and ghosts; let's see if we can conjure them up a day early. FABULOUS! Radio 10 -> 1 (PST) Hd Streaming To be in touch during the show, drop a line: AIM - goafabulous GChat - fabulousradio Email - fabulousradio@gmail.com UStream - Live chatting with other listeners Podcasting is now active! I have finally enabled the podcasting of our new radio program. Right now there are three shows on the podcast download, and one of those is the Ween love and breakup songs show from the summer. The podcasts are in a slightly higher quality than the live show, so if you can't tune in live, or simply want to hear things in a better quality, head over to http://goaconstrictor.com/radio and subscribe to the podcast. Halloween weekend always features a host of events and things to do, and this year is no different. Those nutty psytrance kids are ignoring the weather and throwing an outdoor event in celebration of the holiday. More information on that is at http://nw-psy.com The Reactionary crew is hosting a chiptune event at Vino Vixens featuring our good friends Kid Whatever and The Bad Pioneer 2000. This event is 21+ and costs $2. More info at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=141287 Then 2410 is also hosting a Halloween bash called Thriller. It features Voodeux and Amp and more info is available at: http://www.nwtekno.org/showthread.php?t=140595 Then November starts. Then December. Then it's 2010. It seems like 2009 went by way too fast. Oh well. It has been fun. The teapot shattered upon the floor. xoxox -A'damn
  19. It very much sounds like a Kris Kylven production. He had a lot of them, so it would take a while to track down. But I would strongly encourage looking into his older stuff.
  20. Hello, I may know some of you from the old goa@party.net mailing list days. Others I am sure I don't know. I was strolling through the forums and decided to join up on this board today. Seemed like a nice place to kill some time from time to time. Anyway, I gave my website a full blown makeover last week and perhaps some of you might enjoy some of the new content on it. http://goaconstrictor.com See you around in the reviews section. xoxox -A'damn
  21. Artist: Vishnudata Album: Vishnudata Label: Exogenic Records Artist MySpace Page: myspace.com/vishnudatabase OMG OMG OMG! The leader of the rainbow colored unicorn army is back! And while the unicorns are no longer visible on the album, I can tell that Valo (aka: Vishnudata) has hidden them throughout the tracks on his new album -simply titled ‘Vishnudata’. Vishnudata is the Psychedelic Trance moniker of Valo Lankinen and his first album ‘Dreamforce’ was released by Space Boogie Records back in 2007. Dreamforce has been one of those albums that I have been meaning/wanting/forgetting to review ever since it came out. Life is hard and filled with too much to do and too little time; somehow I just never wrote the review I wanted to. Two years later, Vishnudata is back with an album on Exogenic Records that is a very pleasant compliment to both his first album and his current Electric Arc releases as well. When it comes to progressive and minimal psychedelic tech-trance, Vishnudata is one of the select few who can blend the minimal progressive melodies of Son Kite with enough X-Dream like hook to keep you interested. Vishnudata dances the fine line of that laid back rainbow unicorn chunky groove that would almost be the summation of Midi Miliz/Extrawelt meets Robert Miles. The energy is at once both calming and engaging. It’s like driving a car when stoned and you inadvertently drive 5 mph under the speed limit because you feel that you are driving too fast. Vishnudata’s two albums compliment each other nicely as well. With balances like Too Slow and Silver Falls or Enter the Womb and Relux, the two albums benefit from one another greatly while each still remains an individual and independent thought through piece of work. The electronic music scene in the United States is a weird place. There are the clubs, the illegal underground, the mainstream massives, the hippie spirit fests, the house parties, the after-parties, the ravers, the hipsters, the goths, the hippies, the anarchists, the laptops versus vinyl versus cd versus live, the old school and -of course- the new school too; Valo writes music that has a decent amount of crossover appeal for all of these. It works in the clubs and it still maintains its forest and valley roots and integrity. The sun rises, the air opens up, and music reverberates on a different level. Totoro Temple or Mental Sticks are echoing throughout the valley. Am I Dreaming or Silver Falls bouncing off of the trees while dancers keep the floor jumping up and down, the warmth of the campfire no longer needed. Or a claustrophobic, sweaty, loud cement box club. Noise From Far or Planets in Line pulsing out of the speakers as you make your way back to the dance floor after getting a new drink from the bar. It all works . . . and it is all fantastic. Vishnudata has crafted an album that works on many ravelengths and that is a nice treat. So, while Vishundata may have left the rainbow unicorns off of the artwork of the new album, the spirit is still alive within the core of the music . . . and that’s the important part. xoxox -A’damn
  22. And the great EvsY are back with another rockin’ album of uptempo insane dance music. If memory serves, this is album 4 from this duo and it is as slamming, funky, bouncy, and danceable as the rest of their catalog. I’m currently hanging out in the lovely (lol) Philadelphia airport and have a few hours to kill before my connecting flight. While sitting here, I decided to finally give this album a listen and try to bust out a review. We’ll see if I can manage to do this. I think I need a drink. LoL. If you’re familiar with previous Eraser vs. Yöjalka albums and tracks, you have a good idea of what to expect. If you are not familiar with their previous albums, you should fix that. Also, here is what to expect: quick snappy pacing and tempos, nice nice nice bass lines, melodies that are sometimes super cheesy and stringy, other times more subtle and in the back of the mix, percussion that skips and frolics about, and an overall sense of warming, unusual and complex psychedelia. In a lot of ways, this is the perfect soundtrack for sitting at this airport, in this weird rocking chair, while watching everyone pass by. Everyone is on a mission to go somewhere and a good number of them are walking with a sense of purpose. Most are happy, some are confused, a few seem tired and burnt out. Kind of like this album. It is happy and upbeat, but fast and confusing. It can exhaust you at times, but the exhaustion is a good exhaustion, as it is an exhaustion founded upon travels and journeys and new experiences. While this album feels like a proper Eraser vs. Yöjalka album, it doesn’t feel rehashed or uninspired. This isn’t cookie-cutter GMS psychedelic trance music. This album feels as if it were written with a very specific purpose in mind. That of making you sweat. Preferably in a forest. I kind of wish I was still at **GO4 P4RTY 4** right now, as that would be a great place to be blasting this album. Instead I am simply in this airport. With shitty headphones on. If this album is this massive sounding on these headphones, it will be even more massive on a real sound system. Hells yeahs. So that’s about it. This album rules. It has nicely kept me company while killing many hours at an airport and I can’t wait to listen to it when at a place I am allowed to dance at too. xoxox -A’damn
  23. [here's my review taken from: http://www.goaconstrictor.com/blue-planet-corporation-a-blue-print-for-survival/ ] A new album from Blue Planet Corporation. A new double-album from Blue Planet Corporation. A new freshly remastered double-album from Blue Planet Corporation. A new freshly remastered double-album featuring classics and unreleased material from Blue Planet Corporation. Honestly, I am a bit short on words to describe and praise this monumental release. Blue Planet Corporation has always held a special place in my heart of hearts, and they always will. [editor's note: I am well aware that Blue Planet Corporation is now only Gabriel and that Christophe has not been involved in a long time, but I am still going to refer to BPC in the plural form throughout this review]. Blue Planet Corporation is one of a rare breed of artists who can walk the line of squelchy psychedelic power trance with that of blissful soothing morning progressive trance. The fat well-rounded bass lines. The driving melodies and various tempos. Some songs are quite fast, others are quite slow. The pacing changes and drives. There are stabbing synths. Harsh feedback squelches. There are swirling layers running back and forth, leading you on various journeys down the corridors of tranquility. It’s all here. Music that is simultaneously driving and fast, while being calming and peaceful. How they pull this off is beyond me. Very few artists can strike this balance. Normally it is one or the other, but Blue Planet Corporation have managed to do the unlikely and have blended the worlds perfectly. And they have been doing this since 1993. 1993. Listen to Hemo Static 2 or Telekinetic and tell me that if you heard that in 1993 you wouldn’t have be blown away. Knowing when the music was made gives it even more class, but nothing on here is dated and nothing on here is given a pass simply because it is old. Using age to defend music is not a good defense. The music wins because it is that damn good. Luckily, I have been listening to most of disk one for years, as it is all old released material. I’ve been able to enjoy these energies and these worlds, but many of you haven’t. And the newly remastered versions are bloody wonderful to listen to as well. Then there is disk 2. Chock-full of unreleased material by Blue Planet Corporation, and the 1997 Flying Rhino ‘Cyclothymic’ 12″ too. Wow. It’s hard to believe that this much excellent music never got released back when it was written. It is all so good and still as timeless as ever. Damn. This album really is very good and my lacking ability to describe it is starting to frustrate me. How do I convey the energy and sounds within this massive double-album? How do I remind you that simply because most of it is 15 years old, doesn’t mean it sounds dated? How do I express that you should BUY this album and support this concept and this music? It’s hard to do. I’d say check out the Blue Planet Corporation MySpace page for some sample tracks, but MySpace can be a pain in the ass. I guess I can just reaffirm, again and again, that this is worth picking up. If you’re familiar with anything BPC has done, rest assured that all the new unreleased stuff on here is just as stellar and high quality as the released stuff that you know and love. And if you own the previously released 12″s as well, this is still worth picking up for the nice remastered sound and for the ease of having the music on one convenient digital format. I suppose if I had to find one fault, problem, complaint, it would be that I kind of wish that this was also released in a nice DJ friendly 10-vinyl edition. An all nice and remastered, thick gatefold record pressing would be totally sweet. Blue Planet Corporation has always ranked up there with the likes of Slinky Wizard, Process, Prana, Green Nuns of the Revolution, and Juno Reactor. There was always something unique about these artists that most others have never captured. None of these artists really exist anymore and that is sad. But we do have this new BPC release now and hopefully DAT Records will continue to pull items out of those DAT bags for a longtime to come. And maybe this release will motivate Gabriel to make some new trance music and put the chill-out music on hold for a bit. We need some new energy from the Blue Planet world. I think it is time. xoxox -A’damn
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